Ratings Predictions Thread for Sanctuary



S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E02 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable

Predictions for upcoming episode: Monsoon (October 28th)

Stonelesscutter: 1,432,000
Graybrew1: 1,399,999
THX1138: 1,600,000
Backstep: 1,296,000


What ship is this?
Staff member
Predictions for upcoming episode: Monsoon (October 28th)

Stonelesscutter: 1,432,000
Graybrew1: 1,399,999
THX1138: 1,600,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Joelist: 1,500,000


Objects may be closer than they appear
Predictions for upcoming episode: Monsoon (October 28th)

Stonelesscutter: 1,432,000
Graybrew1: 1,399,999
THX1138: 1,600,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Joelist: 1,500,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,344,000


S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E02 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable

Predictions for upcoming episode: Monsoon (October 28th)

Stonelesscutter: 1,432,000
Graybrew1: 1,399,999
THX1138: 1,600,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Joelist: 1,500,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,344,000


That really irks you huh, Stone? LOL.
Thanks for the re-post with the complete info.


Objects may be closer than they appear
My bad - I didn't realize I dropped the ratings history. Thanks Stone! ;)


Objects may be closer than they appear


GateFans Noob
The numbers are showing some life, and are steady. I think Sanctuary has a good chance for a 5th season. But with Syfy you never know, lol.


Objects may be closer than they appear
The numbers are showing some life, and are steady. I think Sanctuary has a good chance for a 5th season. But with Syfy you never know, lol.

You are certainly the expert here on that. How long will Alphas last?


The numbers are showing some life, and are steady. I think Sanctuary has a good chance for a 5th season. But with Syfy you never know, lol.

Aaaah. It's colonel Briangate. Good to see you buddy how have you been?
Care to place a prediction on the Sanctuary ratings?


GateFans Noob
Aaaah. It's colonel Briangate. Good to see you buddy how have you been?
Care to place a prediction on the Sanctuary ratings?
Hey bud, good to see ya also. Sure man, I think Sanctuary will hover around 1.5 Million. Depending on the World Series. But won't be watching the WS since the Yankees are not in it, lol. So hopefully there are a lot of NY Sanctuary fans, lol.


Hey bud, good to see ya also. Sure man, I think Sanctuary will hover around 1.5 Million. Depending on the World Series. But won't be watching the WS since the Yankees are not in it, lol. So hopefully there are a lot of NY Sanctuary fans, lol.

That's great, but you gotta be a little more accurate than that. :D We hand out a crystal ball trophy to the closest prediction that comes withing a 5000 views radius of the actual number.


Well Known GateFan
I have not seen Alphas yet, read mixed reviews on it. I think if the ratings stay above 1.5 Million and a 0.5 18 to 49, it should last a couple of more seasons.

I'm a cynical bastard and thought Alphas would tank right away due to being an Xmen/Heroes knock off but it's actually not that bad. They keep the action moving and the production values are pretty good. I was actually a bit shocked by how graphic they were with the violence in some of the early episodes. It wasn't a turn off, just a bit of a shock that a SyFy show was that "real" about blood and violence. There is one episode where Summer Glau wears a really bad wig though, which will make you wince when you watch it. Other than that it's an okay show to watch if you want a good distraction.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I'm a cynical bastard and thought Alphas would tank right away due to being an Xmen/Heroes knock off but it's actually not that bad. They keep the action moving and the production values are pretty good. I was actually a bit shocked by how graphic they were with the violence in some of the early episodes. It wasn't a turn off, just a bit of a shock that a SyFy show was that "real" about blood and violence. There is one episode where Summer Glau wears a really bad wig though, which will make you wince when you watch it. Other than that it's an okay show to watch if you want a good distraction.

You're a cynical bastard? Who knew? :P


S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E02 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable

Predictions for upcoming episode: Monsoon (October 28th)

Stonelesscutter: 1,432,000
Graybrew1: 1,399,999
THX1138: 1,600,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Joelist: 1,500,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,344,000
Briangate78: 1,489,000​
