Star Trek VOY: General Discussion Thread


Well Known GateFan
I always felt that we never got to see the true Voyager. The first season they made a point of telling us that it was a science ship and had biological components. It was supposed to be a drastically different type of design compared to what we had seen in other ST shows/movies. But, we never did see much of that stuff, just some lip service to it initially and then it was dropped. Also, like all ST ships it tended to get crippled pretty easily (this has always bugged me).

Voyager is NOT a science ship dude :lol:
It was an long term explorer class of ship, essentially a "mini Galaxy" class of ship.


Well Known GateFan
Voyager is NOT a science ship dude :lol:
It was an long term explorer class of ship, essentially a "mini Galaxy" class of ship.

Voyager is NOT a war ship dude. :lol:

It is a "science" ship in that it's purpose is to study shit. Wurd! :icon_mad::sam56::tyrannosaurus::icon_e_surprised::winking0052::anim_59:


Well Known GateFan
Voyager is NOT a war ship dude. :lol:

It is a "science" ship in that it's purpose is to study shit. Wurd! :icon_mad::sam56::tyrannosaurus::icon_e_surprised::winking0052::anim_59:

ALL starfleet Explorer class ships have a science heavy component. Its designation is light explorer.

A wide variety of primary mission types for the new ship – from threat-force point interception and large battle group support to covert intelligence gathering – was pared down to space defensive combat to protect Starfleet and Federation assets, and a continued scientific exploration during patrol intervals (C. Forrester, ASDB Journal, 05Nov2361)


Well Known GateFan
ALL starfleet Explorer class ships have a science heavy component. Its designation is light explorer.

A wide variety of primary mission types for the new ship – from threat-force point interception and large battle group support to covert intelligence gathering – was pared down to space defensive combat to protect Starfleet and Federation assets, and a continued scientific exploration during patrol intervals (C. Forrester, ASDB Journal, 05Nov2361)

The bottom line is that you, yourself, said that Voyager is an "Explorer class ship" yet also stated that it's not a "science" ship. Scroll up dude. So that would make Voyager a SCIENCE ship, unless of course you think that exploration has nothing to do with the sciences. I mean seriously, you're going to argue the difference between exploration and science?

Also, my memory isn't that faulty. I remember when STV first started and it was explained that they weren't a war ship but rather a science vessel that is put into a combat type situation. That was the whole gimmick. Sure they have weapons systems but they aren't a battleship by any means.

Now bow and kiss the ring...


What ship is this?
Staff member

Voyager is an Intrepid class ship with a multi-mission profile (at least according to the Star Trek wiki) it is listed as being intended for longer duration exploration missions.

So Voyager like most Starfleet ships was geared for both war and science. An example of a more purely science vessel would be the Equinox:

And a more purpose built warship:


Well Known GateFan
The bottom line is that you, yourself, said that Voyager is an "Explorer class ship" yet also stated that it's not a "science" ship. Scroll up dude. So that would make Voyager a SCIENCE ship, unless of course you think that exploration has nothing to do with the sciences. I mean seriously, you're going to argue the difference between exploration and science?
Of course I am, Science vessels are classified as *science vessels* such as the Medical Olympic class or the Research Oppenheimer class. Explorers are multi-functional ships capable of long deployments and a variety of missions by virtue of thier design. Does science come under multi-functional, yes.

Also, my memory isn't that faulty. I remember when STV first started and it was explained that they weren't a war ship but rather a science vessel that is put into a combat type situation.
Yeah, they sent a science ship to track down and capture a Marqis ship in the badlands...........:GFbitchplease:
Secondly, NO starfleet vessel is designated as a "warship", The closest designation is Escort.
That was the whole gimmick. Sure they have weapons systems but they aren't a battleship by any means.
They have more phaser arrays on the Voyager than they do on the Galaxy class!!!

Now bow and kiss the ring...



Well Known GateFan
Of course I am, Science vessels are classified as *science vessels* such as the Medical Olympic class or the Research Oppenheimer class. Explorers are multi-functional ships capable of long deployments and a variety of missions by virtue of thier design. Does science come under multi-functional, yes.

I'm talking about how the show was sold. They emphasized that Voyager was a ship used for scientific purposes. If you wish to get in your time machine and prove me wrong I'm all ears.
Yeah, they sent a science ship to track down and capture a Marqis ship in the badlands...........:GFbitchplease:
Secondly, NO starfleet vessel is designated as a "warship", The closest designation is Escort.

#1. I'll have to investigate this further but from what I recall Voyager was redirected from it's task(s) because it was the closest ship in the area for finding the Marquis.

#2. Being a Star Fleet vessel, Voyager by its nature would be more powerful (one assumes) than any Marquis ship as they were/are a terrorist organization virtually on the run. Sending a Star Fleet science vessel isn't a problem as you, yourself have pointed out that like most Star Fleet ships it had weapons.

#3. A science vessel that goes out exploring (remember, you said it was an explorer ship) would of course have weaponry and the ability to defend itself. It was exploring space and therefore, based on all the shit that other Star Fleet ships have endured, could quite possibly find itself in dire straits. In space no one can hear you scream, dude, so it's a no-brainer that Star Fleet would equip its science vessels with weaponry.

They have more phaser arrays on the Voyager than they do on the Galaxy class!!!

See #3 above.


You only have to get down on one knee, like this:


(*And no, I won't be wearing a priest costume no matter how much you beg. If you wish to wear a foppish soccer uniform I won't stop you though. ;))


What ship is this?
Staff member
FYI, in "Caretaker" it was said Voyager was ordered to this mission because it was fast and maneuverable enough to operate in the Badlands. In "Relativity" they established that the operation to find Chakotay was in fact Voyager's first mission.


Well Known GateFan
Well, find Chakotay, get back Tuvok yeah. :)

I have no idea what that line means. For all I know it could be a line from a Talking Heads song. Still, I approve. :beckett_new049:


Well Known GateFan
That's a comfortable sitting position. :daniel_new004:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The Defiant class ships ARE warships and not science or exploratory vessels at all. :) They are classed as "escorts" but are deployed as light warships with heavy armament.
--- merged: Feb 26, 2013 at 11:06 PM ---



Well Known GateFan
The Defiant class ships ARE warships and not science or exploratory vessels at all. :) They are classed as "escorts" but are deployed as light warships with heavy armament.
*Technically* they are Explorer class (Or cruiser at a stretch, same class as the TOS constitution class) The Merced, Bolarus and Defiant class of ships are the only *new* Escort ships in the TNG/DS9/VOY era. They ARE hugely overpowered for thier size however :P


Well Known GateFan
Guess I'll ask here but is the way the Voyager really gets back through the companion of the "Caretaker", deus ex machina style? Or is there going to be a journey? Or bunch of stand-alone episodes with occasional recurring enemies and recurring plot elements with the ending being the caretaker's companion giving them a lift home? This show's missing some oomph, some of the characters too. Paris seems like a sleazier Riker, so far. Then again, I've only seen half of season 1 so far. I like Tuvok though, very Vulcan but close to his captain. Seems more number 1 material. Although I do miss the occasional one-liners, lol: "Number 1, you have the bridge" and "Engage".


Well Known GateFan
Guess I'll ask here but is the way the Voyager really gets back through the companion of the "Caretaker", deus ex machina style? Or is there going to be a journey? Or bunch of stand-alone episodes with occasional recurring enemies and recurring plot elements with the ending being the caretaker's companion giving them a lift home? This show's missing some oomph, some of the characters too. Paris seems like a sleazier Riker, so far. Then again, I've only seen half of season 1 so far. I like Tuvok though, very Vulcan but close to his captain. Seems more number 1 material. Although I do miss the occasional one-liners, lol: "Number 1, you have the bridge" and "Engage".
There is definately a voyage dude, and there is character development. I t does however kick on more in S2. I won't tell you how they get home however :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
There is indeed a voyage. In fact overall Voyager (to me and others) is the best Trek series. And a big reason is the large number of characters that both have depth and a definite arc. Especially women characters - Voyager handles women characters better than not only any other Trek series but than most other Science fiction shows as well.
--- merged: Feb 27, 2013 at 7:58 PM ---
*Technically* they are Explorer class (Or cruiser at a stretch, same class as the TOS constitution class) The Merced, Bolarus and Defiant class of ships are the only *new* Escort ships in the TNG/DS9/VOY era. They ARE hugely overpowered for thier size however :P

I think you are mixing in non-canonical ships here (Bolarus class) . As to the Merced we don't actually know what it was because it is only mentioned in passing in a couple of TNG episodes.

Voyager was Intrepid class, and according to canon trades off some firepower for maneuverability and ability to operate in planetary atmospheres. It is after all rather smaller than a Galaxy or Sovereign class (roughly a third of the size at best).


Well Known GateFan
I think you are mixing in non-canonical ships here (Bolarus class)
As to the Merced we don't actually know what it was because it is only mentioned in passing in a couple of TNG episodes.
I did not recall anyone saying this was restricted to canonical ships. If so, then sure it is non canonical.

Voyager was Intrepid class, and according to canon trades off some firepower for maneuverability and ability to operate in planetary atmospheres.
I can find no Canon reference to this assumption.
It is after all rather smaller than a Galaxy or Sovereign class (roughly a third of the size at best).
Intrepid class: 344.42 mtrs
Galaxy class: 642.5 mtrs
Sovereign class: 700 mtrs (732, but that is non canonical)


What ship is this?
Staff member
It is actually mentioned in the series (episode Caretaker specifically speaks of Voyager filling a need for a smaller ship capable of operating in the badlands and we know from different episodes of VOY and TNG that a Galaxy has both more Phaser banks and more torpedo launchers). I just mentioned the canon thing because some of the ship classes mentioned are non-canonical - not to say they should be disallowed per se just that we should be conscious of it (some of these non-canonical ships have capabilities and dimensions more akin to fantasy ships).

That said, I find all of the dimensions given for these ships in many of the sources to be ludicrous. One has Voyager weighing 700,000 metric tons? If you look at scenes shown with people on the outside of the full or standing close to the ship when landed it is probably about 4-500 feet long. That jibes with a crew complement in the 150 range. For such a ship to weigh 700,000 metric tons (more than 7 Nimitz class CVNs) is insane. What is it made out of - Neutronium? Or saying the Galaxy class is 2300 some feet long? Again that is nuts given the crew size. And most put a Sovereign in the same range - if it is the whole space walk scene from ST: First Contact is off scale a good deal.

But again, it's all make believe :D


Well Known GateFan
It is actually mentioned in the series (episode Caretaker specifically speaks of Voyager filling a need for a smaller ship capable of operating in the badlands
and we know from different episodes of VOY and TNG that a Galaxy has both more Phaser banks and more torpedo launchers).
Intrepid Class: 14 Phaser Arrays, 5 Torpedo Tubes
Galaxy Class: 10 Phaser Arrays (12 visually however), 2 Torpedo Tubes
Intrepid class was *seriously* overgunned for a ship of it's size, but the Galaxy was capable of being retro-fitted with additional Phaser Arrays.
I just mentioned the canon thing because some of the ship classes mentioned are non-canonical - not to say they should be disallowed per se just that we should be conscious of it (some of these non-canonical ships have capabilities and dimensions more akin to fantasy ships).
Cool beans dude :)
That said, I find all of the dimensions given for these ships in many of the sources to be ludicrous. One has Voyager weighing 700,000 metric tons? If you look at scenes shown with people on the outside of the full or standing close to the ship when landed it is probably about 4-500 feet long. That jibes with a crew complement in the 150 range.
Thats actually something brought up in the Spec Features on the DVD's, They got the sizing all wrong in the landed shots in "the 37's" :P
For such a ship to weigh 700,000 metric tons (more than 7 Nimitz class CVNs) is insane. What is it made out of - Neutronium?
Or saying the Galaxy class is 2300 some feet long? Again that is nuts given the crew size. And most put a Sovereign in the same range - if it is the whole space walk scene from ST: First Contact is off scale a good deal.
It's been shown in both TNG and VOY that one person can run either ship if needs be.

But again, it's all make believe :D
Yup, this is just fun geek-wankery :lol: