Ratings Predictions Thread for Sanctuary


GateFans Noob


Objects may be closer than they appear


Backstep was indeed closest. But I think it's supposed to be within 5000 viewers. Otherwise a lot of people will be running around with crystal balls. And you know what they say about running with crystal balls right? ;)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I thought OM1 just said closest wins???

Backstep was indeed closest. But I think it's supposed to be within 5000 viewers. Otherwise a lot of people will be running around with crystal balls. And you know what they say about running with crystal balls right? ;)

Ah yes, Gray....Stoneless is indeed correct. It has to be the closest AND within 5000 viewers. :redface:


Previous Sanctuary episodes:

S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising

Predictions for upcoming episode: Untouchable (October 21st)

Stonelesscutter: 1,355,000


Previous Sanctuary episodes:

S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising

Predictions for upcoming episode: Untouchable (October 21st)

Stonelesscutter: 1,355,000
Backstep: 1,296,000

Missed by that much :icon_lol: going to try the same number again


Previous Sanctuary episodes:

S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising

Predictions for upcoming episode: Untouchable (October 21st)

Stonelesscutter: 1,355,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Graybrew: 1,375,000


GateFans Noob
I've read every comment about the ratings on TVBTN, on GW, and here, and I've seen good, and optimistic facts. Now, if they were getting Mon ratings, then I'd be saying good-bye, and accepting this was the last season, but we're all good, yo. :P

What I do want to see are the DVR and L+7 numbers. :) I don't get why they take so long to come out, I mean... dude. :P


I've read every comment about the ratings on TVBTN, on GW, and here, and I've seen good, and optimistic facts. Now, if they were getting Mon ratings, then I'd be saying good-bye, and accepting this was the last season, but we're all good, yo. :P

What I do want to see are the DVR and L+7 numbers. :) I don't get why they take so long to come out, I mean... dude. :P

I don't mean to be a party pooper here, but I believe there was a seperate thread for ratings discussions. This one's for ratings predictions. ;)


I don't mean to be a party pooper here, but I believe there was a seperate thread for ratings discussions. This one's for ratings predictions. ;)

True, but this is the person that is giving us the results for this thread, so I think a bit of leeway should be given. :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
S3E11 - 1,217,000 - Pax Romana
S3E12 - 1,424,000 - Hangover
S3E13 - ..868,000 - One Night
S3E14 - ..838,000 - Metamorphosis
S3E15 - ..756,000 - Wingman
S3E16 - ..815,000 - Awakening
S3E17 - ..842,000 - Normandy
S3E18 - ..915,000 - Carentan
S3E19 - 1,201,000 - Out of the Blue

S3E20 - 1,283,000 - Into the Black
S4E01 - 1,380,000 - Tempus
S4E02 - 1,323,000 - Uprising

Predictions for upcoming episode: Untouchable (October 21st)

Stonelesscutter: 1,355,000
Backstep: 1,296,000
Graybrew: 1,375,000
SciphonicStranger: 1,269,000


True, but this is the person that is giving us the results for this thread, so I think a bit of leeway should be given. :)

Yes but if the discussion took place on the other thread and the predictions were on this one then there'd be two active threads. ;) Just like there used to be.


GateFans Noob
So, I'm on twitter today, and I found this very interesting article- Networks Rethink the Ratings Game As DVR Usage Spreads

"What a difference seven days makes. Many primetime shows are seeing their ratings skyrocket when a week's worth of DVR usage is included — and network execs are scrambling to figure out how to adjust to a time-shifting world.

Now that DVR penetration has reached around 42% of viewers, it's having a real impact on viewership — and making the initial next-day ratings that everyone reports (which includes live viewing, plus only that night's DVR usage) increasingly irrelevant.

For example, when season four of FX's Sons of Anarchy debuted September 6, it attracted 4.9 million viewers, a good number, but not a network record. By the time seven days of DVR usage was counted, that number had climbed to 6.5 million viewers — making it the most-watched program in FX history."

It's a good article, and makes me wonder-- "Where are them DVR numbers for Sanctuary?" :p


Well Known GateFan
So, I'm on twitter today, and I found this very interesting article- Networks Rethink the Ratings Game As DVR Usage Spreads

"What a difference seven days makes. Many primetime shows are seeing their ratings skyrocket when a week's worth of DVR usage is included — and network execs are scrambling to figure out how to adjust to a time-shifting world.

Now that DVR penetration has reached around 42% of viewers, it's having a real impact on viewership — and making the initial next-day ratings that everyone reports (which includes live viewing, plus only that night's DVR usage) increasingly irrelevant.

For example, when season four of FX's Sons of Anarchy debuted September 6, it attracted 4.9 million viewers, a good number, but not a network record. By the time seven days of DVR usage was counted, that number had climbed to 6.5 million viewers — making it the most-watched program in FX history."

It's a good article, and makes me wonder-- "Where are them DVR numbers for Sanctuary?" :p

Give it some time Rocky, they will get there :P

What EVERYONE must bear in mind is that even though a show may be "well watched", its the ADS that make the money. Scifi/fantasy suffers a quadruple whammy here simply because:
  1. Thier shows are inherently expensive
  2. They are one of the first demographics to adapt to new tech
  3. Scifi/fantasy does not lend itself well to "product placement" as an alternate revenue stream.
  4. Even if it did, the viewers would be well aware that thier show was being turned into an ad.
Sucks to like scifi/fantasy in the modern world..............


GateFans Noob
Give it some time Rocky, they will get there :P

What EVERYONE must bear in mind is that even though a show may be "well watched", its the ADS that make the money. Scifi/fantasy suffers a quadruple whammy here simply because:
  1. Thier shows are inherently expensive
  2. They are one of the first demographics to adapt to new tech
  3. Scifi/fantasy does not lend itself well to "product placement" as an alternate revenue stream.
  4. Even if it did, the viewers would be well aware that thier show was being turned into an ad.
Sucks to like scifi/fantasy in the modern world..............

OK, well, I ask because I know Fringe got like, a 53% increase in the ratings, and I know Sanctuary is DVR'd a lot, so... :) I just hope they come in soon so we can see them, and it seems TVBTN don't got em. :P


You guys it's not that your discussion is uninteresting but we have this very nice thread right here that's specifically suited for the topic you're conversing about. It would be a shame not to use it wouldn't it? ;)

Let's keep this one for the predictions.