Cat Lovers Thread


Well Known GateFan
After seeing this cat + dog dynamic in every household that has both (living together inside or in/out), I am wondering how that bs assumption started in the first place? In the wild, or with dogs which have never been exposed to a domesticated cat, I might see it. But to watch a cat and dog play, and notice how the cat makes sure not to expose claws or bite too hard, that is just love IMO. I notice that dogs like the purring of a cat as much as people do. :)

In the wild they are natural competitors for alpha predator spot.


Council Member & Author

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
SHOCK!....has Fisher formed an ALLIANCE with Dante? This is definitely new.


I was getting my green screen out to try some stuff, and I was out of the bedroom for about an hour. Neither of the two cats were on the bed when I left the room an hour ago, but I just came back to this little scene. They were doing that slow blink thing with each other too. :) Ears forward, tails curled around body means "relaxed and chilling out". Dante was never really that aggressive with Fisher after the first couple of weeks, but he would not let Fisher on the bed because that was his territory. But he has been allowing Fisher to sleep on the bed with me for the past week, and now it appears that they have become actual friends. GOOD. Because Siete is still not quite there yet.

Cat diplomacy....:fox:


Council Member & Author
This is Jeffrey's "Take another picture and I barf in your bed" face. I decided to listen, for a change. (took it a couple minutes ago)
jeffrey 1 resized.png

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is Jeffrey's "Take another picture and I barf in your bed" face. I decided to listen, for a change. (took it a couple minutes ago)
View attachment 29071

He is a handsome cat! He looks so chilled out. :) You are so lucky that he and Abby are already best friends. Imagine for a second, adding a new cat or dog to your menagerie...the introduction and change of dynamic would be what I have been going through for the past year with Fisher and my two resident cats. Plus, you dont sound like a newbie at this. :) For some reason of cat personalities, Fisher and Dante are starting to hang out together and Siete is still being a jerk towards Fisher. At least there are no more screaming, thrashing cat balls I have to break up. :anim_59:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Corporal cuddling? Do you use that, OM1? I could see you engaging in Cat Yodeling. <grin>

Yep, I cuddle with them. :) Dante always initiates it himself as does Siete. Fisher loves a good cuddle makes him lick himself while I cuddle him and he purrs. No cat yodeling...yet. :anim_59:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I guess Siete is noticing that Dante and Fisher are starting to get all chummy, so he is FINALLY giving Fisher some slack. Fisher no longer spends half his day under the livingroom couch. I would feel so bad for him when I would come home from work and he would come wiggling from under that couch to greet me with his happy tail sticking straight up. I wondered if he had to take refuge under there to keep from getting harassed by Siete. But the fighting has all but ceased, and the territorial rights he is being given are almost equal to Dante. Here is Siete with Fisher:

2013-12-23 16.15.55.jpg

And this taken just a little while ago...

2013-12-25 05.08.28.jpg

This from a few days ago...

2013-12-13 12.39.28.jpg

Overall, I would have to say that my patience over this past year has paid off. :) Fisher seems to have been accepted by my other cats...grudgingly, but it has happened finally. :smiley_joy:

Siete still postures with Fisher from time to time, but now it is mostly a complaining meow like "What the f*ck do you want?" :anim_59: Fisher seems to be much much happier and more relaxed. He no longer displays his sudden biting behavior. And for the past week, I have awoken with him sleeping on my second pillow next to my head. :) From here on out, it is just a matter of the three of these guys getting used to each other.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I think my work in getting the cats to get along has been solved by them on their own terms...this is becoming a multiple daily scene:

2013-12-29 01.54.24.jpg

Fisher seems to be actually actively seeking out the other cats, and they are allowing him to sleep on the bed with them and generally be near them. He is so much happier now that he is not as afraid as he used to be. Dante is also much less skittish around him and seems to be showing friendly curiosity. Siete is taking a "why not" approach, since he sees me giving love and attention to Fisher like I do for him and Dante. They are even eating together.


EDIT: Peace at last....

2013-12-29 02.09.23.jpg
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Now about three weeks into experiencing the result of the Feline Summit:

  1. The cats are sleeping together on the bed every night and partially most of the day, with nary a hiss or growl.
  2. The cats are eating together, and at the same time.
  3. There is no cat fighting between Fisher and Siete, but there is still posturing from time to time.
  4. The cats are sharing litterboxes (there are 4, but Fisher was only allowed to use one before).
  5. Fisher has all but abandoned his "safe spot" in the bathroom cabinet, as well as under the livingroom couch where he would hide from the other cats out of fear.
And this unexpected twist, the friendship with Dante. :)

2014-01-01 09.58.36.jpg

At times I feel silly posting this shit on this thread, but it helps to share the experiences I am having with these cats since I am very new to it. When I had a pet, it was usually a dog. And even then it had been a very long time since i had a dog. But I did have a cat once when I was in my 20s. But THREE cats? Never saw it coming, and now I dont regret taking Fisher in. I very likely saved his life, since shelters cant usually find homes for mature cats older than 7 years. Fisher was loved by his former owner who had him for 8 years. Now he has a new owner who loves him too. :)


Well Known GateFan
Dude, the only mistake you ever made was thinking that anything YOU did would make a damn difference. :lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OM1, I love getting updates about your boys. It's good to hear how they are progressing at Chateau Gatefans. Please don't stop giving them. :)

Okay, I will. :) Some very weird things I discovered about cats:

  • Cats cry ACTUAL tears, like humans do and for the same reasons. I saw Fisher cry while Siete had cornered him in his own safe room. Actual tears! He continued for a minute or two before stopping. I thought it was perhaps damage to his eyes so I called the vet and she told me cats DO cry tears.
  • Cats find the smell of feces offensive, but not urine. Cats will even cover the feces of a dog. They find farts offensive too. :biggrin:
  • Cats like music. They also hate certain sounds.
  • Some cats like to watch TV, and they watch what is going on when they watch.
  • Cats have a keenly developed sense of time, and they follow a routine. When in a cooperative with other cats, this can mean "timesharing" of certain choice spots in the "territory" (which in this case is my apartment).
  • Cats have "favorite" toys, which they will hide from the other cats. These are just one out of more than two dozen toys they have. They bring them out when they want to play with them, then take them back to their hiding spot. I find this funny as hell!
  • Cats can pick out the sound of your car from other cars, and they can tell your footsteps from those of other humans.
  • If you take the "smell" off a cat, it's friends/housemates may not recognize him and may hiss. This happens after grooming. Sometimes, new smells from other animals may make it home on your clothes and your cats will detect it.
  • Cats like mint. Not just catnip, but breath mints too.
  • Cats like butter, and cheese, and vegetables like pumpkin. Given grasses like barley or wheatgrass, cats will munch on it regularly, but not lawn grass.
  • Cats do not like standing water and will usually not drink it. I have pet fountains.
  • Cats REMEMBER SHIT. They have excellent memories, and they will hold grudges or remember where they saw you put the Temptations cat treats.:cat:
Still being taught by my cats. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So sudden...all of a sudden, it is as if the RED ALERT sirens have been silenced and everything has worked out with these cats. Dante was only ever at Yellow Alert, so seeing him and Fisher make friends is not that surprising. This is a daily event, several times during the day:

2014-01-03 10.58.39.jpg

2014-01-03 11.21.14.jpg

Siete still not quite there yet. He still rushes up on Fisher and forces him into submission. But no fighting. :) Dante seems to be facilitating the transition by allowing Fisher to hang out with him. Siete is seeing this and responding, albeit slowly.

Dante dreams of visiting India...

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Well Known GateFan
I never knew your cat was a prepper.....................