Helix: Love it or Hate it? (Awards Given)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No, it looks like I won.

Yes, you did! DAMN...now I have to make another special double Helix ball...get it? Double Helix? :) Ill whip it up when I get a few minutes.


Well Known GateFan
I liked episode 9 a whole lot. :) So much so, that I am actually looking forward to the next episode. Creepy, huh? But the show is different...much different now.

Jeri is gone, but a new, more interesting dynamic has been created by Hiroshi and Julia, Mixah (sp?) and his brother and sister, and the emergence of Peter as the "leader" of the vectors.

The danger is now back, with the possibility that the virus may have left the base. Im not hooked, but I am at least interested. :)

I'm still on the fence. The virus thing needs to be fully explained. So far it looks like a bunch of mutated humans are trying to do something on a worldwide level, but it's still not clear what their aim is. And if they bounce around endlessly dealing with interpersonal drama that won't help the story.


Well Known GateFan
You teased me, thought i would sound like a cow bell when i walked.

That's funny, I've always pictured you as sounding like a cathedral bell when you walked. :daniel_new004:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I'm still on the fence. The virus thing needs to be fully explained. So far it looks like a bunch of mutated humans are trying to do something on a worldwide level, but it's still not clear what their aim is. And if they bounce around endlessly dealing with interpersonal drama that won't help the story.

I just had a deja vu, like I was reading a post about the Walking Dead.


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OMG, nobody bid on Episode 10 and no ball was given!

Episode 11 "Black Rain" airs March 14

Overmind One - 1.9

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Overmind One - 1.9
backstep - 1.18
Bluce Ree - I think I'm going for Sunday brunch with the wife


Well Known GateFan
The numbers are not out yet for episode 10.


Since the numbers don't get released until Monday can we still make predictions for that episode? :daniel_new004:

If so I want: 1.01 (I'm sticking with that one for both episodes, the last one and the next one.)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Since the numbers don't get released until Monday can we still make predictions for that episode? :daniel_new004:

If so I want: 1.01 (I'm sticking with that one for both episodes, the last one and the next one.)

Episode 10 "Fushigi", aired March 7. (late predictions)

shavedape - 1.01
Overmind One - 1.8
backstep - 1.18 (is this for Ep 10 or 11?)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If you haven't watched the episode (episode 10), you might want to...it isn't bad. :). I daresay...the show is getting better. :hide;


Well Known GateFan
If you haven't watched the episode (episode 10), you might want to...it isn't bad. :). I daresay...the show is getting better. :hide; View attachment 29542

If the keep up the momentum and give us legitimate answers to all the shit that's going down, then yes, it will be an okay show. I'm actually kind of bored with the infected people (what do they call them?). That story line seems mostly forgotten and they only make passing reference to it despite there being tons of the zombie people around.

And I found the "immortal" guy chained up in the basement of the abandoned base to be rather unbelievable. I mean, if the guy wanted to be "released", i.e. die, so badly why didn't he just strangle himself with his chains or open an artery? He had twenty-five (25) years to have done it in but instead he waits in the dark freezing cold, with no food or water (save for ice) until someone stumbles upon him decades later??? Yeah, not buying it.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If the keep up the momentum and give us legitimate answers to all the shit that's going down, then yes, it will be an okay show. I'm actually kind of bored with the infected people (what do they call them?). That story line seems mostly forgotten and they only make passing reference to it despite there being tons of the zombie people around.

And I found the "immortal" guy chained up in the basement of the abandoned base to be rather unbelievable. I mean, if the guy wanted to be "released", i.e. die, so badly why didn't he just strangle himself with his chains or open an artery? He had twenty-five (25) years to have done it in but instead he waits in the dark freezing cold, with no food or water (save for ice) until someone stumbles upon him decades later??? Yeah, not buying it.

Vectors. :) In your spoiler comment, I completely agree. It does make sense about the 500 though, and Aularia Corp. Im liking the direction this is taking.

Why the hell did Julia keep the virus? Now she knows she is an immortal, so what's up with that? The young doctor chick is going to get cured.


EDIT: Im changing the name of this thread to Helix: Love it or Hate it?


Well Known GateFan
Vectors. :) In your spoiler comment, I completely agree. It does make sense about the 500 though, and Aularia Corp. Im liking the direction this is taking.

Why the hell did Julia keep the virus? Now she knows she is an immortal, so what's up with that? The young doctor chick is going to get cured.


EDIT: Im changing the name of this thread to Helix: Love it or Hate it?

I agree with your spoilers. They're kind of telegraphing what's going to happen with one of the people you mentioned.


Episode 10 "Fushigi", aired March 7. (late predictions)

shavedape - 1.01
Overmind One - 1.8
backstep - 1.18
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