It has a name: Star Trek: Into Darkness.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually they have knives, blades and energy weapons just like in TOS, TNG and so forth. That was confirmed earlier. And the outfits don't look gladiator to me at all but more like a blending of the TNG and TOS outfits (the cowls and heavy overcoats were similar when seen in TNG). The ship I only have seen one still image of, and it looks like a smaller Bird of Prey (probably some type of assault craft).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
What the hell? Mucking up the timeline after Kirk's birth wouldn't mutate an entire race of aliens or completely alter their culture like that. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


--- merged: May 3, 2013 at 3:45 PM ---
Actually they have knives, blades and energy weapons just like in TOS, TNG and so forth. That was confirmed earlier. And the outfits don't look gladiator to me at all but more like a blending of the TNG and TOS outfits (the cowls and heavy overcoats were similar when seen in TNG). The ship I only have seen one still image of, and it looks like a smaller Bird of Prey (probably some type of assault craft).

Really Joelist? CMON! They look like rejects from 300! :anim_59:


What ship is this?
Staff member
It's almost funny. You're getting all upset over minor visual elements. The Klingons are still very recognizably Klingons. I really didn't expect a carbon copy visually of the Klingons from TNG or such - I mean the look of the Klingon's changed from ST:TMP to TNG, and even during TNG it changed as well as in DS9 and Voyager. The look now is easily recognizable and seems based on the movie look, and they definitely come across as warriors.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's almost funny. You're getting all upset over minor visual elements. The Klingons are still very recognizably Klingons. I really didn't expect a carbon copy visually of the Klingons from TNG or such - I mean the look of the Klingon's changed from ST:TMP to TNG, and even during TNG it changed as well as in DS9 and Voyager. The look now is easily recognizable and seems based on the movie look, and they definitely come across as warriors.

I find the bolded funny...

Seriously? The Hirogen also look like warriors. Already, JJ has ruined the Klingons because the very first Klingons that earth people saw looked like HUMANS not the ridged Klingons. He went further and dressed them in those stupid uniforms and added the dumb helmets. Klingons do NOT wear helmets! No Klingons in any Trek before this next one have ever worn helmets. This is anything but minor....


Well Known GateFan
It's almost funny. You're getting all upset over minor visual elements. The Klingons are still very recognizably Klingons. I really didn't expect a carbon copy visually of the Klingons from TNG or such - I mean the look of the Klingon's changed from ST:TMP to TNG, and even during TNG it changed as well as in DS9 and Voyager. The look now is easily recognizable and seems based on the movie look, and they definitely come across as warriors.

It's only a minor visual element.............


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually Humans did see ridged Klingons before then - remember Enterprise? And in their Season 4 episode where they had the virus they said it would cause some (not all) Klingons to lose their ridges for a time. Nothing in that still clip indicates that Klingons act any different or any such thing - they are still Klingons as far as we know at this point (not having seen the film).

Of more interest will be how they act? Are they like TOS Klingons or do they have the strong sense of honor of the TNG Klingons? TOS Klingons were pretty treacherous.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually Humans did see ridged Klingons before then - remember Enterprise? And in their Season 4 episode where they had the virus they said it would cause some (not all) Klingons to lose their ridges for a time. Nothing in that still clip indicates that Klingons act any different or any such thing - they are still Klingons as far as we know at this point (not having seen the film).

Of more interest will be how they act? Are they like TOS Klingons or do they have the strong sense of honor of the TNG Klingons? TOS Klingons were pretty treacherous.

Those uniforms and the helmets are already enough to ruin the Klingons. They managed to get away with the Romulans because they were from the future (even for the TNG universe), and they could easily have become the tatted down versions we saw. But this time they are in the timeline way before that. Klingons do not wear helmets, period. I guess low continuity standards are okay with you. :disturbed:
--- merged: May 3, 2013 at 5:00 PM ---
Actually Humans did see ridged Klingons before then - remember Enterprise? And in their Season 4 episode where they had the virus they said it would cause some (not all) Klingons to lose their ridges for a time. Nothing in that still clip indicates that Klingons act any different or any such thing - they are still Klingons as far as we know at this point (not having seen the film).

Of more interest will be how they act? Are they like TOS Klingons or do they have the strong sense of honor of the TNG Klingons? TOS Klingons were pretty treacherous.

So were the TNG Klingons. But in the TNG universe, there was an alliance whilst in TOS there was not.
--- merged: May 3, 2013 at 5:04 PM ---

It's only a minor visual element.............

Wait...what is with the shape of the "abs" on that statue? Looks more like erect genitals to me.... :P


Actually Humans did see ridged Klingons before then - remember Enterprise? And in their Season 4 episode where they had the virus they said it would cause some (not all) Klingons to lose their ridges for a time. Nothing in that still clip indicates that Klingons act any different or any such thing - they are still Klingons as far as we know at this point (not having seen the film).

Of more interest will be how they act? Are they like TOS Klingons or do they have the strong sense of honor of the TNG Klingons? TOS Klingons were pretty treacherous.

When "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (TMP) was released in 1979, special effects and make-up techniques had been further developed since the 1960's. Additionally the movie could benefit from a much higher budget than The Original Series (TOS). This is why starship models, sets and props were significantly improved compared to TOS.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

When "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (TMP) was released in 1979, special effects and make-up techniques had been further developed since the 1960's. Additionally the movie could benefit from a much higher budget than The Original Series (TOS). This is why starship models, sets and props were significantly improved compared to TOS.

TOS: "Friday's Child"

Klingon commander
"Star Trek I"

Use the Snipping Tool to get the pics...hotlink alerts are showing on the forum


What ship is this?
Staff member
I'm sensing some potential hard feelings here and TBH disagreeing over something like visuals in a movie isn't worth alienating people I like. So I will simply defer on the debate and await the release of the film itself. Hopefully it is a good film.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm sensing some potential hard feelings here and TBH disagreeing over something like visuals in a movie isn't worth alienating people I like. So I will simply defer on the debate and await the release of the film itself. Hopefully it is a good film.

Why would there be hard feelings over how Abram's Klingons look? :anim_59: I think what you are feeling is isolation because nobody (yet) is agreeing that those creations of his are worthy Klingons. You are perfectly entitled to your opinions. :). Remember, we are a tough to please little group. We want only Gourmet Sci Fi. :eusa_snooty: :P


Well Known GateFan
I'm sensing some potential hard feelings here and TBH disagreeing over something like visuals in a movie isn't worth alienating people I like. So I will simply defer on the debate and await the release of the film itself. Hopefully it is a good film.

I'm reserving judgment until I see the whole movie. I'm actually considering seeing this one at the theater, which is high praise in and of itself since I almost never go to theaters anymore.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm reserving judgment until I see the whole movie. I'm actually considering seeing this one at the theater, which is high praise in and of itself since I almost never go to theaters anymore.

I will most likely do the same. I want to see a full 3D version like I did for Prometheus. Perhaps we should give away a pair of tickets in a contest? :icon_idea: It's easy enough for me to purchase tickets to any theater in the US. Don't know about the UK or Australia but I imagine it can be done easily through a gifting program :)

But about the movie, I am already going in with a chip on my shoulder because of the trailer and these pics of the new Klingons. I still feeling that idiot ache from trying to understand why the first black hole created by the red matter ( which allowed this new timeline of Abrams to begin with), managed to take both Nero and Spock and his ship back in time...but when the second black hole opened it destroyed Nero's ship and nearly the Enterprise too. Why did Vulcan not simply get sucked into the past? My head hurts again...:facepalm:

But I will be seeing this in the theaters for sure. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
The black hole that destroyed Vulcan was spawned deep inside the planet, thus destroying it in the process of sucking all its matter in. That was why Nero drilled down into the planet then shot the stuff down into the opening. Likewise the Narada was destroyed because the red matter had its black hole reaction inside of Nero's ship (after Spock rammed the interior part of the flight deck). The Enterprise was endangered because Kirk got too close to first try to rescue then fire on Nero (should have backed away sooner).

Granted red matter is also known as "plot device", but at least they had it behave relatively consistently.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The black hole that destroyed Vulcan was spawned deep inside the planet, thus destroying it in the process of sucking all its matter in. That was why Nero drilled down into the planet then shot the stuff down into the opening. Likewise the Narada was destroyed because the red matter had its black hole reaction inside of Nero's ship (after Spock rammed the interior part of the flight deck). The Enterprise was endangered because Kirk got too close to first try to rescue then fire on Nero (should have backed away sooner).

Granted red matter is also known as "plot device", but at least they had it behave relatively consistently.

Okay, like I said, if you have no intellectual issue with what went on with the black holes and the fact that about a billion times more red matter reacted in Nero's ship than it took to destroy Vulcan...that is your choice. :) To me it got a pass because it was understandably going to be a reboot of Trek and with that they did a clever job. Now that the reset button has been set, we have to look at where it reset to and who the players are. We have our original character set of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chekhov and Sulu. We have seen Romulans and Vulcans and an Orion female (the green girl). All of these species were in TOS and basically looked as expected except that the Romulans were all tattooed and more violent. Then again they were Romulans of the future beyond TNG.

You have to get the Vulcans and the Klingons right in Trek. You have to get the ship right. I will try to reserve any final judgements until I see the movie. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Okay, like I said, if you have no intellectual issue with what went on with the black holes and the fact that about a billion times more red matter reacted in Nero's ship than it took to destroy Vulcan...that is your choice. :) To me it got a pass because it was understandably going to be a reboot of Trek and with that they did a clever job. Now that the reset button has been set, we have to look at where it reset to and who the players are. We have our original character set of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chekhov and Sulu. We have seen Romulans and Vulcans and an Orion female (the green girl). All of these species were in TOS and basically looked as expected except that the Romulans were all tattooed and more violent. Then again they were Romulans of the future beyond TNG.

You have to get the Vulcans and the Klingons right in Trek. You have to get the ship right. I will try to reserve any final judgements until I see the movie. :)


I was just stating that it was used consistently within the story not that it made any sense from a viewpoint of "science". That was why I said it was also known as a plot device. Actually I would have liked to known more about the stuff - exactly what is it and how does it create singularities, how can Spock's ship transport it around without the same effect, how is it "detonated" and so on. For all we know the amount used makes no difference with regards to the size and power of the black hole created. It would be nice to have it stated.

But at least it behaves consistently within the story. We've seen enough "sci-fi" where the characters behavior changes from installment to installment and things behave inconsistently too.

I think we are doing the same thing - on balance ST 09 got far more right than it got wrong. When I think of it next to dreck like ST: Nemesis where they largely got the visuals okay but the plot was wretched and the characters were all wrong and the mood and tone were wrong I'll take Abrams any day.