Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
some may think the obvious, but really, it does have a deeper meaning :)


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
So TNG is dating Discovery but appreciates the ass on The Orville?


Well Known GateFan
years ago here, i mentioned this movie from when I was a kid. don't remember what the bigger conversation was about. The stupid thing came up on my YT suggestions!

you, the cursed Chinese (played by white dudes with heavy eyebrows).. tunneling with LAYZERS under the ocean floor to place hydrogen bombs under major US cities

and they drove in VW Things!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IDYCQaU5Nw


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Unique film.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Somebody better warn @Overmind One that the forum has been taken over by Discovery zealots.
well @Overmind One I told you so... until and unless it becomes legal-- NOT just decriminalized, these types of things will only continue to happen

Cali Sheriff legally robs marijuana cash movements

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GKg1UucxNc&t=508s

It is 100% legal in California. But the Feds still make it a federal crime. The part I don;t get is the sheriff taking the armored cars that transport the money. The state is already getting tax money.


Well Known GateFan
It is 100% legal in California. But the Feds still make it a federal crime. The part I don;t get is the sheriff taking the armored cars that transport the money. The state is already getting tax money.

A federal judge says the seizures are legal and nothing the state can do about it

any law enforcement can- i guess "self deputize" to enforce federal laws, when and if they choose

and when it comes to money.. well!!!!

its an 80/20 split with the sheriff dept keeping the 80 and the feds getting 20

in theory, i guess local le could go into any bank there and seize all assets deposited by any "legal" MJ operation as well using the same standing

look, as i always say, govt will ALWAYS find a way to interdict, seize and make illegal anything they cannot already control
another ex: Biden just ordered a "Study" on regulating Crypto /// also look at vaping! was totally fine indoors "its just water vapor!" Nope they nixed that too



Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Well thank god for nixing indoor vaping, if that is indeed the case. I hate people vaping indoors. I hate it when people's vape clouds get to me outside as well. Damn vapers.


Well Known GateFan
Well thank god for nixing indoor vaping, if that is indeed the case. I hate people vaping indoors. I hate it when people's vape clouds get to me outside as well. Damn vapers.
i know its that way in PA and NY states, PROBABLY everywhere else too

while I agree with that specific thing vaping,, the great issue of "them" always finding a way to control what they have no control over IS the issue

but to say more is what we don't talk about here, and why I have a FB group on the topic :)


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IIRC OM1 is a vaper. And as far as I know vaping is more similar to what comes out of a sinus vapor kettle than anything else.


Well Known GateFan
Well thank god for nixing indoor vaping, if that is indeed the case. I hate people vaping indoors. I hate it when people's vape clouds get to me outside as well. Damn vapers.
IIRC OM1 is a vaper. And as far as I know vaping is more similar to what comes out of a sinus vapor kettle than anything else.
In August 2016, a World Health Organization (WHO) report recommended that e-cigarettes be banned in indoor areas or where smoking is prohibited.[12] This is because of their potential for non-users to be exposed to chemicals and e-cigarette aerosol in indoor areas.[13] Many local and state jurisdictions have recently begun enacting laws that prohibit e-cigarette usage everywhere that smoking is banned, although some state laws with comprehensive smoke-free laws will still allow for vaping to be permitted in bars and restaurants while prohibiting e-cigarettes in other indoor places.[14] The only states that do not regulate indoor vaping at all, be it by state territory or on a local level, are in the states of Nebraska, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Tennessee.
View: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vaping_bans_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The%20only%20states%20that%20do,%2C%20Rhode%20Island%2C%20and%20Tennessee

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Ugh... vaping in restaurants. How rude! Hmmm... all these people here are enjoying their food. Let me ruin their experience with my all-enveloping bubble-gum scented vapor clouds.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
You know, it can be a pain trying to find the right section to post a new thread around here. Why do we have to be pigeon-holed into selecting a particular streaming platform in order to be able to post about a particular TV show? In my opinion, it just brings an additional barrier. In order to encourage posting, it should be made as simple as possible. There are plenty of shows also which start on one platform but then move to a different platform. Does that mean that those threads will get moved around as well? I doubt it. Then, looking at it from a visitor's perspective, if I want to see what shows are being discussed, does it make sense to have to select a particular platform? I don't believe it does. And then one would have to go through each streaming platform to see which shows are related to that.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
I just heard William Hurt passed away. May he rest in peace.


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