DAMN! I freakin hate vegans.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Late night is my danger time because I can't sleep when I'm hungry. It makes binging on junk food easy to do. :(

Every few months, I'll do the McD's midnight run craving a Big Mac & fries and I regret it every single time. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I've heard people say they get nauseous by the smell of meat cooking, which I totally don't understand. To me it's primal. Humans developed as omnivores and eating heme-iron rich muscle fibers just seems natural to me.

And you are 100% correct.


What ship is this?
Staff member
You should probably contact the vendor and mention the highly unprofessional behavior of their representative as a reason why you decided not to pursue their services. They may not be aware of it.


Well Known GateFan
You should probably contact the vendor and mention the highly unprofessional behavior of their representative as a reason why you decided not to pursue their services. They may not be aware of it.

Nope, thats taking it too far, by a longshot.


Objects may be closer than they appear
Sales is an art form really. It's all about building long term relationships with your clients (assuming you want to make real money). Going out of one's way to make the prospective customer feel uncomfortable is just... :facepalm:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You should probably contact the vendor and mention the highly unprofessional behavior of their representative as a reason why you decided not to pursue their services. They may not be aware of it.

Nope, thats taking it too far, by a longshot.

I would not do that. But I guarantee you they are aware of it. Their whole marketing angle is green. I could print their link here but I do not want them to come across a link. They are called GreenIT (look it up). They are attempting to attach the trend of green services to IT which is a novel approach, but not really complimentary. It would be like the NRA marketing "green" grenade launchers. The representative was just following the marketing angle of the company and she was probably hired BECAUSE she is a vegan. IT services do not benefit from being "green" or not.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Nope, thats taking it too far, by a longshot.

Not necessarily - I would want to know if my company's representatives are behaving unprofessionally.
--- merged: Jan 27, 2013 at 8:29 PM ---
I would not do that. But I guarantee you they are aware of it. Their whole marketing angle is green. I could print their link here but I do not want them to come across a link. They are called GreenIT (look it up). They are attempting to attach the trend of green services to IT which is a novel approach, but not really complimentary. It would be like the NRA marketing "green" grenade launchers. The representative was just following the marketing angle of the company and she was probably hired BECAUSE she is a vegan. IT services do not benefit from being "green" or not.

Oh....those guys...

They approached us and we let them respond to an RFP - the responses told us everything we needed to know and they were DTQed.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Not necessarily - I would want to know if my company's representatives are behaving unprofessionally.
--- merged: Jan 27, 2013 at 8:29 PM ---

Oh....those guys...

They approached us and we let them respond to an RFP - the responses told us everything we needed to know and they were DTQed.

:smiley-laughing024::rotflmao::):lol: They are approaching everybody, they are new. :) They really think their green approach is going to distinguish them from others? I was asked if our interior cabling was "sustainable". :eek-new:. Um, I dont know but I dont care either. No doubt they will be approaching you again. They are making all the IT seminar circuits and will most likely be at INTEROP this year (are you going?).

You mean to tell me you missed out on a delicious vegan experience with the beetle earring wearing rep? :icon_rotflmao:


Well Known GateFan
Sales is an art form really. It's all about building long term relationships with your clients (assuming you want to make real money). Going out of one's way to make the prospective customer feel uncomfortable is just... :facepalm:

Ain't that da truth, mister. Why, I always go out of my way to learn a little about the johns I meet, ya know, to make them feel more relaxed and comfortable. Just a little chit chat will usually put them at ease, ya know, like asking how long they been outta prison or if they speak Spanglish. Hell, I even got one of the maids at a motel where I woke up after a 3-day blackout to teach me how to say a dollar amount in Indonesian. It comes in handy for when I'm working the bus station bathrooms down on 7th and Michigan.

It's all about being a people person, and that's me, I'm a people person...unless they try to cut me with a carpet knife, then all bets are off!


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Ain't that da truth, mister. Why, I always go out of my way to learn a little about the johns I meet, ya know, to make them feel more relaxed and comfortable. Just a little chit chat will usually put them at ease, ya know, like asking how long they been outta prison or if they speak Spanglish. Hell, I even got one of the maids at a motel where I woke up after a 3-day blackout to teach me how to say a dollar amount in Indonesian. It comes in handy for when I'm working the bus station bathrooms down on 7th and Michigan.

It's all about being a people person, and that's me, I'm a people person...unless they try to cut me with a carpet knife, then all bets are off!




When one of those militant vegans are ruining a meal for me, I usually cockup a leg and give the vegan approval of a meal with a loud thunderclap fart saying 'go vegan'. They always either shut up or hurry leave, hence peace is restored to the dinning experience for all.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
When one of those militant vegans are ruining a meal for me, I usually cockup a leg and give the vegan approval of a meal with a loud thunderclap fart saying 'go vegan'. They always either shut up or hurry leave, hence peace is restored to the dinning experience for all.



What ship is this?
Staff member
She was not "unprofessional", she chose the wrong aproach, no more.

The unprofessional behavior is described by OM here:

Towards the end of the meeting, she asked if I enjoyed the food and I was honest and said "I am really not into vegan dishes, but the restaurant is nice". She went into a drawn out rant about "animal products" and how she sometimes feels "physically ill" when she sees people eating steaks (which sounds great right about now).

That is highly unprofessional. This is a business meeting - her vegan rant had no place in it whatsoever. Part of professionalism is talking business in business meetings, and if there is "personal" talk it is very low key and respects the other people in the meeting and their opinions. It is one thing for her to not like animal products - that is her choice. It is another for her to rant on it during a business meeting.

I do business meetings fairly frequently (probably more often lately than I would like). I learned to stay on topic and if I hear someone expressing themselves on a non-business issue to keep my responses low key and respectful.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
She was not "unprofessional", she chose the wrong aproach, no more.

I agree with Joelist on the part of her ranting about meat eaters making her feel "physically ill". I could have been a lot more candid about what I thought of her vegan lunch fare, but THAT would have been unprofessional, even though I was not the one seeking the business. She chose the approach I think was dictated by the company she works for, but even for that she was a bit overboard. :)


Well Known GateFan
The unprofessional behavior is described by OM here:
Let me re-edit myself

OM said:
Towards the end of the meeting, she asked if I enjoyed the food and I was honest and said "I am really not into vegan dishes, but the restaurant is nice". She went into a drawn out rant about "animal products" and how she sometimes feels "physically ill" when she sees people eating steaks (which sounds great right about now).
So, she did not launch into some "off the cuff maniacal rant about the evils of meat" right out of the gate; she had her meeting, and at the end expressed her views on the subject. Could she have been more AWARE of OM's response, sure, and that was probably silly, but not unprofessional.

That is highly unprofessional. This is a business meeting - her vegan rant had no place in it whatsoever.
It was not, from what I gather, actually "part" of the meeting. She made her pitch, they discussed business and the conversation, like most others drift, especially in the "wrap up" phase. If I am wrong in my assesment, then for sure, OM should correct me and I would agree with you more like than not.

Part of professionalism is talking business in business meetings, and if there is "personal" talk it is very low key and respects the other people in the meeting and their opinions. It is one thing for her to not like animal products - that is her choice. It is another for her to rant on it during a business meeting.
This is all about timing, and understanding. SHE may have felt that by OM and his wingman choking down food that they disliked as a tacit understanding of her feelings, and then gone on her rant to *establish a greater bond* and -that- is something that business encourages. She screwed the pooch by not being able to accurately read the response of OM, and thats damaging, but hardly "destroying", and (OM, feel free to correct me if I am wrong) thats why he has this " moral dillema" at all. If her company could provide what he needed, who cares who or what she will or won't eat? Chances are if she is part of the PR team, he would never deal with her again besides "is everything going ok" convo's.

I do business meetings fairly frequently (probably more often lately than I would like). I learned to stay on topic and if I hear someone expressing themselves on a non-business issue to keep my responses low key and respectful.

Again, timing. OM made it CLEAR that this was not some anti-meat rant in the middle of the meeting, it was at the end. I would fully expect that during the main body of a meeting for all parties to stay "on point", but the beginning and end can and do tend to "wander" a bit due to introductions and "winding down"

Finally, let's also consider *context*. This was not some "annual review", or "progress report", this was a SALES PITCH, and anyone who knows a scrap about sales knows that developing a rapport with your consumer is a must. I won't argue that she failed miserably in that regard; the topic would not exist if she did not, but it would be unprofesional in this instance for OM to throw her product away if it represented the best quality, price and performace of all the options given to him. Fortunately for OM, he has the common sense to see past the failure of the pitch to the actual business of the matter.


Council Member & Author
Gatefan, think of it as being like a job interview (which this was, really).

At an interview, you are judged before, during and after the thing. Did you show up on time, did you dress appropriately, did you give an appropriate greeting, did you answer questions, ask questions, etc.

And then, you are judged by how the interview ends. Did you keep on topic and avoid personal stuff? A lot of employers don't really want or care to know about your personal bits, and can and do veto an otherwise excellent prospect based on those last few bits of information they receive. If you head out the door with a "Go Niners!" and the hiring manager is a Ravens fan, you may well have just screwed up your potential employment.
