Ratings Predictions Thread for Sanctuary


GateFans Noob
Ouch, I am surprised it dropped that much.:(
I did not think that many science fiction fans watched baseball. Oh, well, at least the world series only happens once a year. :)

Ah hem. lol. Huge Yankee fan here. :cool:


What ship is this?
Staff member
It's likely the World Serious...


Sinister Swede
Ah hem. lol. Huge Yankee fan here. :cool:

Born and bred Philly fan.

Well since my entire extended family in the US lives in the pacific northwest, it is obligatory for me to be a fan of the Mariners, and true, during the one game I went to they sure kicked Oakland's asses (though from what I gathered, Oakland sucks anyway). But even with all those cheering home supporters, I still found baseball to be a pretty dull game. But who am I to talk since we have Football over here which is pretty damn dull to watch too (fun to play though, especially when drunk), and I'm talking about Association Football, not that weird sport related to Rugby which is called American "Football". I'd still take Football over that any day. But they're all pretty dull in when it comes down to it.

Thank god for Hockey.


To get back on topic, I am sure it was most likely the World Series that brought the ratings down. I wonder if there are about 200 thousand on DVR? That did not get watched until after the series and so did not count?


My avatar speaks for itself.
Well since my entire extended family in the US lives in the pacific northwest, it is obligatory for me to be a fan of the Mariners, and true, during the one game I went to they sure kicked Oakland's asses (though from what I gathered, Oakland sucks anyway). But even with all those cheering home supporters, I still found baseball to be a pretty dull game. But who am I to talk since we have Football over here which is pretty damn dull to watch too (fun to play though, especially when drunk), and I'm talking about Association Football, not that weird sport related to Rugby which is called American "Football". I'd still take Football over that any day. But they're all pretty dull in when it comes down to it.

Thank god for Hockey.
YES! there's nothing like a bunch of grown men on iceskates beating the S*** out of eachother while chasing a rubber "snusdosa" :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Back to the ratings....Sanctuary episode 0405 anyone?

Overmind One: 2.0 million


S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

Predictions for upcoming episode: Resistance (November 4th)
Overmind: 2,00,000
Graybrew1: 1,355,000



S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

Predictions for upcoming episode: Resistance (November 4th)

Overmind: 2,000,000
Graybrew1: 1,355,000
Stonelesscutter: 1,445,000


GateFans Member
stoopid baseball

We were all shooting high last week. No near misses although Backstep was the closest.


S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

Predictions for upcoming episode: Resistance (November 4th)

Overmind: 2,000,000
Graybrew1: 1,355,000
Stonelesscutter: 1,445,000
Backstep: 1,296,000

I never would have expected this kind of drop in numbers even with the 7th game of the WS. This Friday no Baseball, Basketball is locked out, will the numbers go strait back the the 1.4 mil with a 0.5 share?


Objects may be closer than they appear
S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

Predictions for upcoming episode: Resistance (November 4th)

Overmind: 2,000,000
Graybrew1: 1,355,000
Stonelesscutter: 1,445,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,321,000


GateFans Member
S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

Predictions for upcoming episode: Resistance (November 4th)

Overmind: 2,000,000
Graybrew1: 1,355,000
Stonelesscutter: 1,445,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,321,000

THX1138: 1,555,000


I had expected more from the ratings. Guess the world series wasn't really the reason for the decline after all.


S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon
S4E04 - 1,258,000 - Resistance

Predictions for upcoming episode: Homecoming (November 11th)

Stonelesscutter: 1.318.000


Objects may be closer than they appear
S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising
S4E03 - 1,466,000 - Untouchable
S4E04 - 1,201,000 - Monsoon

S4E04 - 1,258,000 - Resistance

Predictions for upcoming episode: Homecoming (November 11th)

Stonelesscutter: 1.318.000

SciphonicStranger: 1,274,000


What ship is this?
Staff member
I suspect the excessive shipping dragged it down. I also think the more "ship free" episodes they air the more ratings will recover.