Star Trek 2009 - The saddest part of this movie ...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well Sulu is Japanese and that's cool in itself. ;)

Sulu is the ultimate cool Bridge Navigator. None of the Bridge navigators in any Trek were ever as cool as Sulu. Paris came close, but the shipping thing made his role a lot different. Less swashbuckler than Sulu. He had a sword! The new Sulu (2009) is not cool, even with the sword. He is okay, but no swaggar. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I meant NuSulu. Not the old one. :wink:

Oh! NuSulu is skinny PLUS not that cool. Blah. He and the new Chekhov could be replaced and it would not matter much to me.


Well Known GateFan
Oh! NuSulu is skinny PLUS not that cool. Blah. He and the new Chekhov could be replaced and it would not matter much to me.

I don't mind John Cho as "Sulu" but Anton Yelchin as "Chekhov" is a total miscast. :disillusionment::facepalm:


I don't mind John Cho as "Sulu" but Anton Yelchin as "Chekhov" is a total miscast. :disillusionment::facepalm:
Yes, but I loved that actor(Yelhin) playing Bird on Huff. He was great. He did on nice job as a future psycho on Criminal Minds too.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes, but I loved that actor(Yelhin) playing Bird on Huff. He was great. He did on nice job as a future psycho on Criminal Minds too.

He was great in Huff. :) But he makes a terrible Chekov. The accent is too extreme and he does not look the part IMO. Too young looking.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
He was great in Huff. :) But he makes a terrible Chekov. The accent is too extreme and he does not look the part IMO. Too young looking.

I dunno if he was coached for the accent but he's way off. Russians don't pronounce "V" as "W", it's the other way around because there is no "W" in Russian.


Well Known GateFan
I dunno if he was coached for the accent but he's way off. Russians don't pronounce "V" as "W", it's the other way around because there is no "W" in Russian.

Hard to believe he'd even have that thick of an accent growing up in such a homogenous society with English being the universal language that they use in Starfleet. Not to mention if he's using a universal translator to talk through why does that translate an accent?


What ship is this?
Staff member
He had the accent in TOS and the TOS movies too - remember the whole "nuc-le-ar WESSELS" bit in Star Trek IV?


Well Known GateFan
He had the accent in TOS and the TOS movies too - remember the whole "nuc-le-ar WESSELS" bit in Star Trek IV?

Right but I think the issue we're having with the new actor in the role is how ridiculously over emphasized his pronunciation of those consonants is. It's so obvious it's cringe worthy.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Right but I think the issue we're having with the new actor in the role is how ridiculously over emphasized his pronunciation of those consonants is. It's so obvious it's cringe worthy.

Yep. So, the 2009 Enterprise can understand Klingon, Vulcan and myriad other species, but cant decipher Chekov's accent? :facepalm: Beyond camp is...wilderness and wild animals.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
He had the accent in TOS and the TOS movies too - remember the whole "nuc-le-ar WESSELS" bit in Star Trek IV?

That was Koenig, and his Chekov came from the Cold War era.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I agree Anton Yelchin was miscast as Chekov. I liked john Cho as Sulu though.


Well Known GateFan
I agree Anton Yelchin was miscast as Chekov. I liked john Cho as Sulu though.

I'm always mystified by such obvious casting errors like this. I mean think about it, they did a good job on most of the rest of the cast* but they really dropped the ball on Yelchin/Chekov. How does that happen?

*I like Simon Pegg loads but I'm not sure I'm good with him as Scotty to be honest. I can live with it but so for it's not quite jibing for me (yes, "jibing" is a word, kids). I also didn't quite understand why they paired Scotty up with that weird little creature. If it was for comic effect it was anything but comical; it was just weird. They can save the cutesy cutesy crap for George Lucas movies.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I agree Anton Yelchin was miscast as Chekov. I liked john Cho as Sulu though.

I like him too. :) He would be missed if they re-cast him. He is a great Sulu.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm always mystified by such obvious casting errors like this. I mean think about it, they did a good job on most of the rest of the cast* but they really dropped the ball on Yelchin/Chekov. How does that happen?

*I like Simon Pegg loads but I'm not sure I'm good with him as Scotty to be honest. I can live with it but so for it's not quite jibing for me (yes, "jibing" is a word, kids). I also didn't quite understand why they paired Scotty up with that weird little creature. If it was for comic effect it was anything but comical; it was just weird. They can save the cutesy cutesy crap for George Lucas movies.

My thoughts exactly. It was for comic effect, but I hope not to see that little creature again. :wink-new: Also, we do not need any flashback scenes with earth or backstory at this time. I would be okay with a little angst from Spock from his home planet being destroyed, and even perhaps some more flirty stuff with Uhura. But frankly I wish he would dump her romantically by using some obscure Vulcan excuse. The last thing we need to see is Spock marrying Uhura. Simon Pegg is not a bad choice for Scotty IMO. The original TOS Scotty is the target, and I think they came close enough. :) Dr McCoy is perfect. Just perfect, as is Uhura. Although the new Uhura comes off stronger and sexier and far more sophisticated than Nichols Uhura in TOS. Loving her and Chris Pine as Kirk.