OMNI's Art Thread



thanks. maybe alittle.

Actually I found it less noticeable in WIP3 than it was in WIP1.
But that could also be because the person in the suit looks a bit skinny compared to the metal enclosure.

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
I think the upper arm could be a little longer and thicker and the under arm a little shorter and thinner.

I like the reflexes, btw :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Actually I found it less noticeable in WIP3 than it was in WIP1.
But that could also be because the person in the suit looks a bit skinny compared to the metal enclosure.
probably the lens having a certain effect. wip one had a 55mm lens wip 3 has a 35mm one.

but i did make quite a few edits in between.
what matters is that i like it ;)
I think the upper arm could be a little longer and thicker and the under arm a little shorter and thinner.

I like the reflexes, btw :)
actually they are right were they need to be as ive been using the Bipedal as my guide
for proportions and he (Name: Standing Bald) is realisticly scaled.


probably the lens having a certain effect. wip one had a 55mm lens wip 3 has a 35mm one.

but i did make quite a few edits in between.
what matters is that i like it ;)


actually they are right were they need to be as ive been using the Bipedal as my guide
for proportions and he (Name: Standing Bald) is realisticly scaled.

Show us the realistically scaled bald man please.
He isn't completely naked is he? ;)


He reminds me of those creepy little buggers in a first season SG1 episode.
I'm not sure which one but I think Cold Lazarus.
The one with the plantlike organism they crash into with a UAV.

Also reminds me of the invisible figures (when they become visible) that are in league with dr. Jeckyll.


My avatar speaks for itself.
He reminds me of those creepy little buggers in a first season SG1 episode.
I'm not sure which one but I think Cold Lazarus.
The one with the plantlike organism they crash into with a UAV.

Also reminds me of the invisible figures (when they become visible) that are in league with dr. Jeckyll.

i remember the ep.

and imo you are reading to much into it its just a biped dude.
check out: its freeware and it generates realistic human 3d models i used it to generate this biped a long time ago but i have since then made ALOT of edits to it.


here he is. and yes he is,

fortunatly for us (unfortunatly for him) he has no genitalia ;)

Yes, fortunately.
Less fortunately for mr. ironman when the robot clasps the suit around him though.
No room for private parts. :D

By the way, I do find that guys thigh still seem larger than normal (at least one of them), but perhaps that's just me.


i remember the ep.

and imo you are reading to much into it its just a biped dude.
check out: its freeware and it generates realistic human 3d models i used it to generate this biped a long time ago but i have since then made ALOT of edits to it.

I know it is man.
You know me.
I like to kid around a lot. ;)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yes, fortunately.
Less fortunately for mr. ironman when the robot clasps the suit around him though.
No room for private parts. :D

By the way, I do find that guys thigh still seem larger than normal (at least one of them), but perhaps that's just me.
muscels man muscles. also he is about teal'cs size..

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
Maybe, but it still doesn't look right to me in the suit. Maybe the elbow joint is not where it seems to be. Anyway, my opinion.

As far as the legs go, he reminds me of pro bicycle racers: strong muscular legs and a lean upper body with no developed biceps and - more importantly - no shoulder muscles...


My avatar speaks for itself.
Maybe, but it still doesn't look right to me in the suit. Maybe the elbow joint is not where it seems to be. Anyway, my opinion.

As far as the legs go, he reminds me of pro bicycle racers: strong muscular legs and a lean upper body with no developed biceps and - more importantly - no shoulder muscles...

thats why i am the artist and you are the beholder.


My avatar speaks for itself.



Well Known GateFan
In your colored version, he looks like he has a metallic smile. See the mouth area, there's sorta a hole in his mask resembling some sort of mechanical smile. By color, I meant are you going to try different colors on the suit? Other than the red and gold. Very awesome, though, fly iron man fly, be free.


My avatar speaks for itself.
In your colored version, he looks like he has a metallic smile. See the mouth area, there's sorta a hole in his mask resembling some sort of mechanical smile. By color, I meant are you going to try different colors on the suit? Other than the red and gold. Very awesome, though, fly iron man fly, be free.
yep there is a "hole" there.

and ok.

but this ironman model has been cancelled as it looked to much like something belonging in the robot swimsuit edition.


yep there is a "hole" there.

and ok.

but this ironman model has been cancelled as it looked to much like something belonging in the robot swimsuit edition.

So are you going to make a brand new ironman model from scratch?


ive already started. i currently have 3 versions on the go but not happy with either so i might start over yet again.

Are you creating those versions from your mind or are you watching footage from the movie to base your model on?