
What ship is this?
Staff member
Yeah, Brain Storm was made as a sop to the Climate Change goofs and yes it was a pretty dumb episode to boot.

That said, overall SGA wasn't bad. Every show has the occasional cringeworthy installment - even SG-1 did. Of course you can be SGU where most of the installments were cringeworthy too...


Well Known GateFan
sga s5 ep 18 "identity"-ancient commo stones bit

a primer for sgu's main 'sight gag'

was this the only "lead in" from sga to sgu? that is, sga had lead in ties with sg1, many very obvious of course. were the stones the only one for sgu (that is other then main concepts-the SG, ancients,etc)?


What ship is this?
Staff member
I wouldn't even call it a lead in. The device was the same type that Vala and Daniel accidentally discovered the Ori with on SG-1. The stones were rather more powerful and had no reasonable scifi justification for how they worked across the length of the universe.


Well Known GateFan
I wouldn't even call it a lead in. The device was the same type that Vala and Daniel accidentally discovered the Ori with on SG-1. The stones were rather more powerful and had no reasonable scifi justification for how they worked across the length of the universe.

yes of course, but they re-introduced it at the end of sga all the same-to remind the viewer, there was no other reason for the episode (other then to show another remarkable recovery from a gunshot wound in that special tv way)

in sgu, did they also say that the 9th chevron address was found in the atlantis database? can't remember...


Well Known GateFan
I wouldn't even call it a lead in. The device was the same type that Vala and Daniel accidentally discovered the Ori with on SG-1. The stones were rather more powerful and had no reasonable scifi justification for how they worked across the length of the universe.

That plus Daniel and Vala were in a coma at the time, there was no 'cross consciousness' transfer involved in that (unless the bracelets they wore at the time caused that, even so that is a physiological level not mental? Whatever). It is kind of funny how the device gains power throughout the series/shows.

I think personally what they needed to do, was expand on who the ancients/alterans actually were. I remember a while back the writers/producer saying they got bored of ancient stories, yet we knew very little. What system of government did they have? Were they in factions? Independent but collaborative when the need arrives? What about law, civil society? How were the 'advance ancients' treated amongst the regulars? Did the Ancients Empire go through rise and falls over the course of millions of years? Rediscovering lost technologies? This is how little we know of them. All we know is, they existed for bloody millions of years, stagnated technologically and have the military tactics of World War 1 Generals. Yes I am in a grumpy mood today.

Despite my criticism of SGA I can still watch a reasonable deal of the episodes, it just grew tiresome seeing the characters used in such stupid ways.

Edit: Speaking of 'Love Drama' I don't mind romance but I hated that just devolved into love triangle pining for each other one up manship, and that was/became the focus. Which transfered into SGU, and there were 3 love triangles (ahhh a triangle triangle!!!) going on, I mean seriously?


Well Known GateFan
so, i've found that one can watch the first 8 eps of sgu in 5 hours when you FF through all of the schticky inter personal,meaningless drama.I just watch on ship or other planet scenes-it all goes much faster.

with the stones-do the TPTB think that the viewers are entirely stupid? (rhetorical) When they make the 2 or more person swap-they never even bother to offer some lame explanation of how they keep it "boy/girl". That is when Young, Chloe the ditz, and "math boy" all switch-how is it Chloe doesn't end up in Telford's body or Young in the female scientist's. Stupid...

in ep 1-doesn't the Hammond have Asgard tech? If so, why didn't they use the asgard beam to fire on the Ha Taks?
Does the Lucian Alliance not have scientists-they must or how else were they expecting to use the facility? Their scientists should have known that a bombardment would send the planet's core critical. And why is such an important planet not guarded more heavily then just with one rail gun, a .50 cal and a couple of guys with at4's (does the SGC not have stinger missiles? what the hell is up with at4's as anti aircraft weapons anyhow?). One would think they would of had heavier weapons at point or some Jaffa Hataks in orbit-I am sure Teal'c or Bratac could have drummed some up. whatever....

saw where Rush did say that the address for 9th chevron was found in atlantis database with no instructions (so why would the Ancients enter so much stuff in their records in such cryptic ways? did they not trust one another? how did they keep all of the other info needed-i know in SGA ad sg1 they had found similar purposely vague entries as well-so did the ancients just use their computers as a place to file crib notes? that is, they read what they entered in vague fashion then recall the other needed info from their personal memories-some other data storage?

side ?-what was built first Destiny or Atlantis?

on the production--and i know all of this as been hashed out before with the ensuing "sgu sucks--sgu rocks" fan wars, but:
First off-I find it very insulting and a huge play to ignorance of the actual military that the same TPTB who portrayed the military in such a good way and mainly accurate and respectful of mil protocol and customs and courtesies-chose to portray the military-USMC and USAF personnel, in such a base and unprofessional manner. I do not care the situation, most military people-especially those who have rose to the Colonel or Master Sergeant ranks, are not going to act in the petty and aggressive 'hair trigger' manner that they are portrayed as doing. I know latter we will see that Telford is compromised, but the way he is acting to his fellow officers and doing things like "re-arresting" Grier after Young dropped the charges is just plain wrong and stupid. The portray a marine sgt-Spencer- as a adled brained,selfish drug addict with little care for the others and his fellow marines-I am pretty sure no one in the USMC is going to be promoted past LCPL behaving like he is portrayed. In the real military, these people would barely be still in service let alone assigned to a top secret program and a highly classified "Icarus Base". They would more likely be awaiting a bad conduct discharge.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Yes indeed - we had threads upon threads on these topics (many are still here and if the search indexing could be fixed could be found pretty easily). None of these so-called "military personnel" could have passed the psych screening and other competency tests run to be officers in the USMC and USAF, to say nothing of being assigned to THE Top Secret project. And yes the Hammond should have made short work of the Lucian Alliance Hatakhs - at this point a Daedalus class battlecruiser is quite possibly the most powerful ship in the galaxy except for a super rare situation like the ZPM hive.


Well Known GateFan
That plus Daniel and Vala were in a coma at the time, there was no 'cross consciousness' transfer involved in that (unless the bracelets they wore at the time caused that, even so that is a physiological level not mental? Whatever). It is kind of funny how the device gains power throughout the series/shows.

I think personally what they needed to do, was expand on who the ancients/alterans actually were. I remember a while back the writers/producer saying they got bored of ancient stories, yet we knew very little. What system of government did they have? Were they in factions? Independent but collaborative when the need arrives? What about law, civil society? How were the 'advance ancients' treated amongst the regulars? Did the Ancients Empire go through rise and falls over the course of millions of years? Rediscovering lost technologies? This is how little we know of them. All we know is, they existed for bloody millions of years, stagnated technologically and have the military tactics of World War 1 Generals. Yes I am in a grumpy mood today.

Despite my criticism of SGA I can still watch a reasonable deal of the episodes, it just grew tiresome seeing the characters used in such stupid ways.

Edit: Speaking of 'Love Drama' I don't mind romance but I hated that just devolved into love triangle pining for each other one up manship, and that was/became the focus. Which transfered into SGU, and there were 3 love triangles (ahhh a triangle triangle!!!) going on, I mean seriously?
I don't know man, I think a lot of it started going downhill when they started TO explore the ancients and stuff. Before, they had this sort of vibe of being wise and advanced. But as they started to explore them more, they only seem somewhat advanced and way less wise than humans to the point of downright silly people. But maybe you're right, they maybe could have explored other elements as you say that may have retained their original vibe of being an advanced culture of great wisdom. Honestly, I found the Asgard to display more wisdom than the Ancients til they decided to kill em off for no good reason.


Well Known GateFan
I'll give this a go :)

so, i've found that one can watch the first 8 eps of sgu in 5 hours when you FF through all of the schticky inter personal,meaningless drama.I just watch on ship or other planet scenes-it all goes much faster.

with the stones-do the TPTB think that the viewers are entirely stupid? (rhetorical) When they make the 2 or more person swap-they never even bother to offer some lame explanation of how they keep it "boy/girl". That is when Young, Chloe the ditz, and "math boy" all switch-how is it Chloe doesn't end up in Telford's body or Young in the female scientist's. Stupid...
I think that had something to do with the placement of the stones on the plate, that makes sense to me, but I dunno if it was ever said for sure.
in ep 1-doesn't the Hammond have Asgard tech? If so, why didn't they use the asgard beam to fire on the Ha Taks?
The Pheonix/Hammond was essentially on a milk run and was not fully battleworthy. I think they say it was a shakedown cruise for the propulsion systems more than anything else.
Does the Lucian Alliance not have scientists-they must or how else were they expecting to use the facility? Their scientists should have known that a bombardment would send the planet's core critical.
Normally it wouldn't have, but as the gate was active it was drawing on the planets core power so it was apparently unstable. Even with Telford feeding them info, they did not know that Rush was gonna attempt to dial Destiny (which he did after the attack started)

And why is such an important planet not guarded more heavily then just with one rail gun, a .50 cal and a couple of guys with at4's (does the SGC not have stinger missiles? what the hell is up with at4's as anti aircraft weapons anyhow?). One would think they would of had heavier weapons at point or some Jaffa Hataks in orbit-I am sure Teal'c or Bratac could have drummed some up. whatever....
Ok, I got nothing on that one. :P

saw where Rush did say that the address for 9th chevron was found in atlantis database with no instructions (so why would the Ancients enter so much stuff in their records in such cryptic ways? did they not trust one another? how did they keep all of the other info needed-i know in SGA ad sg1 they had found similar purposely vague entries as well-so did the ancients just use their computers as a place to file crib notes? that is, they read what they entered in vague fashion then recall the other needed info from their personal memories-some other data storage?
This sorta ties to your next question on what came first. Quite frankly I don't think many of the Ancients even recalled the Destiny project, but besides that, who knows.

side ?-what was built first Destiny or Atlantis?
Somewhat confusing, but apparently Destiny was lauched from Earth, which would indicate it is older than Atlantis even though the script itself contradicts this (over and over again)

on the production--and i know all of this as been hashed out before with the ensuing "sgu sucks--sgu rocks" fan wars, but:
First off-I find it very insulting and a huge play to ignorance of the actual military that the same TPTB who portrayed the military in such a good way and mainly accurate and respectful of mil protocol and customs and courtesies-chose to portray the military-USMC and USAF personnel, in such a base and unprofessional manner. I do not care the situation, most military people-especially those who have rose to the Colonel or Master Sergeant ranks, are not going to act in the petty and aggressive 'hair trigger' manner that they are portrayed as doing. I know latter we will see that Telford is compromised, but the way he is acting to his fellow officers and doing things like "re-arresting" Grier after Young dropped the charges is just plain wrong and stupid. The portray a marine sgt-Spencer- as a adled brained,selfish drug addict with little care for the others and his fellow marines-I am pretty sure no one in the USMC is going to be promoted past LCPL behaving like he is portrayed. In the real military, these people would barely be still in service let alone assigned to a top secret program and a highly classified "Icarus Base". They would more likely be awaiting a bad conduct discharge.
Can't answer that one at all, but I do know that was a *major* point of contention for the (anti)fans.

Hope that helps :)


Well Known GateFan
SGU freakin' rocked, man! :beckett_new049:


Well Known GateFan
I don't know man, I think a lot of it started going downhill when they started TO explore the ancients and stuff. Before, they had this sort of vibe of being wise and advanced. But as they started to explore them more, they only seem somewhat advanced and way less wise than humans to the point of downright silly people. But maybe you're right, they maybe could have explored other elements as you say that may have retained their original vibe of being an advanced culture of great wisdom. Honestly, I found the Asgard to display more wisdom than the Ancients til they decided to kill em off for no good reason.

I apologize actually because I've been jumping around without much reference to my former posts. Particular my dislike for the Alterans/Ancients (oh ho ho, I see what they did there, alternative terrans, get it?) just being human with occasional Jedi powers. And yes I will agree the Asgard were much better since we got to know them (though in later seasons this evaporated) :).

To help with Youngjin02. The Destiny was built before Atlantis because in the show Rush says the ship predates the ATA gene, and considering they say the gate is a prototype which means the Destiny is roughly 50 million years old since that is the age of the Earth Gate.

When the Hammond was engaging the Lucien Alliance vessel, it was noted in a blog of all places (instead of the actual show) as to why it couldn't use the plasma beams, that the ship was too close to the planet and would make it go boom boom. So why didn't the Hammond just simply move forward? What? Quarter impulse forward too much military strategy?! However the 'milk run' theory is also a possibility though why wouldn't they equip it with the latest arms and armaments anyways, considering how quickly they retro fitted the Daedalus and Apollo with the plasma beams. Anyhoot!

Also begs the question since the Lucien Alliance were landing soldiers (saw a troop transport craft landing) the intention was to secure the base. So why were they bombarding the place with high yield orbital weapons? Completely self defeating. Though I think the planet was gonna go boom boom when the gate was activated, just the stupid bombardment make it go quicker. Congratz Lucien Alliance.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I apologize actually because I've been jumping around without much reference to my former posts. Particular my dislike for the Alterans/Ancients (oh ho ho, I see what they did there, alternative terrans, get it?) just being human with occasional Jedi powers. And yes I will agree the Asgard were much better since we got to know them (though in later seasons this evaporated) :).

To help with Youngjin02. The Destiny was built before Atlantis because in the show Rush says the ship predates the ATA gene, and considering they say the gate is a prototype which means the Destiny is roughly 50 million years old since that is the age of the Earth Gate.

When the Hammond was engaging the Lucien Alliance vessel, it was noted in a blog of all places (instead of the actual show) as to why it couldn't use the plasma beams, that the ship was too close to the planet and would make it go boom boom. So why didn't the Hammond just simply move forward? What? Quarter impulse forward too much military strategy?! However the 'milk run' theory is also a possibility though why wouldn't they equip it with the latest arms and armaments anyways, considering how quickly they retro fitted the Daedalus and Apollo with the plasma beams. Anyhoot!

Also begs the question since the Lucien Alliance were landing soldiers (saw a troop transport craft landing) the intention was to secure the base. So why were they bombarding the place with high yield orbital weapons? Completely self defeating. Though I think the planet was gonna go boom boom when the gate was activated, just the stupid bombardment make it go quicker. Congratz Lucien Alliance.

The fact is that if you have to go to a blog to find out a detail, that detail does not exist. Only what the viewer sees and hears on the show exists.

So, we're back to the Hammond and why it didn't just destroy the Hatakhs with childish ease - like it easily could have. And that WAS established in TV in both SG-1 and SGA.


Well Known GateFan

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
so, i've found that one can watch the first 8 eps of sgu in 5 hours when you FF through all of the schticky inter personal,meaningless drama.

There's stuff in between the schticky interpersonal meaningless drama? Oh, you mean the commercials! Yeah, some of them crack me up.

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Well Known GateFan
the whole pretentiousness of the show, in so many ways, could generate volumes of discussion-and I am sure it has.

I read somewhere that SGU had a big budget and the person asked where that money was going? my guess-it went to a few "big names"- Ming Na (how could she be a perpetual "guest star" when she is in nearly every ep?), Carlyle and one of those canadians or australians who i "hear" is kind popular there -that Kelamis guy.

They continue,from the first ep, to rely on sg1 characters. Is RDA really playing O'Neall? Does not seem so to me, the character just seems to be some forced dramatic treatment who is nearly entirely opposite of the sg1 O'Neall

They also use-like many other shows have-the obvious sex--the sex doesn't even really seem to 'fit', it like they said-ok, in between exploding ship scenarios, will have these two in a sex scene. reminds me a lot of the gratuitous sex scenes we had in 1980's movies. Also, the sfx just seem to be wrong-I dont know how else to say it-like a sfx director just went rogue and got it into the final cut-wrong effects for the wrong scene-just IMO though.

in the ep "time"-WTF? i mean i usually have a high tolerance for "expansive plots" or whatever, but I don't see how this fits into anything-no follow up in the next ep or after. I was under the impression that the "future" the recovered kino showed was only like 24 hrs to the fore of real time. And what is with the human skull? Is this ever explained in another ep?

miss "i am so pretty and everyone wants to f me-love me daddy" chloe armstrong, should have died a while back-like in the first blast from the LA on Icarus. I see no reason for her other then that of air head whore-really. After she is abducted by the 'blue man group' she is conceivably stripped of what she was wearing and put in their neoprene suit they had-same as Rush. In the next ep, we see her wearing the same "a" top and the "catch me, "f" me" yoga pants-huh? I know its trivial, but really, do tptb really think that this kind of continuity lapse was going to go over every ones head? We are sci fi fans not wrestlemania watchers.

On clothing, we see that Young is making the civvies do Phys training. Ok, So where did the running shoes and somewhat uniform appearance running shorts and tees come from? Do not tell me they were in the "expedition supply" boxes so haphazardly snatched up while fleeing Icarus? Why would they have them packed for an expedition anyhow? Every member of the "right people" on Telford's team would have been bringing their own gear/clothes per packing list.

The destiny's weapons seem to be pretty formidable-so why did we not see them in ancient ships/atlantis? Yes they had the drones, but the drones were use and lose weapons, not regenerable energy weapons. Just puuled them out of their ahole I suppose? These weapons make for better "pew-pew" when viewed by teenage boys-keep them watching after the sex scenes are done

And the stones again-is it just me or does anyone else find revolting the thought of having your conscious using another person's body for sex? And,at least for military people, wrong on several accounts-one-using a lower ranking member's body for sexual purposes is fraternizing of the highest order, Wray using the young female airman's body for her lesbian pleasures, also morally and UCMJ wrong (at that time homosexual activity 'banned' by DADT). Do TPTB think that anyone would believe that any person on that ship is so depraved that they would screw their wife using another guys 'equipment'? Just bullshit...

So, I am only watching cause I have time to kill. The emerging daffodils outside and the cardinal's morning songs tell me that soon I can go back to real world 'entertainment and put this schlock away for another season :smiley_joy:


Well Known GateFan
The fact is that if you have to go to a blog to find out a detail, that detail does not exist. Only what the viewer sees and hears on the show exists.

So, we're back to the Hammond and why it didn't just destroy the Hatakhs with childish ease - like it easily could have. And that WAS established in TV in both SG-1 and SGA.

Exactly, its not hard to give a little exposition during the engagement, like a sentence saying "We're too close to the planets atmosphere, we'll ignite it" that was all that was needed. I've never seen anything as established lore if its noted in someones blog or tweet that doesn't exist in the world I've experienced. Like how Emily Wong's death in ME3 was in a tweet, to which I said, nope shes still alive as it didn't happen within the game itself. :)


Well Known GateFan
Ok, well apparently they answered my questions on "time" by not showing it on screen--i tend to agree with JOE on this, something so big as the non-use of the asgard beam and the plot line of an entire episode.

later- when they are operating on Rush to remove the alien transmitter, we hear in a quick convo with the "stoned" Dr that "we use a bug's venom from another planet as anesthetic--its what saved the lives of everyone on the ship". So in 30 sec's they answered the "why and how" of an entire previous episode. Apparently they once again find the kino that they send to the malfunctioning stargate and they keep trying over and over again trying to get it right on avoiding the killer slugs and curing the water microbes. maybe that explains why they find well worn skulls on the planet? they kept trying so many times that eventually the first to die have decomposed thoroughly? Whatever--but wouldn't the sgc people have said something on all the time gone by when they make stone contact?

If they were going to try and do an ep with any kind of the complexities that time travel/issues bring about-either solve the issues on camera or don't get into it at all.

The ep when the destiny's engine is sabotaged--james says it was her-another stone to alien contact--but how did the alien in james' body get into the engine compartment? we see it was time consuming and required an outside the hull approach-how did the blue dude do it? and remember, he was in a human's body-so no "special alien powers"

This isn't a thing against lesbians or any homosexuals-but I wonder how many or if, any lesbians watching got upset when they saw that wheelchair girl wanted to use Wray's body to pop her cherry? she tells rush "its a once in a lifetime chance for me". Ok, the stones only transfer consciousnesses,right? So any physical, sexual sensation felt would have been felt by the body of Wray-the same body that would have been "corrupted" by a successful sexual encounter with Rush-sexual or any physical sensations are first processed by the body through the nervous systems and then encoded into memory-of that bodies brain-not the intangible consciousness.

I know--all been said and done before-the stone thing is lame-or beyond lame. The sex encounters brought on with them are just some middle aged dude getting way over imaginative and vicarious with his ideas.

So, how many viewers finally said "i'm out" when they got to the sun and single planet system apparently created by an all powerful "god" being(s)? Too much spirituality-like stuff going on with that?