Funny Stuff you find online (nothing NSFW)


Earl Grey


Well Known GateFan
Why is this funny? To me it looks like child molesting. No offense to you, just wondering whether I'm missing the pun.
I was shocked to see it too . Was not sure where to post it . Maybe should have put it under the banter thread ... But I do find myself laughing at these heads of the church for doing such a ridiculous ritual . Morons ,,,Poor kids huh !
Also its a twitter feed . Are you able to read the comments ? One said they should be charged for child abuse and if a parent did this , they would be but not these guys . Strange world we live in .

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
My dad just emailed me this...


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

:icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised: :smiley-laughing021: :happy0007: :pride::anim_39: :anim_03:

Oh my. Just....I can't. This barnacle has been a parasite in his parents' home for 8 years and has no job, paid no rent, and has the scroungiest appearance I have seen on air in a while. And whose fault is that? HIS PARENTS. Go ahead, drag me a little for blaming his parents for this, but they are the ones at fault. Court? PFFFFFT. One day, he would go out to get a giant bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a 2-liter of Coke, and he would come back to a waiting taxi with all of his belongings in the trunk and perhaps a few grand to get started. The locks would already be changed. And I would also casually mention that I had purchased a firearm. I would PLAN that shit in advance.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
:icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised: :smiley-laughing021: :happy0007: :pride::anim_39: :anim_03:

Oh my. Just....I can't. This barnacle has been a parasite in his parents' home for 8 years and has no job, paid no rent, and has the scroungiest appearance I have seen on air in a while. And whose fault is that? HIS PARENTS. Go ahead, drag me a little for blaming his parents for this, but they are the ones at fault. Court? PFFFFFT. One day, he would go out to get a giant bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a 2-liter of Coke, and he would come back to a waiting taxi with all of his belongings in the trunk and perhaps a few grand to get started. The locks would already be changed. And I would also casually mention that I had purchased a firearm. I would PLAN that shit in advance.

I wouldn't give the turd any money. Then again, I wouldn't raise a turd like this guy so that's something of a moot point. Regardless, the parents are equally to blame and are really quite pathetic.

I have to admit the I can't fully wrap my head around this scenario because it's so alien to me. My parents wouldn't have let any of their kids live in their home as an adult without working and paying them rent. It was all about teaching us responsibility. (And my parents didn't wait until we were 18 to teach us it either btw.)

If I had tried to pull the kind of shenanigans that this turd in the story did I would have gotten a couple of boots planted firmly in my ass and been booted out the door in no time flat. People like this guy disgust me.


Earl Grey
I wouldn't give the turd any money. Then again, I wouldn't raise a turd like this guy so that's something of a moot point. Regardless, the parents are equally to blame and are really quite pathetic.

I have to admit the I can't fully wrap my head around this scenario because it's so alien to me. My parents wouldn't have let any of their kids live in their home as an adult without working and paying them rent. It was all about teaching us responsibility. (And my parents didn't wait until we were 18 to teach us it either btw.)

If I had tried to pull the kind of shenanigans that this turd in the story did I would have gotten a couple of boots planted firmly in my ass and been booted out the door in no time flat. People like this guy disgust me.
:icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised::icon_e_surprised: :smiley-laughing021: :happy0007: :pride::anim_39: :anim_03:

Oh my. Just....I can't. This barnacle has been a parasite in his parents' home for 8 years and has no job, paid no rent, and has the scroungiest appearance I have seen on air in a while. And whose fault is that? HIS PARENTS. Go ahead, drag me a little for blaming his parents for this, but they are the ones at fault. Court? PFFFFFT. One day, he would go out to get a giant bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and a 2-liter of Coke, and he would come back to a waiting taxi with all of his belongings in the trunk and perhaps a few grand to get started. The locks would already be changed. And I would also casually mention that I had purchased a firearm. I would PLAN that shit in advance.
Living by yourself can be tough but the fact that he doesn't earn any money and went to court over this is what's extremely sad about it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I wouldn't give the turd any money. Then again, I wouldn't raise a turd like this guy so that's something of a moot point. Regardless, the parents are equally to blame and are really quite pathetic.

I have to admit the I can't fully wrap my head around this scenario because it's so alien to me. My parents wouldn't have let any of their kids live in their home as an adult without working and paying them rent. It was all about teaching us responsibility. (And my parents didn't wait until we were 18 to teach us it either btw.)

If I had tried to pull the kind of shenanigans that this turd in the story did I would have gotten a couple of boots planted firmly in my ass and been booted out the door in no time flat. People like this guy disgust me.

The bolded. :) These parents failed their son by not giving him any idea what responsibility and fairness is. They enabled him for those 8 years, and in the end they did not even have enough spine to toss this lump out of their home or instill any feelings of shame or remorse in him. And he is sooooo pathetic and helpless. They OWE him a few grand to get started (doing what? beats me too). Looking the way he does he will not be employable. And he is not smart enough to write a book or give seminars to other losers. I just can't. Too bad he is too big to leave in a box on a church doorstep.:moody:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Living by yourself can be tough but the fact that he doesn't earn any money and went to court over this is what's extremely sad about it.

I am looking straight at the father in this. Mothers frequently try and facilitate this sort of arrangement with grown children still living at home. If not the mothers, than single parent homes. The father though...something not right there. But this home had both parents and this man is not adopted. So, this means that the mother AND the father are at fault. The whole family is sad and pathetic.