DAMN! I freakin hate vegans.


Council Member & Author
Australian decorating show?

"Bedrooms in Koala Lumpur"?
(for the record, I despise design shows/reality tv)

Try again my dear :P
(but nice job on the Koala :D)
Koala Lumpy?

I must have forgotten to mention the East Indian feel to the thing. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Actually no, that dude scares me. My ex was into him and his lame ass show though. That's one of the reasons he's now an ex -- well that and the fact that he once referred to my favorite band, RUSH, as "screaming drug music". :shame:

This says much about you dude :P


Well Known GateFan
This says much about you dude :P

Yes, it says I have standards. I shall not tolerate late-middle-aged house decorating fops on my television nor will I stand for anyone badmouthing the greatest group of musicians that have ever lived. :sour:

(Plus my ex wasn't that great in the sack to be honest. That coupled with the fact that he routinely downloaded songs by Fergie and tried to get me to listen to them was pretty much the nail in the coffin. A man can stand only so much before he breaks, ya feelin' me bro?)


Well Known GateFan
Yes, it says I have standards. I shall not tolerate late-middle-aged house decorating fops on my television nor will I stand for anyone badmouthing the greatest group of musicians that have ever lived. :sour:

(Plus my ex wasn't that great in the sack to be honest. That coupled with the fact that he routinely downloaded songs by Fergie and tried to get me to listen to them was pretty much the nail in the coffin. A man can stand only so much before he breaks, ya feelin' me bro?)

Isn't Rush something you snorted?? :P