Funny Stuff you find online (nothing NSFW)

I am looking straight at the father in this. Mothers frequently try and facilitate this sort of arrangement with grown children still living at home. If not the mothers, than single parent homes. The father though...something not right there. But this home had both parents and this man is not adopted. So, this means that the mother AND the father are at fault. The whole family is sad and pathetic.

Yes, a huge amount of women encourage and facilitate their adult sons to remain at home. There are myriad reasons they do so from a sense of security or aversion to loneliness or even just a neurotic emotional codependency. It's creepy and unhealthy but it is fast becoming the norm.

Deadbeat fathers are also to blame in many instances. They share the responsibility for guidance of their children into adulthood as much as the mothers do. Delaying a child's adulthood is never healthy. Letting them live in your house and play video games all day instead of getting a job is tantamount to child abuse. It's a parent's job to help their child develop a work ethic, otherwise how will that child survive later in life?


Earl Grey


Earl Grey
OMFG I have not laughed so hard in a long time! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

You would hate to be them though. The paparazzi perverts constantly wanting to take photos of you as if one wasn't enough they need to take millions of them. Not only that but your liberty is now been given away.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Is there an Kindle/Android app for this site that works? Facebook had an Kindle/Android app, but it is no longer available.