Funny Stuff you find online (nothing NSFW)


Earl Grey


Well Known GateFan
Favourite video so far - goes back to November. I should remind myself if I ever buy an expensive car, to keep the key fob away from the front door.

I can't find the original video, but at least this gives you a better idea what the cops say they are doing.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Favourite video so far - goes back to November. I should remind myself if I ever buy an expensive car, to keep the key fob away from the front door.

Poor Mercedes. :(

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Those hazmat suits make it look like they should be working in a top secret government lab making bio-weapons.
It does hide their identity quite effectively. Perhaps their numberplate doesn't, but they probably thought of that too.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member



Zuckerberg is just flat out CREEEPY. I have always seen him that way. He does act like some sort of robot or an android. He lacks any form of a moral compass, and let's not forget that he is only the CEO of Facebook because he STOLE the idea from the Winklevoss twins. Zuckerberg is a punk. I want to see him bitchslapped.

WORSE, however, are the Facebook sheep who willingly go on there and have coffee over their timelines and read their feeds every day. They are even worse than Apple fanbois.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I think he has aspergers

Really? You might be right about that. But Aspergers would not explain his greed and dishonesty and the way he betrays trust put in him by others. The Winklevoss twins trusted him, and got burned. Then when Zuckerberg took Facebook public, the public trusted him and have been burned. I think Zuckerberg SOLD access to the data. There was no hack involved.


Earl Grey
Zuckerberg is just flat out CREEEPY. I have always seen him that way. He does act like some sort of robot or an android. He lacks any form of a moral compass, and let's not forget that he is only the CEO of Facebook because he STOLE the idea from the Winklevoss twins. Zuckerberg is a punk. I want to see him bitchslapped.

WORSE, however, are the Facebook sheep who willingly go on there and have coffee over their timelines and read their feeds every day. They are even worse than Apple fanbois.

The tech was good and I made good use of it by helping out people, but I hated how creepy it was that it goes through your contact list on your email account. Yeah,that is just creepy.

Anyway, send this to your enemies and people who are down. Box of Kittens as a therapy


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Those are some mighty useless things.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
I just got finished listening to the Barleyjuice song "Tartan is the color of my true love's hair."

Am I the only one who thinks that this is vaguely dirty?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just got finished listening to the Barleyjuice song "Tartan is the color of my true love's hair."

Am I the only one who thinks that this is vaguely dirty?
:daniel_new_anime021: Only adults would get it though...