DAMN! I freakin hate vegans.


Well Known GateFan
Well, looks like I have been outvoted on this issue, so I will bow to opinion here. :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Now be good and eat your Tarantula!


Well Known GateFan
I dont really hate vegans, just the uber-militant ones.

I just had the worst lunch meeting I have had in ages. Why? Because the representative (selling cloud services) was a vegan. She took us to this totally crappy vegan restaurant and the "food" they served seemed either tasteless or had an odd taste/texture like eating a bug or the insides of a fish. HORRIBLE. She was wearing these weird earrings which were seeds from some kind of tropical plant, and they looked like dead beetles with the legs pulled off. She smelled faintly of pachouli :facepalm: I have nothing against vegans until they start chastising me for my beloved "animal products". The fossil records show that humans have been eating meat since before Homo Sapiens.

View attachment 27730

I was visibly annoyed, and although my co-worker was polite and ate his food, he was annoyed too (told me via text while we were sitting at the table). I texted him back "this is not gonna fly" and we both laughed aloud. Towards the end of the meeting, she asked if I enjoyed the food and I was honest and said "I am really not into vegan dishes, but the restaurant is nice". She went into a drawn out rant about "animal products" and how she sometimes feels "physically ill" when she sees people eating steaks (which sounds great right about now). WTF? HORRIBLE MEETING. This would have gone much better if the meeting was in our office conference room with just water and soft drinks and a few snacks. She blew it.

Needless to say, her materials never made it to my desk. I dunno, is it fair to decide to use or not to use a vendor or service based on the behavior of the sales representative? I think it is. Thoughts?

Right or wrong, the presentation of self and product are equally important. if a bug infested street bum is selling the best thing you have ever seen,chances are you will not buy

With her attitude, she should not be in sales. She is breaking a classic rule of sales; if you take clients out to eat/drink,it should be of a place of their choosing not yours

I ate so many crappy fast food shyte as a recruiter just because that's where the kid joining the army wanted to go. once i took some kids to a steakhouse and they ordered hamburgers-go figure

Also, with the smells and looks you describe of her, it reminds me of a restaurant trip our section took to an Indian rest in no whereville saudi arabia. After about 3 months in to desert storm, our survey section (we were lucky as surveyors we had an excuse to leave the perimeter on almost a daily basis) was along Tapline Road (ARAMCO HWY). In a small town-all Bedouin, we found the one place with an english sign. upstairs from a camel butcher, there was an indian restaurant, the 6 of us went in, m16's and all and sat on the floor around a cooking brazier. the one and only person there was a over 6ft tall indian with long red hair and a huge beard. he was very happen to see us, he smelled worse then the road kill goat you'd drive by. he literally had 'stuff' manged in his hair and was wearing a dirty "unishirt". We ordered anyhow, our chief said "whats the worse that could happen? we eat here and get food poisoning then get medevac'd to Germany; a win win for me"

The food was good and some how in hell none of us got sick. The huge tray of fried rice and vegies had some kind of "meat" in it though i still dont know what.

big fun

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well, looks like I have been outvoted on this issue, so I will bow to opinion here. :)

Man, my eyes are tired. I had to read that sentence a few times because I read it as, "... so I will BLOW to opinion here" and was scratching my head wondering if it was some fancy Aussie expression.

Between long work days and late workouts these last few days, I haven't slept much. I need to wind my brain down. :(


Well Known GateFan
Man, my eyes are tired. I had to read that sentence a few times because I read it as, "... so I will BLOW to opinion here" and was scratching my head wondering if it was some fancy Aussie expression.

What makes you think it isn't a "fancy Aussie expression"? ;)


Well Known GateFan
Man, my eyes are tired. I had to read that sentence a few times because I read it as, "... so I will BLOW to opinion here" and was scratching my head wondering if it was some fancy Aussie expression.

Between long work days and late workouts these last few days, I haven't slept much. I need to wind my brain down. :(

you clown :P
--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 at 9:53 PM ---
What makes you think it isn't a "fancy Aussie expression"? ;)

We would "blow up" opinion, not "blow" dude :P
Get your mind out of that cesspool of yours sometimes............. :D


Well Known GateFan
you clown :P
--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 at 9:53 PM ---

We would "blow up" opinion, not "blow" dude :P
Get your mind out of that cesspool of yours sometimes............. :D

This from a man who comes from a land where they "blow to opinion"? Ha! :biggrin:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This from a man who comes from a land where they "blow to opinion"? Ha! :biggrin:

--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 at 10:08 PM ---
SHIT! I'm having a hard time catching my breath from laughing so hard! THIS THREAD IS KILLING ME! :icon_rotflmao::icon_rotflmao::icon_rotflmao::icon_rotflmao::icon_rotflmao:


Well Known GateFan
Only if you are:
1: Unable to re-read
2: A product of "No child left behind"


#1. Re-reading requires far too much effort. I'm American after all, I can pay someone (Aussie) to do that for me. ;)

#2. "Tis better to be left behind then never to have left at all!" That's a famous quote from someone famous...and who liked to be quoted...I think. :stung:


My avatar speaks for itself.
"tis better to have been ape'd then to never having been ape'd at all.."


Well Known GateFan
#1. Re-reading requires far too much effort. I'm American after all, I can pay someone (Aussie) to do that for me. ;)
One wonders how America got into it's current state with that logic :P

#2. "Tis better to be left behind then never to have left at all!" That's a famous quote from someone famous...and who liked to be quoted...I think. :stung:

I prefer "you are a load that should have been wiped on the curtains", but each to thier own I guess. :P


Well Known GateFan
One wonders how America got into it's current state with that logic :P


I prefer "you are a load that should have been wiped on the curtains", but each to thier own I guess. :P

Sounds like a line from an Aussie home decorating show. ;)


Council Member & Author
Bet this is your fave:
Australian decorating show?

"Bedrooms in Koala Lumpur"?
(for the record, I despise design shows/reality tv)


Well Known GateFan
Watch alot of em do you?
Bet this is your fave:

Actually no, that dude scares me. My ex was into him and his lame ass show though. That's one of the reasons he's now an ex -- well that and the fact that he once referred to my favorite band, RUSH, as "screaming drug music". :shame: