Star Trek 2009 - The saddest part of this movie ...


Well Known GateFan
Most of the TOS episodes were pretty good given the level of science at the time, except for those aspects required by the budget (beaming) or the demands of a planet a week (FTL travel). TNG (including DS9, VOY, and ENT) was really bad about technobabble, and it was apparent to anyone who knew any science that the writers had zero background in the sciences because valid scientific terms were invariably used in an incorrect manner.
--- merged: Sep 14, 2013 at 10:59 AM ---

J.J. Abrams Trek had supernovas exploding with superluminal velocity and no one asked why.

Honestly, given the choice between thinking about a supernova going superluminal verses wondering how tightly Chris Pine likes his handcuffs to be fastened most people will veer towards the handcuffs. It's human nature and it's why schlock films with no regard for logic become blockbusters.

(Oh -- and he likes his handcuffs fastened very tightly. Don't ask how I know. :winking0052:)
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Well Known GateFan
Honestly, given the choice between thinking about a supernova going superluminal verses wondering how tightly Chris Pine likes his handcuffs to be fastened most people will veer towards the handcuffs. It's human nature and it's why schlock films with no regard for logic become blockbusters.

(Oh -- and he likes his handcuff fastened very tightly. Don't ask how I know. :winking0052:)

There is no amount of rep that will ever suffice to show how much I agree with that observation Ape.


Well Known GateFan
There is no amount of rep that will ever suffice to show how much I agree with that observation Ape.

Your talking about your desire to see Chris Pine chained to a wrought iron bed, oui? :stung: :tongue:


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

"The opening of the new Star Trek video game sees Kirk and Spock playing three-dimensional chess whenthey are called to the bridge. The duo leave, but then Kirk walks back into frame and rearranges the pieces on the board to give him an advantage. This is the James T. Kirk of the rebooted Star Trek - a degenerate cheater, a guy against whom playing games would be absolutely no fun at all."

:facepalm: :facepalm:

That article puts the reboot and the whole Kobayashi Maru into an interesting perspective. In the original timeline, Kirk didn't exactly cheat on the Kobayashi Maru test. He took it three times and, on his third try, changed the conditions of the test. In the reboot, he turned the program, and the entire scene, into a bad joke.

I like the analogy used to explain the test. It's like being given the problem "2+2=?" and not being allowed to give 4 as the answer. So, original Kirk merely changed the conditions so that 4 can be allowed. Is it cheating? Not if the entire test is a cheat and disallowing the answer "4" is a cheat. :icon_lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Wrath of Khan is on Syfylys right now. I love this movie. :)

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