Helix: Love it or Hate it? (Awards Given)



There's a simpler way.....sneak in and cover the top of the toilet (ayt the ceramic rim below the seat) with saran wrap...

That would be to simple. Needs to be overly complicated with flaws to succeed.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Nobody else is in? You better get your predictions in before the show airs!

Episode 9 "Level X" airs Feb 28, 2014

Overmind One - 2.0
Backstep - 1.123
ShavedApe - 1.01


Well Known GateFan
Nobody else is in? You better get your predictions in before the show airs!

Episode 9 "Level X" airs Feb 28, 2014

Overmind One - 2.0
Backstep - 1.123
ShavedApe - 1.01

Do ratings post on Monday or sooner? :daniel_new004: If it's Monday then we have the weekend for a cushion to get predictions in. Then again, less people in the pool means a better chance for me to garner that sweet crystal globe! So forget what I just said. :P


Well Known GateFan
Do ratings post on Monday or sooner? :daniel_new004: If it's Monday then we have the weekend for a cushion to get predictions in. Then again, less people in the pool means a better chance for me to garner that sweet crystal globe! So forget what I just said. :P
you normally will not see a Friday night shows ratings till mon or tues.


Well Known GateFan
you normally will not see a Friday night shows ratings till mon or tues.

Then there's still time for you to make your prediction, eh wot? :P


Well Known GateFan
I could not be bothered dude, I don't watch it, I don't care about it. The only reason I bothered with SGU was because it had a direct impact on Stargate. If it was called something else, I would never have bothered with it at all :P


Well Known GateFan
I could not be bothered dude, I don't watch it, I don't care about it. The only reason I bothered with SGU was because it had a direct impact on Stargate. If it was called something else, I would never have bothered with it at all :P

Yes, but where is your sense of competition? Don't you people down there have a fetish for betting on very questionable things like soccer and, um...soccer? Take a chance. Spin the wheel! :encouragement:


Well Known GateFan
I have many vices Ape, gambling is not one of them :D

I suspect playing soccer is one of those vices. Nasty habit indeed. Worse than smoking even. :moody:

Might I suggest a move to America to break the soccer habit? Trust me, you won't be tempted to kick anything with your shins once here as we loathe soccer. It's paradise I tell you, paradise!!! :encouragement:


Well Known GateFan
You do know soccer is not that big out here (yet) right?


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
We play more Rugby (League/Union/AFL) than soccer dude.


Well Known GateFan
Okay, back to Helix. Regarding people who run hot and cold on liking this show, last nights episode was really good I thought. Never thought I'd say it but here I just did. Up til now the show has been a horrendously boring slog. Then suddenly in the "Level X" it was like they threw everything in including the kitchen sink. Lots of action and lots of movement to the story itself; lots of explaining characters, etc.

So basically thanks to Moore we're getting feast or famine. That's not a good way to produce a show. And as such it's totally understandable how viewers, like me, can find the show incredibly lame and boring but then find it intriguing too. Still, this latest episode isn't enough to make me a screaming fanboi. If they don't wrap up this show in a satisfactory way but rather have it drone on endlessly with season cliffhangers I will drop off from viewing it. They need to stop stretching crap out and have the story move at the pace it did in the "Level X" episode. I won't hold my breath though.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Okay, back to Helix. Regarding people who run hot and cold on liking this show, last nights episode was really good I thought. Never thought I'd say it but here I just did. Up til now the show has been a horrendously boring slog. Then suddenly in the "Level X" it was like they threw everything in including the kitchen sink. Lots of action and lots of movement to the story itself; lots of explaining characters, etc.

So basically thanks to Moore we're getting feast or famine. That's not a good way to produce a show. And as such it's totally understandable how viewers, like me, can find the show incredibly lame and boring but then find it intriguing too. Still, this latest episode isn't enough to make me a screaming fanboi. If they don't wrap up this show in a satisfactory way but rather have it drone on endlessly with season cliffhangers I will drop off from viewing it. They need to stop stretching crap out and have the story move at the pace it did in the "Level X" episode. I won't hold my breath though.

I liked it too. :) I liked the one before it as well. But I think Moore is trying to ramp up excitement so he can pitch for a second season. The ratings are still in the toilet, all things considered. In its run, Stargate Universe did better than Helix is doing by it's 9th episode.


Well Known GateFan
I liked it too. :) I liked the one before it as well. But I think Moore is trying to ramp up excitement so he can pitch for a second season. The ratings are still in the toilet, all things considered. In its run, Stargate Universe did better than Helix is doing by it's 9th episode.

Yeah there's definitely something hinky going on with the writing suddenly. But between you and me, how long can they stretch out a contagious virus story? Are we supposed to sit through five seasons of this premise, especially if it's fleshed-out with interpersonal melodrama? :daniel_new004:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah there's definitely something hinky going on with the writing suddenly. But between you and me, how long can they stretch out a contagious virus story? Are we supposed to sit through five seasons of this premise, especially if it's fleshed-out with interpersonal melodrama? :daniel_new004:

It cant last. The initial danger they were creating with this virus is gone, replaced by interpersonal interactions. Nobody seems to care who is infected or not. The eskimo chick can come and go as she pleases, and it turns out that they are not as isolated as they thought they were, considering there is a convenient Eskimo settlement not too far away. :facepalm:. I dont feel the danger from the virus anymore.

This should have been a miniseries, not a TV show.


Well Known GateFan
It cant last. The initial danger they were creating with this virus is gone, replaced by interpersonal interactions. Nobody seems to care who is infected or not. The eskimo chick can come and go as she pleases, and it turns out that they are not as isolated as they thought they were, considering there is a convenient Eskimo settlement not too far away. :facepalm:. I dont feel the danger from the virus anymore.

This should have been a miniseries, not a TV show.

Definitely should have been a miniseries. After all, the show started out with one of the head guys from the CDC taking his team to this place. How long can an entire team from the CDC disappear without questions being raised back home? They're trying to make the show as if it's only been a little more than a week since they arrived but as a viewer it seems like it's been ages already. Again, I just don't see a multi-season run for this show.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Definitely should have been a miniseries. After all, the show started out with one of the head guys from the CDC taking his team to this place. How long can an entire team from the CDC disappear without questions being raised back home? They're trying to make the show as if it's only been a little more than a week since they arrived but as a viewer it seems like it's been ages already. Again, I just don't see a multi-season run for this show.

EXACTLY! They come out with this DAY 8 crap when it has been two months. :facepalm:. Is this the new strategy? Give us a full month of excruciatingly detailed soap dialogue and say it only was an hour passing in that universe? NO THANKS! I say they will end up dumping the show at the end of this season.


Well Known GateFan
EXACTLY! They come out with this DAY 8 crap when it has been two months. :facepalm:. Is this the new strategy? Give us a full month of excruciatingly detailed soap dialogue and say it only was an hour passing in that universe? NO THANKS! I say they will end up dumping the show at the end of this season.

Here's hoping SyFy has finally learned their lesson with those stupid two-season contracts they've been giving out the last couple years. :encouragement:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I liked episode 9 a whole lot. :) So much so, that I am actually looking forward to the next episode. Creepy, huh? But the show is different...much different now.

Jeri is gone, but a new, more interesting dynamic has been created by Hiroshi and Julia, Mixah (sp?) and his brother and sister, and the emergence of Peter as the "leader" of the vectors.

The danger is now back, with the possibility that the virus may have left the base. Im not hooked, but I am at least interested. :)