DAMN! I freakin hate vegans.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Gatefan, think of it as being like a job interview (which this was, really).

At an interview, you are judged before, during and after the thing. Did you show up on time, did you dress appropriately, did you give an appropriate greeting, did you answer questions, ask questions, etc.

And then, you are judged by how the interview ends. Did you keep on topic and avoid personal stuff? A lot of employers don't really want or care to know about your personal bits, and can and do veto an otherwise excellent prospect based on those last few bits of information they receive. If you head out the door with a "Go Niners!" and the hiring manager is a Ravens fan, you may well have just screwed up your potential employment.



A business meeting lasts the entire time you are there with them. You have to adhere to professional conduct that whole time because you are an ambassador of your organization whether the talk is business or not.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I'm forced to agree with Lit. As an employer and business man myself, I can tell you that the entire first meeting is about impressions. You can go off on tangents once you get to know someone fairly well but not on the first interview for a job or representing a company.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Gatefan, think of it as being like a job interview (which this was, really).

At an interview, you are judged before, during and after the thing. Did you show up on time, did you dress appropriately, did you give an appropriate greeting, did you answer questions, ask questions, etc.

And then, you are judged by how the interview ends. Did you keep on topic and avoid personal stuff? A lot of employers don't really want or care to know about your personal bits, and can and do veto an otherwise excellent prospect based on those last few bits of information they receive. If you head out the door with a "Go Niners!" and the hiring manager is a Ravens fan, you may well have just screwed up your potential employment.


Exactly. She didn't blow it until she made the comment about the steaks making her feel "physically ill". Hell, I felt that way after seeing that vomitus they were serving at the restaurant and said nothing. :facepalm:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Exactly. She didn't blow it until she made the comment about the steaks making her feel "physically ill". Hell, I felt that way after seeing that vomitus they were serving at the restaurant and said nothing. :facepalm:

Maybe you should have returned (regurgitated) the food to the kitchen. They could have served it to another patron who has acquired the taste and appreciates it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Maybe you should have returned (regurgitated) the food to the kitchen. They could have served it to another patron who has acquired the taste and appreciates it.

One of the dishes looked like the insides of an eviscerated fish, and the other one was crunchy/squishy at the same time. I recognized nothing on the plate except for the garnish which was a mint sprig.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
One of the dishes looked like the insides of an eviscerated fish, and the other one was crunchy/squishy at the same time. I recognized nothing on the plate except for the garnish which was a mint sprig.

So they spruced up vegan vomit. How nice. Did notice a subtle taste of bile?


Well Known GateFan
Exactly. She didn't blow it until she made the comment about the steaks making her feel "physically ill". Hell, I felt that way after seeing that vomitus they were serving at the restaurant and said nothing. :facepalm:

:icon_rotflmao: Love the casual use of Latin here! :daniel_new_anime021:


Well Known GateFan
Well for the record I am a VEGETARIAN not a Vegan. I don't eat any meat because the smell of it puts me off, plus I grew with a family who doesn't eat meat but I respect people who do. It pisses me off how some people don't know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian they are so ignorant. I do eat animal products like milk, eggs and cheese but I don't eat any seafood or Fish . I have nothing against vegans either its their choice.

Have you seen this Overmind One? You should have taken a photo mate



The Belle of the Ball
LOL- with a vegan it seems to be both political and religious to discuss her "avocation" of a meat-free lifestyle. tell me was she wearing leather shoes or those butt-ugly birknstocks? :P and were the birkenstocks made of leather. vegans HATE it when you point out they are wearing/using leather. :P

lifetime observation: I have found when a conservative has made a personal choice- i.e. to stop smoking or eat vegan - it's simply their choice. when a liberal makes that decision it's something they proselytize about and want everyone to adopt their "lifestyle choice" whether it is anti-guns, pro abortion, vegan, "green", anti smoking , etc...
but back on the topic- regardless of her company "stance/policy" she was unprofessional/rude to go on a rant to someone she was seeking to do business with. you handled it in a professional manner OM1, kudos to you- I hope you bought a burger on your way back to the office!


Council Member & Author
Well for the record I am a VEGETARIAN not a Vegan. I don't eat any meat because the smell of it puts me off, plus I grew with a family who doesn't eat meat but I respect people who do. It pisses me off how some people don't know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian they are so ignorant. I do eat animal products like milk, eggs and cheese but I don't eat any seafood or Fish . I have nothing against vegans either its their choice.

Have you seen this Overmind One? You should have taken a photo mate

I do know the difference, my friend. Vegans take it to the point of the absurd, in my imnsho. And then, when they get downright militant about it, I take it with as much import as I do door-to-door religion. I slam the metaphysical door in their face.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I do know the difference, my friend. Vegans take it to the point of the absurd, in my imnsho. And then, when they get downright militant about it, I take it with as much import as I do door-to-door religion. I slam the metaphysical door in their face.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So they spruced up vegan vomit. How nice. Did notice a subtle taste of bile?

That was in my mouth BEFORE any of the "food" was sampled. ;) I am not sure what the crunchy/squishy dish was, but it looked like chopped roaches in spinach with some other slimy stuff and seasonings sprinkled on. It was gross.
--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 at 1:03 PM ---
I do know the difference, my friend. Vegans take it to the point of the absurd, in my imnsho. And then, when they get downright militant about it, I take it with as much import as I do door-to-door religion. I slam the metaphysical door in their face.

I wanted to really cut loose on her after the steak comment, but I didn't. When the vegans can make a case for humans ever being naturally vegan, I will listen. But the fossil record and what we know about human biology and anthropology, humans are not naturally vegan. Even gorillas which are vegetarian will sometimes eat meat.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
That was in my mouth BEFORE any of the "food" was sampled. ;) I am not sure what the crunchy/squishy dish was, but it looked like chopped roaches in spinach with some other slimy stuff and seasonings sprinkled on. It was gross.
--- merged: Jan 29, 2013 at 1:03 PM ---

I wanted to really cut loose on her after the steak comment, but I didn't. When the vegans can make a case for humans ever being naturally vegan, I will listen. But the fossil record and what we know about human biology and anthropology, humans are not naturally vegan. Even gorillas which are vegetarian will sometimes eat meat.

Meh, I say who cares about fossil records.

Meat make muscle! Me happy!



Well Known GateFan
I wanted to really cut loose on her after the steak comment, but I didn't. When the vegans can make a case for humans ever being naturally vegan, I will listen. But the fossil record and what we know about human biology and anthropology, humans are not naturally vegan. Even gorillas which are vegetarian will sometimes eat meat.

I remember hearing that herbivores have very long intestinal structures whereas carnivores have very short intestinal structures. The length of their intestines is in direct relation to their diets. Obviously this is an evolutionary/genetic thing, i.e. it's in their nature to develop this way. Now, omnivores have medium length intestinal structures which developed for diets comprised of both meat and plants. Humans are omnivores. The math does itself.

Also, if a vegan diet was genetically meant for humans why does it cause nutritional deficiencies? That's a question they have a hard time answering.


Council Member & Author
I remember hearing that herbivores have very long intestinal structures whereas carnivores have very short intestinal structures. The length of their intestines is in direct relation to their diets. Obviously this is an evolutionary/genetic thing, i.e. it's in their nature to develop this way. Now, omnivores have medium length intestinal structures which developed for diets comprised of both meat and plants. Humans are omnivores. The math does itself.

Also, if a vegan diet was genetically meant for humans why does it cause nutritional deficiencies? That's a question they have a hard time answering.
They'll respond that you should take supplements, which, oddly, aren't a normal part of the primate diet.

Humans have canines, which implies at least an omnivorous diet. Hell, just look at some of the footage online of chimpanzees killing animals and eating them (at well as bugs, which some world cultures do eat). We're close enough, genetically, that it heavily implies we're supposed to eat the same diet.

Well, you can't convince me to eat bugs, unless you've heavily disguised them as red food coloring, that is...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
They'll respond that you should take supplements, which, oddly, aren't a normal part of the primate diet.

Humans have canines, which implies at least an omnivorous diet. Hell, just look at some of the footage online of chimpanzees killing animals and eating them (at well as bugs, which some world cultures do eat). We're close enough, genetically, that it heavily implies we're supposed to eat the same diet.

Well, you can't convince me to eat bugs, unless you've heavily disguised them as red food coloring, that is...

Ive done it :) As a dare of course, and I am certain that if prepared properly I would try it again. Many people do not realize that the consistency of cooked insects is much like lobster meat. Its the shape of the insect and/or attached legs which make it difficult to eat IMO. But you are completely right about chimpanzees. They are omnivorous like humans are believed to be.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Like this?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

The dude justifies it with "You know what they say. When in Rome ..."

I'd rather be in Rome eating pasta and good seafood. I'll gladly do as the Romans do.

Dont get me wrong. I could probably eat the critter but not whole like that where I could see it was a full spider. :) So far I have eaten roasted grasshoppers, chocolate covered ants and bees, a live grub (during military training) and perhaps 3 or 4 earthworms (during college to gross girls out). But when cooked the insect "meat" takes on a different consistency.