It has a name: Star Trek: Into Darkness.


Well Known GateFan
Because it is supposed to be :)....

Ah fair enough, my mistake and honestly I've never actually seen an Excelsior and Constitution class compared side by side would you believe it? My only reference was (in memory) Star Trek 3 Search for Spock, and it must be my eyes because the Excelsior only looks like twice as big, or could be the screen caption I did. Either way my mistake :).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
IIRC Paragon, the Excelsior class was the first generation of the true "long term" explorer class vessels.

Roddenberry compared the size of the original Enterprise to an aircraft carrier of that era (the late 1960s).
--- merged: May 6, 2013 at 3:58 PM ---
Ah fair enough, my mistake and honestly I've never actually seen an Excelsior and Constitution class compared side by side would you believe it? My only reference was (in memory) Star Trek 3 Search for Spock, and it must be my eyes because the Excelsior only looks like twice as big, or could be the screen caption I did. Either way my mistake :).

I used to have a complete floor plan of the NCC-1701 ehich showed every deck, every corridor and measurements for the ship. A less detailed version is in The Making of Star Trek which was collaborated on with Roddenberry himself.



Well Known GateFan
Costitution class length: 289 meters.

Excelsior class length: 511 meters.


Well Known GateFan
Me being very silly this time, but again I have to ask the question why is there an Excelsior class vessel (even if it just in looks). Constitution was built in 2240 (2250 When Pike took command of the Enterprise, which is where this timeline goes off from), Excelsior in 2280. That is a thirty year gap in technology. I know I am basing this off the original right here, but surely the technological progression of the Federation would be relatively unchanged despite the time line alteration right?

So I guess the Enterprise must always go up against vessels larger than itself right? Again, like when it fought the Narada?
Now then is only if the ship in question is listed as an Excelsior class starship, if it isn't then ignore this! :)


Well Known GateFan
Me being very silly this time, but again I have to ask the question why is there an Excelsior class vessel (even if it just in looks). Constitution was built in 2240 (2250 When Pike took command of the Enterprise, which is where this timeline goes off from), Excelsior in 2280. That is a thirty year gap in technology. I know I am basing this off the original right here, but surely the technological progression of the Federation would be relatively unchanged despite the time line alteration right?

So I guess the Enterprise must always go up against vessels larger than itself right? Again, like when it fought the Narada?
Now then is only if the ship in question is listed as an Excelsior class starship, if it isn't then ignore this! :)

Well, as Joe noted, we don't know *for sure* what it is. it certainly LOOKS like an excelsior class ship, but we are just guessing here. You're right though, unless they got access to the Nerada or the timeship or *something* to RE, there is no reason why they should have anything that would accelerate their tech curve. You can't even go on a "mega stretch" and say that something was left behind by the events of First contact because in JJ-verse, that may never happen.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
We're all overlooking a small detail that seems might become an overused staple in Abrams's star trek. Yet another sub-orbital skydive. It's only the 2nd time but already becoming tiring.

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What ship is this?
Staff member
Iron Man 3 leaves Tony in a good place if this is the last Iron Man film - if not then it is also pretty easy to launch new arcs around him. I would call it a happy ending.


Well Known GateFan
After thinking about this for a long time (5 minutes) I've come up my opinion on the matter of the new Star Trek and potential direction.

The issue is that Star Trek has now become another action movie, an enjoyable movie no doubt for most who have only seen/heard of the initial layer of Star Trek. Granted the TNG movies tried to do this also and failed, hard. It goes into the idea of them simply using a name title, taking the obvious aspects and subverting it into action genre. Frankly the first movie is dumb as a stack of bricks plot wise and in some areas character wise, but I did enjoy the movie since once I wiped away the Star Trek name.

The big issue for myself (can't speak for others here) is that because of this transition into a more action focused piece, this Star Trek has lost all moral fiber. No longer are we seeing debates on ethical or logical dilemmas but instead a more black and white approach.

The other issue and will fully admit this is a nit pick but you can tell what games JJ Abrams has been playing recently. Mass Effect 3 where the council meeting gets blown away, to the Dead Space 3's dive into the debris field while dodging objects and wall running on a turning space ship.


it is like Abrams' trek has no soul like the TOS or even TNG did. there were always some kind of social commentary or moral lesson (silly or not;right or wrong;agree or disagree) in every episode that was "salted" with action and scifi

when kirk kissed uhura it had deep societal meaning--in nutrek,when kirk kisses uhura it is just sex for sex sake

nuTrek and other films and shows sometimes seem as they are only made to "fit" big screen hi-def tv's


Well Known GateFan
So who's gonna go see ST: Into The Darkness?

I'm considering going to see it even though I no longer go to the theater to see movies. This one looks like a good exception to that rule.


Council Member
I personally don't mind watching ST:ITD at the cinema.

I saw Iron Man 3 on VIP seating on a Sunday morning last week and it was really nice. (No kids anywhere! ) so might treat myself again on VIP seating for ST:ITD.

Getting up from bed was a pain on Sunday morning but having the theater to yourself? Worth it.


Well Known GateFan
Interesting this info I found, the coordinates given on the video I posted earlier are the same coords used in the episode Space Seed where Khan was first found (if I am wrong, oh please tell me I am wrong, seriously). I got a feeling they'll give him the code name Khan or something silly like that. But the question is funny in that why is there an Excelsior class vessel (or at least very similarly looking one) in this movie? Considering that in this time the Constitution class vessel is the most advanced, but hey I guess bad guys like having their ships really big right?

no you are correct-those are the exact coordinates from SPACE SEED

wonder who/what are the "72 reasons on board your ship--been here for a very long time"?

cant wait till it hits my ROKU or HBO :encouragement:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

LMAO! Audi still trying to knock Mercedes-Benz off its throne? FAIL! But the video is cool...if they had chosen the S-Class instead of the CLS500, it would have made that Audi look weak. :anim_59: :P

Loved the Spock scene with the window....LOL! :joy:


Well Known GateFan
So, I was thinking-maybe this Harrison guy and his ship are from the future? An Abrams fav.

coincidentally (?) his "uniform" resembles that of the "time cops" on ENTERPRISE

Just thinking out loud..sure we will all know shortly


Well Known GateFan
So, I was thinking-maybe this Harrison guy and his ship are from the future? An Abrams fav.

coincidentally (?) his "uniform" resembles that of the "time cops" on ENTERPRISE

Just thinking out loud..sure we will all know shortly

Yes it is an Abrams fave, the victory against all odds is getting boring now however. :P