Okay, like I said, if you have no intellectual issue with what went on with the black holes and the fact that about a billion times more red matter reacted in Nero's ship than it took to destroy Vulcan...that is your choice.
To me it got a pass because it was understandably going to be a reboot of Trek and with that they did a clever job. Now that the reset button has been set, we have to look at where it reset to and who the players are. We have our original character set of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chekhov and Sulu. We have seen Romulans and Vulcans and an Orion female (the green girl). All of these species were in TOS and basically looked as expected except that the Romulans were all tattooed and more violent. Then again they were Romulans of the future beyond TNG.
You have to get the Vulcans and the Klingons right in Trek. You have to get the ship right. I will try to reserve any final judgements until I see the movie.