The Quote Thread


Well Known GateFan
"Nothing is given to man on earth except a potential and the material on which to actualize it. The potential is a superlative machine: his consciousness; but it is a machine without a spark plug, a machine of which his own will has to be the spark plug, the self-starter and the driver; he has to discover how to use it and he has to keep it in constant action. The material is the whole of the universe, with no limits set to the knowledge he can acquire and to the enjoyment of life he can achieve. But everything he needs or desires has to be learned, discovered and produced by him - by his own choice, by his own effort, by his own mind."
Ayn Rand​

Ayn Rand, hmm? Gatefan, once again you surprise me. I assume you're quoting her because you approve of what she's saying here. If so, good man! I love Ayn Rand. I should use her for an avatar. :)


Well Known GateFan
Ayn Rand, hmm? Gatefan, once again you surprise me. I assume you're quoting her because you approve of what she's saying here. If so, good man! I love Ayn Rand. I should use her for an avatar. :)

Yeah, I like Ayn Rand


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
“If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool.”
Carl Jung


Well Known GateFan
This is mine; that's mine [etc.]; I'm claiming all this as mine ...
except that bit. I don't want that bit. But all the rest of this
is mine! Hey, this has been a good day! I've eaten five times, I've
slept six times, and I'd made a lot of things mine! Tomorrow I'm going
to see if I can't have sex with something!

The Cat, Red Dwarf


My avatar speaks for itself.
Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards." - Fred Hoyle


Well Known GateFan
"You know you're getting older when your porn is getting intellectual." - mzzz, 2011.

"You know you're getting older when you'd rather sit back and watch." - ShavedApe 2011