Resurrecting the Wooly Mammoth

Like I said, this will lead to bringing back other species but the mammoth is a stepping stone in understanding how we can bring back extinct species. You got to start somewhere and this is a great area to start.

I think cloning of extinct animal species is going to happen like it or not. Russia and/or China will jump off that cliff first (if they already haven't done so). But I don't see it being done on a massive scale. For instance, if they clone Mammoths they will be relegated to a few zoos and nature preserves. I don't see the creatures roaming the earth in massive herds.

And I don't see cloned species being raised to be sport hunting animals. I'm pretty sure public opinion would be against that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Like I said, this will lead to bringing back other species but the mammoth is a stepping stone in understanding how we can bring back extinct species. You got to start somewhere and this is a great area to start.

So, the wooly mammoth over say...the dodo bird or the passenger pigeon? I guess grant money would not be enough....


Earl Grey
So, the wooly mammoth over say...the dodo bird or the passenger pigeon? I guess grant money would not be enough....
The Wooly mammoth is easier with the technology we have to bring back because we are able to find frozen dead corpses around that has been frozen in glaciers. That to me is a good starting point. As far as I know, I don't believe a frozen dodo exists.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The Wooly mammoth is easier with the technology we have to bring back because we are able to find frozen dead corpses around that has been frozen in glaciers. That to me is a good starting point. As far as I know, I don't believe a frozen dodo exists.

Excellent point.


Well Known GateFan
he dodo bird or the passenger pigeon? I guess grant money would not be enough

The mammoth project is purpose driven! Did you watch the entire HBO vice show?

the russian MMCC people want to use the mammoth-along with other cold tolerant, large herbivores already in place-- to graze the tundra and eat especially, to eat the tree saplings

and as i speculate, i am also reasonably confident to say that the MMCC ppl and those ppl involved in the DNA part of the project, have probably already set up direct deposit bank accts to get their share of future mammoth ivory (no kill).

i am betting that mammoth 'wool' is also very useful in other industries as well. clothing being obv, but also stuff like earth friendly insulation

----------------------and don't you know, the MMCC ppl now cant figure out if they like trees or hate them!

projects in Scotland and England are now in full force to commit wide scale clear cutting of forests in order to 'save' peat bogs for carbobn sequestration

so, they can destroy natural products that are useful to man (lumber, firewood, paper) but its ok to try and bring back peat bogs which are of little use to man? so long as they are getting the profits from the timber sales, I guess they are a-ok with it!



Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Did you read my post? The problem is that MOST of these "mammoth" tusks on the market being sold as such, are actually contemporary ivory from poached elephants. Do you really believe that there is that much of an abundance of wolly mammoth tusks? Also, in the same comment above, I mentioned that China and the US and many other nations have banned all ivory. Just sayin! :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The mammoth project is purpose driven! Did you watch the entire HBO vice show?

the russian MMCC people want to use the mammoth-along with other cold tolerant, large herbivores already in place-- to graze the tundra and eat especially, to eat the tree saplings

and as i speculate, i am also reasonably confident to say that the MMCC ppl and those ppl involved in the DNA part of the project, have probably already set up direct deposit bank accts to get their share of future mammoth ivory (no kill).

i am betting that mammoth 'wool' is also very useful in other industries as well. clothing being obv, but also stuff like earth friendly insulation

----------------------and don't you know, the MMCC ppl now cant figure out if they like trees or hate them!

projects in Scotland and England are now in full force to commit wide scale clear cutting of forests in order to 'save' peat bogs for carbobn sequestration

so, they can destroy natural products that are useful to man (lumber, firewood, paper) but its ok to try and bring back peat bogs which are of little use to man? so long as they are getting the profits from the timber sales, I guess they are a-ok with it!


We shall see. If people reject the products coming from these animals, or mount a resistance against confining them or caring for them, this venture will be very costly and pointless. The mammoth WILL end up being a tourist attraction, in order to pay for it's existence.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
that is precisely the goal for the Siberian tundra

These animals went extinct. Natural selection killed them off, Man didn't. Why are we resurrecting them? How long before Neanderthal or Sabre Toothed Tigers?


Well Known GateFan
I mentioned that China and the US and many other nations have banned all ivory. Just sayin! :)

yes, elephant and rhino ivory only

the only states in the US that do not allow mammoth ivory are liberal ones

The problem is that MOST of these "mammoth" tusks on the market being sold as such, are actually contemporary ivory from poached elephants.

it can be easily detected from elephant by testing it forensically.

and, a mammoth tusk is quite a bit larger then a elephants, it is also very curved. the are also very discolored, usually stained black by the permafrost

Do you really believe that there is that much of an abundance of wolly mammoth tusks?

it is not only found in russia, but in alaska and canada as well

siberia alone exports 60 tons a year to china, though more is believed to be sold by siberians hoping to avoid taxes on their sales

alaskan mammoth tusk finds are also very large and gets the same price. it is also legal in canada though it is done by permit (so the govt can cash in too)

the arguments by liberals that mammoth ivory use increases elephant kill is just that; an argument. elephants were being killed long before the mammoth ivory business started and well before the permafrost began to thaw

liberals use this argument of more elephant kill as another way to blame humans for MMCC and its side effects. it is an emotional argument; the type they are so good at


Well Known GateFan
hese animals went extinct. Natural selection killed them off, Man didn't

i said that already, yet, these MMCC people are trying to assign the blame for mammoth extinction to man

yet another emotional argument by them to gain them public support in following the cry "save the planet; restore what man has destroyed" now apparently goes back at least 3,700 yrs (the approx date of the last living mammoths)

it is incredible the depth of their belief in just how naive and incredulous they think everyone is


Well Known GateFan
The mammoth WILL end up being a tourist attraction, in order to pay for it's existence.

i a m sure there will be a tourism piece, however, this tundra restore is in full operation! in the documentary you will see the animals they already have at work

again, the potential future profit from mammoth tusk and possibly harvested wool is enormous! I am also sure that some Russian oligarchs--regardless of their stance on MMCC-- hedging for future profit and portfolio expansion, are knee deep into this as well

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i a m sure there will be a tourism piece, however, this tundra restore is in full operation! in the documentary you will see the animals they already have at work

again, the potential future profit from mammoth tusk and possibly harvested wool is enormous! I am also sure that some Russian oligarchs--regardless of their stance on MMCC-- hedging for future profit and portfolio expansion, are knee deep into this as well

Something else you are missing is the fact that Russia is really not all that great of an economy. More than 20 million Russians live in poverty, and the government-owned elements of the economy suck up lots of resources needed for infrastructure and other things. Developing the tundra has dubious reasons.

All the other stuff you are saying about these mammoths is just talking points. They want to revive an extinct prehistoric elephant so they can exploit it for things. Wool, ivory, tourism, whatever. Social rejection will be high with this one. Sure, the mammoth will initially be seen as a marvel of science and a curiosity with the potential to being in tourists, make the display rounds, spawn scientific studies, etc. But we will still have an enslaved creature whose life will be filled with misery. Nothing anyone says about this project will make me think positively about it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
yes, elephant and rhino ivory only

the only states in the US that do not allow mammoth ivory are liberal ones

it can be easily detected from elephant by testing it forensically.

and, a mammoth tusk is quite a bit larger then a elephants, it is also very curved. the are also very discolored, usually stained black by the permafrost

it is not only found in russia, but in alaska and canada as well

siberia alone exports 60 tons a year to china, though more is believed to be sold by siberians hoping to avoid taxes on their sales

alaskan mammoth tusk finds are also very large and gets the same price. it is also legal in canada though it is done by permit (so the govt can cash in too)

the arguments by liberals that mammoth ivory use increases elephant kill is just that; an argument. elephants were being killed long before the mammoth ivory business started and well before the permafrost began to thaw

liberals use this argument of more elephant kill as another way to blame humans for MMCC and its side effects. it is an emotional argument; the type they are so good at

Your information is way WAY out of date dude! In China, effective in 2018 (passed in 2017), ALL ivory is banned. Show me where mammoth ivory is allowed...I will wait. :) Ivory is also banned in the US. And wooly mammoths ARE elephants. The ALL ivory ban covers all ivory products. I posted the ink about 5 comments back from this one.

How is the resurrection of the wooly mammoth going to benefit you personally? If the answer to that is nothing, then how have they succeeded in making you such a strong advocate of the project, to the point that you will go the extra mile to defend what they are doing? The answer is "propaganda". How about clearing your mind for a moment, and internalize what they are doing. Is there anything inside which tells you this is wrong?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Mammoths ARE elephants! The mammoth, the mastodon, the Asian and African elephants are all elephants.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
yes, elephant and rhino ivory only

the only states in the US that do not allow mammoth ivory are liberal ones

Huh? What is a "liberal state"? According to this article, the US ban on ivory is "near total". Any states still allowing it, or approving of it are backwards to me.

it can be easily detected from elephant by testing it forensically.

and, a mammoth tusk is quite a bit larger then a elephants, it is also very curved. the are also very discolored, usually stained black by the permafrost

Its still ivory, and is restricted under these laws. As it should be.
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Well Known GateFan
hey want to revive an extinct prehistoric elephant so they can exploit it for things. Wool, ivory, tourism, whatever. Social rejection will be high with this one.

absolutely they are.

got to remember as well, china and Russia, in so far as social norms of the west; they are pretty much opposed to everything or rather, the opposite in belief of the things we believe socially acceptable

without going into politics, just consider how opposing Russia has been to American and western actions in the world? Chinese going against western 'wishes' in the south china sea, etc,etc

i dont believe they care one wit what we believe in so long as they can make some money from the west


Well Known GateFan
is restricted under these laws

only in 4 US states, Israel and maybe one or two other nations

the rest of america, canada, europe --the 'advanced western nations' as they are called-all allow the import export of mammoth tusk

some, like canada, require permits for export, but only has about 3 enforcement agents who have no powers of arrest. they are only allowed to 'encourage' ppl they catch without a permit to donate the tusks to science

and..what i have neglected to state.. I don't think it right or wrong..just stating that it is a thing. and quite profitable at that. especially AMONG NATIVE peoples of Siberia and Alaska and Canada. does anyone want to be seen as abridging the right of oppressed native peoples to earn a living?

seems a chinese commissioned study estimates a 50 year supply of mammoth tusk from siberia alone. does not include any from alaska or canada or elsewhere in central asia where they apparently found at higher elevations

the demand is going to exist for with many people, like those who buy stuff like this for status symbol and to show off their wealth. a growing trend in many developing nations.

better they do this then kill living animals like elephants, narwhal, walrus and rhino to get ivory

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
only in 4 US states, Israel and maybe one or two other nations

the rest of america, canada, europe --the 'advanced western nations' as they are called-all allow the import export of mammoth tusk

Please show me proof of that. :) Here is mine:

Say you find an old elephant ivory trinket in your grandmother’s attic that no one wants. How can you legally get rid of it?

According to new rules announced Thursday, there aren’t many options—at least if you were hoping to make a buck off the item.

The regulations, which take effect on July 6, amount to a near-total ban on the commercial trade of African elephant ivory. Current law allows for the sale of ivory and ivory products in limited cases where the seller can prove the ivory is old and was lawfully imported. But the new rules further restrict exports and sales across state lines, as well as limit ivory trophy imports to two per year, per hunter. Ivory trophy imports are currently unlimited.

Trophy imports are unlimited. But hopefully those will be banned too. Normal people have no desire to own elephant ivory, carved or otherwise.