Sons Of Anarchy



I love this show too, but I avoided all the previews. This year I am going in right from last year.


This year I decided to avoid all of the previews. I wanted no further knowledge or hints of what may or may not occur after the last scene from last season. I will go into the new season completely unaware of where they are taking the story or any of the characters. Stranger you hate spoilers, what are your thoughts on this matter?


Objects may be closer than they appear
Going in blind is usually best for me. But now that shows do in-between webisodes I generally try to catch them. Those are usually different than a preview.


Well Known GateFan
I just wish they'd stop beaming those previews into my head, especially for a show I don't watch. :sheppardanime46:


Objects may be closer than they appear
I just wish they'd stop beaming those previews into my head, especially for a show I don't watch. :sheppardanime46:

You know you want to watch this show though. You just must...


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Bluce you caught all these promos? i completly missed em and just watched em and my ipression is that s5 is considerably darker in tone compared to s1-4 is it just me or would you agree? or should i dismiss it as a feeling i only get as the promos are cut that way?

[... clips ...]

also fun to see clay as the frail week old man with oxygen cans :P

There's definitely going to be a sense of darkness in S5 at least because of Clay's continued involvement in the club after everything he's done to his own guys and his wife up to and including S4. As to whether the stories are going in a generally darker direction, I dunno. I try not to put too much stock in promos because they're always tooled to invoke the most curiosity possible, IMO.

I bet we're going to see a real contrast with Clay who's going to turn out to be just as dangerous in spite of his frail appearance with the oxygen canisters. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
godamnit tuesday is far to long to wait for answers...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and me both, bro! The impatience almost leads one to think inducing a coma until the premiere might not be a bad idea to alleviate the anxiety and make time pass instantly. :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
You and me both, bro! The impatience almost leads one to think inducing a coma until the premiere might not be a bad idea to alleviate the anxiety and make time pass instantly. :D
indeed tho we'd run the risk of "oversleeping" and missing it completly and you lucky bastartd you'll get to see it atleast an hour or 2 before me maybe more depending on my sleeping rythm come next week :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
There's definitely going to be a sense of darkness in S5 at least because of Clay's continued involvement in the club after everything he's done to his own guys and his wife up to and including S4. As to whether the stories are going in a generally darker direction, I dunno. I try not to put too much stock in promos because they're always tooled to invoke the most curiosity possible, IMO.

I bet we're going to see a real contrast with Clay who's going to turn out to be just as dangerous in spite of his frail appearance with the oxygen canisters. :D
to true i tend not to aswell but i saw last seasons promos and they had a diffrnet feel to them overall and these ones for s5 just feel darker i donno.. guess we'll find out, and yes bout clay who can forget Unser's wounded animal comment last season? ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
to true i tend not to aswell but i saw last seasons promos and they had a diffrnet feel to them overall and these ones for s5 just feel darker i donno.. guess we'll find out, and yes bout clay who can forget Unser's wounded animal comment last season? ;)

That has got me on the edge of my proverbial seat and anxious to see how his character is written this season. Which reminds me, you think maybe the promo where Jax is being chased and goes off the bridge has to do with them discovering he was working with the CIA rather than just a dream sequence? Personally, I'm hoping it's nothing but a dream sequence. I don't wanna see Jax spend S6 in a hospital bed.


My avatar speaks for itself.
That has got me on the edge of my proverbial seat and anxious to see how his character is written this season. Which reminds me, you think maybe the promo where Jax is being chased and goes off the bridge has to do with them discovering he was working with the CIA rather than just a dream sequence? Personally, I'm hoping it's nothing but a dream sequence. I don't wanna see Jax spend S6 in a hospital bed.
same here, and i remember but was he being chased? to me it looked like gemma spooked him so he flew off the bridge but i do hope that was a dreamsequence as i dont want jax in a hospital bed either for season 6, but neat theory the CIA thing.. but would the guys be like that? ie turn their backs on Jax for trying to keep the club alive so they dont "RICO" every son in every state per suggested in by the A-USA s4? also related to "RICO" where the F did that threat come from? ie "RICO" the WHOLE club as in EVERY MEMBER in the US? hasnt the ATF been trying to do that for over 30 years to REAL MC's but have never gotten more then say 10-15 members convicted at any one time? basicly the chapter/charter they were targeting at the time but not the "organisation" as a whole? i just found those threats stupid in S4 as they havnt managed that in reality sofar so i just dont buy that as a huge threat and every "biker" or otherwise in "the life" i know would give the guy his finger and just do the time..

also something to considder is that SOA is basicly hamlet as hinted several times in the show (the pilot fotr one where jax says "it isnt easy being king") and also stated by Sutter on sveral occasions, so if sutter means that and is somewhat true to hamlet one should be able to theorize some plot points using it as somewhat of a guide right?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
same here, and i remember but was he being chased? to me it looked like gemma spooked him so he flew off the bridge but i do hope that was a dreamsequence as i dont want jax in a hospital bed either for season 6, but neat theory the CIA thing.. but would the guys be like that? ie turn their backs on Jax for trying to keep the club alive so they dont "RICO" every son in every state per suggested in by the A-USA s4? also related to "RICO" where the F did that threat come from? ie "RICO" the WHOLE club as in EVERY MEMBER in the US? hasnt the ATF been trying to do that for over 30 years to REAL MC's but have never gotten more then say 10-15 members convicted at any one time? basicly the chapter/charter they were targeting at the time but not the "organisation" as a whole? i just found those threats stupid in S4 as they havnt managed that in reality sofar so i just dont buy that as a huge threat and every "biker" or otherwise in "the life" i know would give the guy his finger and just do the time..

also something to considder is that SOA is basicly hamlet as hinted several times in the show (the pilot fotr one where jax says "it isnt easy being king") and also stated by Sutter on sveral occasions, so if sutter means that and is somewhat true to hamlet one should be able to theorize some plot points using it as somewhat of a guide right?

Well, on the chase sequence, whether he was being chased or was just coincidentally spooked by Gemma would greatly depend on what transpired prior to that scene. Maybe something happened that compromised the club with the CIA or maybe Clay played the club like a fiddle by manipulating the facts of the situation.

They've tried in Canada to lump the entire HA club together for the actions of a single group. It would take some really whacked out law that holds every member of a club in all chapters responsible for the actions of one or more of its members. Such a law, I imagine, would violate a plethora of human rights, including free speech.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Well, on the chase sequence, whether he was being chased or was just coincidentally spooked by Gemma would greatly depend on what transpired prior to that scene. Maybe something happened that compromised the club with the CIA or maybe Clay played the club like a fiddle by manipulating the facts of the situation.
true true it def would and yes but is Clay that smart? remember when te AB (arian brotherhood) had gemma raped? and the time came for vengeance? clay said he needed jax as it needed to be smart so is the clay character smart enough to be able to play his cards just right in order to play said fiddle? i donno maybe he is he managed to kill John in 92 but he had gemma and unser to help him then gemma being the driving force and brains behind that.. oh and there is another unanswered plot point we need answers to ie will jax find out gemma killed his dad and what else she is hiding?

They've tried in Canada to lump the entire HA club together for the actions of a single group. It would take some really whacked out law that holds every member of a club in all chapters responsible for the actions of one or more of its members. Such a law, I imagine, would violate a plethora of human rights, including free speech.
in the us there is RICO and its been used to try and do just that but has never managed to bring down the whole organisation or even really hurt it in anyway so wouldnt Sutter know this? i buy alot of the show as pretty realistic tho way way to fast paced compared to reality and more drama heavy but this thread in order to make Jax bend over and take it up the wazoo by these CIA cartell guys? naw dont buy it...

Also im wondering how much time has passed between s4 and 5 since jax has longer hair and that slcikback hair going on and gemma seems to be out and about traveling all over.. and who is tara beating the shit out of? abels mom Jax's ex? i hope so :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
WTF sutter



My avatar speaks for itself.
oh shit oh shit oh shit... looks like ill be watching ep 1 of s5 within 30 or so minutes and im like fcuking extatic :D

oh anyone dares to spoil anything and ill kick your crotch so many times all that will be left is mashed potato consistency.... :D

ok will avoid thread until ive seen it. those of you who have what did you think?


My avatar speaks for itself.
ok seen it and well donno what to say.. the premiere wasnt a "wow" really.. tho there where some intresting tidbits it didnt really give you much beyond a season teaser and imo going that route for a season opner just isnt good enough for me especially considering how s4 ended,

highlights of this episode include Clay the feeble weak has been feeling the pain resulting from his choices, Tig and what happened there tho i sort of saw that coming a mile away ie "eye for an eye".

and HELL no i dont trust those nomads especially after the last clip at the episode end.
and i donno how this season feels.. feels a wee bit off but this is only the first ep.. but i get the feeling we will see Jax become Clay due to the gavel and Opie? i donno... i think he's done with the club and will try to save Jax from himself and the gavel, im also weary about Clay tho the exchange between him and gemma felt cincere so maybe he doent have any more play in him...

but yeah def not my fave season opener and it actually sucked compared to the season 3 opener which imo has the best scene in SOA but ive seen worse from other shows and this ep sets us up quite nicly for the rest of the saeson just maybe to much a setup episode rather then a conclusion of what we were left with at the end of the last season.

so Bluce GB anyone? your thoughts on this episode?

also i wonder what the ratings will be...


My avatar speaks for itself.
also: see im critical of stuff im a fan about too and im npt some blind ass fanboy that needs his diaper changed all the time:D


Well Known GateFan
With all due respect, I have seen little bits of this, and there is a reason why I have only seen little bits, it's as exciting as American Chopper.
Sorry guys, I hope you enjoy it, I really do, but it bores the crap outta me.