Omni's 3D thread vol1

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Well it certainly seems interesting to me.
Like yourself I could only work on a laptop which isn't that powerful, similar to your system specs but with just 2GB of ram.
But why not give it a try.
Who knows I'll find a talent I never knew I had.
Or perhaps I'll find it tedious and couldn't really be bothered to do it.
I won't know unless I try.
I guess I'll have to find some of that software on the net, coz I certainly can't afford to pay for it at the moment.
And it wouldn't be wise to buy it unless I am sure it is for me.
Ofcourse I might also want to try different software packages before I ever decide to buy one.
But I'm getting a bit carried away I think.
I'll just give that MODO stuff a go to start with. (prefer to jump into the deep end myself)


GateFans Noob
I am now the proud owner of a brand new wraith cruiser!



GateFans Noob
Well it certainly seems interesting to me.
Like yourself I could only work on a laptop which isn't that powerful, similar to your system specs but with just 2GB of ram.
But why not give it a try.
Who knows I'll find a talent I never knew I had.
Or perhaps I'll find it tedious and couldn't really be bothered to do it.
I won't know unless I try.
I guess I'll have to find some of that software on the net, coz I certainly can't afford to pay for it at the moment.
And it wouldn't be wise to buy it unless I am sure it is for me.
Ofcourse I might also want to try different software packages before I ever decide to buy one.
But I'm getting a bit carried away I think.
I'll just give that MODO stuff a go to start with. (prefer to jump into the deep end myself)

Ok good good. a well 2gbs of ram should def let you create stuff in the same league as my 304 so i wouldnt worry to much about it.

and yes give it a go as ho knows you could be a natural ;)

and modo has a 30 day trial pack i think.. check it out.
Thank you!


"Lances of doom"

the explosion and beam targeting still needs some attention.


GateFans Noob

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You amaze me.


Im just amazed. I havent decided on what we discussed in the PM, because even if I had the model, what would I do with it? LOL. Im a geek, not a CGI artist like you obviously are. I cant wait to see MULTIPLE explosions of Destiny, done complete with separating bulkheads. I would love to see it kinda like the Federal battleships were trashed in Starship Troopers from the bugs shooting that green shit into space. Remember that? AWESOME work. Is that sort of stuff possible using the tools you have available to you?

You must feel like Odo on Deep Space Nine, or perhaps a Q, when us CGI-retarded folk are always asking you to do tricks with your magic! But an exploding Destiny was already on your list! Beam weapons slicing it apart, or better yet...Atlantis reaching it and dropping out of wormhole-drive space, then a squadron of F-302s swarm from the city and begin firing on Destiny, Then Atlantis fires drones to finish her off (insert clip of John Shepperd sitting in Ancient chair at Antarctica with eyes closed in Rising Pt1). :ori:


GateFans Noob
Looks good
Thank you!

Im just amazed. I havent decided on what we discussed in the PM, because even if I had the model, what would I do with it? LOL. Im a geek, not a CGI artist like you obviously are.
Im flattered! indeed you would need to have some indepth know how of the software to be able to use the model effectivly.

I cant wait to see MULTIPLE explosions of Destiny, done complete with separating bulkheads. I would love to see it kinda like the Federal battleships were trashed in Starship Troopers from the bugs shooting that green shit into space. Remember that? AWESOME work. Is that sort of stuff possible using the tools you have available to you?
seperating bulkheads? lol ill see what i can do...
and of course i remember starship troopers with the tankerbugs shooting shit out there as and taking out ships in orbit as it was one of my favorite movies when i was younger ;)
and yes if i made and learned how to rig a tankerbug i could easily do that as that effect is ancient bu todays standards and relativly simple to make.

You must feel like Odo on Deep Space Nine, or perhaps a Q, when us CGI-retarded folk are always asking you to do tricks with your magic! But an exploding Destiny was already on your list! Beam weapons slicing it apart, or better yet...Atlantis reaching it and dropping out of wormhole-drive space, then a squadron of F-302s swarm from the city and begin firing on Destiny, Then Atlantis fires drones to finish her off (insert clip of John Shepperd sitting in Ancient chair at Antarctica with eyes closed in Rising Pt1). :ori:
Lol yes a lil bit like Q yes but i cant snap things into reality as there is a waiting period for the renders :P

and about destiny ill see what new things i can try as animating it is a PAIN in the ass but i should be able to create some still imagery with that Anti SGU feel to it ;)


GateFans Noob
Ok this is the continuation pic of the Scene wip from my last post however this pic is a botched render with quite a few flaws like: no motion blur, missing missle trail, no engine "Flare", no wraith weapons fire, dart explosion flare not in the right location etc but i did fix most of this and was in a process of rendering it when LW suddenly chrashed and the scene was gone as i wasnt smart enough to save and i spent to much time on the scene not to show it off.


GateFans Noob
Ok ive had this rendering for 14h now and it just finished.
it is a test of both engine glow and rocket engine exhaust i call it......


Raw original footage 30 frames/sec

sped up.

i choose to speed it up as the original footage was moving way to slow for my liking but over all im quite happy with it.

oh and i imagine the pilot screaming "YEEEEEHAAAAAW" like hammond in the needle threader :thumb:

Lemme know what you think.


Yes, looks very nice indeed.
Missing some stars in the background ;)


You're not really an amateur are you?
Me thinks you've been working on the show for real ;)


GateFans Noob
Wow thanks :D

You're not really an amateur are you?
Me thinks you've been working on the show for real ;)
thanks well not amature anymore but not an expert either but im getting there

as you can see here.

close.. ...But no cigar..

might have to redo the damn ship again...

anyway the original pic is for the Daedalus variations episode of SGA's s5
the recreation is ALL me.


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