
Well Known GateFan
Ok, well apparently they answered my questions on "time" by not showing it on screen--i tend to agree with JOE on this, something so big as the non-use of the asgard beam and the plot line of an entire episode.

The show was crap.

later- when they are operating on Rush to remove the alien transmitter, we hear in a quick convo with the "stoned" Dr that "we use a bug's venom from another planet as anesthetic--its what saved the lives of everyone on the ship". So in 30 sec's they answered the "why and how" of an entire previous episode. Apparently they once again find the kino that they send to the malfunctioning stargate and they keep trying over and over again trying to get it right on avoiding the killer slugs and curing the water microbes. maybe that explains why they find well worn skulls on the planet? they kept trying so many times that eventually the first to die have decomposed thoroughly? Whatever--but wouldn't the sgc people have said something on all the time gone by when they make stone contact?

The show was crap.

If they were going to try and do an ep with any kind of the complexities that time travel/issues bring about-either solve the issues on camera or don't get into it at all.

The ep when the destiny's engine is sabotaged--james says it was her-another stone to alien contact--but how did the alien in james' body get into the engine compartment? we see it was time consuming and required an outside the hull approach-how did the blue dude do it? and remember, he was in a human's body-so no "special alien powers"

The show was crap.

This isn't a thing against lesbians or any homosexuals-but I wonder how many or if, any lesbians watching got upset when they saw that wheelchair girl wanted to use Wray's body to pop her cherry? she tells rush "its a once in a lifetime chance for me". Ok, the stones only transfer consciousnesses,right? So any physical, sexual sensation felt would have been felt by the body of Wray-the same body that would have been "corrupted" by a successful sexual encounter with Rush-sexual or any physical sensations are first processed by the body through the nervous systems and then encoded into memory-of that bodies brain-not the intangible consciousness.

I know--all been said and done before-the stone thing is lame-or beyond lame. The sex encounters brought on with them are just some middle aged dude getting way over imaginative and vicarious with his ideas.

The show was crap.

So, how many viewers finally said "i'm out" when they got to the sun and single planet system apparently created by an all powerful "god" being(s)? Too much spirituality-like stuff going on with that?

Thousands of people said "I'm out" every week that the show was on. You could/can see a steady decline in the ratings each week. We actually used to do a ratings prediction thread for the show. Participating in the thread was actually more fun than watching the show itself. (God I miss those days, sigh... :neglected:)

Also, the show was crap.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

Thousands of people said "I'm out" every week that the show was on. You could/can see a steady decline in the ratings each week. We actually used to do a ratings prediction thread for the show. Participating in the thread was actually more fun than watching the show itself. (God I miss those days, sigh... :neglected:)

Also, the show was crap.

So....was the show crap or what?



Well Known GateFan
So....was the show crap or what?


It's funny, it doesn't take much to be reminded just how bad that show was. It only took Yongin's post to bring it all back, and his post didn't even scratch the surface of what was wrong with that whole show. From premise to execution it sucked.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's funny, it doesn't take much to be reminded just how bad that show was. It only took Yongin's post to bring it all back, and his post didn't even scratch the surface of what was wrong with that whole show. From premise to execution it sucked.

All the posts from SGUS are still here.....

As soon as they cast Col Ferreria in Primeval New World, the bear got it.


Now, the bones of Primeval New World will comingle with those of Firefly, SGU, V, Sanctuary....:facepalm: :bored:


Well Known GateFan
The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

Thousands of people said "I'm out" every week that the show was on. You could/can see a steady decline in the ratings each week. We actually used to do a ratings prediction thread for the show. Participating in the thread was actually more fun than watching the show itself. (God I miss those days, sigh... :neglected:)

Also, the show was crap.

Yes, indeed-though every once in awhile there are these little (really little) 'nibbles' that could have been more -but I dont think they even realised that they created those 'nibbles' and they were probably accidental

However, the show is with us forever as it is permanently embedded in our digital annals--unlike some crappy 70's or 80's show that, once off the air, could be permanently forgotten and never heard of again....
and easy--or i will reveal your location to THE MAIN GATE MASTER and his army of SGU squees :anim_35:


What ship is this?
Staff member
Oh, GateWorld knows us well.

Most of us "founding members" here who started SGUS are GateWorld refugees fleeing the heavy handed censorship they were practicing (it was common for posts critical of SGU to be deleted without notice, members banned and so on).

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

Thousands of people said "I'm out" every week that the show was on. You could/can see a steady decline in the ratings each week. We actually used to do a ratings prediction thread for the show. Participating in the thread was actually more fun than watching the show itself. (God I miss those days, sigh... :neglected:)

Also, the show was crap.



Well Known GateFan
Oh all of you were just upset because the show didn't have a fancy heroic, orchestral fanfare for the opening sequence with shots of the cast giving thoughtful poses and warrior stances...



Well Known GateFan
IT'S WHAT I DO.......​ that SG1 ep where they are "brainstorming" with Marty. someone suggests a no fanfare intro-just pop up the title and thats it--just like in SGU.

I wonder-did the thought for the SGU opening come from that SG1 ep or was it something "they" already had planned?


Well Known GateFan that SG1 ep where they are "brainstorming" with Marty. someone suggests a no fanfare intro-just pop up the title and thats it--just like in SGU.

I wonder-did the thought for the SGU opening come from that SG1 ep or was it something "they" already had planned?

If you dig through the archives here you will find *plenty* of people correlating 200 to SGU.
Here is a conspiracy theory for ya.
200 aired in S3 of SGA, Rob and Brad left SGA in the hands of Joe and Joe at the end of S3...............



Well Known GateFan
If you dig through the archives here you will find *plenty* of people correlating 200 to SGU.
Here is a conspiracy theory for ya.
200 aired in S3 of SGA, Rob and Brad left SGA in the hands of Joe and Joe at the end of S3...............

And "Joe+Joe= 5?"

But seriously, I have read where Mallozi and a few others et a lot of blame, but I see a hell of a lot of other people as "producers, creative consultants, writers, associate everythings..." it seems as if it were a group cluster-frack.


Well Known GateFan
I dunno, I feel sorry for JM to an extent, he was "given" SGA after they ripped both Weir and Carson out of it for whatever reason and was saddled with having to work Carter into it. JM, no matter what I think of the dude, was responsible for alot of good eps (and yes, some bad ones as well). It's hard to work with a property when the previous people ripped the 2 "hearts" of the show out of it.


Well Known GateFan
I dunno, I feel sorry for JM to an extent, he was "given" SGA after they ripped both Weir and Carson out of it for whatever reason and was saddled with having to work Carter into it. JM, no matter what I think of the dude, was responsible for alot of good eps (and yes, some bad ones as well). It's hard to work with a property when the previous people ripped the 2 "hearts" of the show out of it.

but who was behind the wheel? the writers? producers? network or studio? I just think it is kind of hard to blame just one guy.

Another thing on SGA/SGU--couldn't they just have gone after Destiny with Atlantis and it's "worm hole drive?"

Also, did you find it a bit peculiar in sga when, in the last ep-after working so hard on relationships and diplomacy in Pegasus-that just taking off and flying to earth was bit not "thought through?" Not even so much as a line from Woolsey or any one about it and the people of Pegasus that need their help/leadership.

was this a plothole(?) deliberately put in as a type of 'blackmail'? That is, TPTB left it open as another chit to use in getting another season/movie? Or just more sloppiness and tptb not giving a "f"?


Well Known GateFan
but who was behind the wheel? the writers? producers? network or studio? I just think it is kind of hard to blame just one guy.
Joe and Joe were the EP's at the time, they had the wheel. I do think that they were given a car with the engine redlining and pissing oil everywhere.

Another thing on SGA/SGU--couldn't they just have gone after Destiny with Atlantis and it's "worm hole drive?"
Too far away, not enough power, and who would wanna risk Atlantis on that crew?? :lol:
Also, did you find it a bit peculiar in sga when, in the last ep-after working so hard on relationships and diplomacy in Pegasus-that just taking off and flying to earth was bit not "thought through?" Not even so much as a line from Woolsey or any one about it and the people of Pegasus that need their help/leadership.
JM made it quite clear on several occasions that they were expecting a S6 of SGA, but that probably being the last one.
was this a plothole(?) deliberately put in as a type of 'blackmail'? That is, TPTB left it open as another chit to use in getting another season/movie? Or just more sloppiness and tptb not giving a "f"?

I'm actually willing to put that up to being blindsided. SGA was not confirmed cancelled until Ep 17-18 with all indicators of being continued.


Well Known GateFan
I dunno, I feel sorry for JM to an extent, he was "given" SGA after they ripped both Weir and Carson out of it for whatever reason and was saddled with having to work Carter into it. JM, no matter what I think of the dude, was responsible for alot of good eps (and yes, some bad ones as well). It's hard to work with a property when the previous people ripped the 2 "hearts" of the show out of it.

Hard or not is irrelevant. A truly creative person would have made it work. That was JM's job. He failed. :tealc_new050:



Well Known GateFan
Yes, you got me, I'm in such denial about Stargate and SGU.............


Well Known GateFan
Yes, you got me, I'm in such denial about Stargate and SGU.............

You only seem to be in denial over JM's culpability in ruining the franchise (yes, with a little help). ;)