Renewal and Cancellation news


Well Known GateFan
That's about the only angle it has. I tried watching it a bit and gave up. Plots made little sense (the whole mythology of the show is inconsistent and silly), characters likewise are nonsensical and the acting seems indifferent. It's whole appeal is that it's as close to porn as SyFy can get away with under FCC rules.

It is a bit, but thats what you are gonna get when you mash up 2 ideas without seeming to know about either of them :P


Sinister Swede
In light of recent renewals and cancellations:

Once Upon a Time - Renewal all but confirmed
666 Park Avenue - Cancelled
Last Resort - Cancelled
Zero Hour - Cancelled by the man on the Grassy Knoll

No genre shows

Grimm - Renewal all but confirmed
Revolution - Renewal all but confirmed
Community - Tossup

Fringe - Ended
Touch - Cancellation certain
The Following - Renewal all but confirmed

The Vampire Diaries - Renewed for 5th season
Arrow Acting: How You Shouldn't Do It - Renewed for 2nd season
Supernatural - Renewed for 9th season
Beauty and the Beast - Tossup
Cult - Cancellation certain
Nikita - Renewal likely

The Walking Whining Dead - Renewed for 4th season
American Horror Story - Renewed for 3rd season
Game of Thrones - Renewed for 3rd season
True Blood Vampire Porn - Renewed for 6th season
Teen Wolf - Renewed for 3rd season
Alphas - Cancelled
Haven - Renewed for 4th season
Lost Girl - Renewed for 4th season
Warehouse 13 - Tossup
Falling Skies - Renewed for 3rd season
Continuum - Renewed for 2nd Season
Being Human (US) - Renewed for 3rd season
Primeval: New World - Cancelled

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
With the cancellation of Primeval: New World, SPACE: The UNImagination Station must be placing their hopes on "Orphan Black" - running for about 10 shows. Clones and more clones are running amok from what I understand. This is a BBC co-production so it must be available starting around March 30th on BBC-America.

Primeval will be replaced by a 'female Werewolf show' called Bitten. SyFy please pay attention.

Be thankful that SPACE didn't rebrand itself as SPAYSE (or some shit like that) and totally abandon sci-fi like Syfylys has done.


Well Known GateFan
Be thankful that SPACE didn't rebrand itself as SPAYSE (or some shit like that) and totally abandon sci-fi like Syfylys has done.

I can't find a close-up of a Spacey Award, but maybe this will suffice.

I noticed on Deadline that Zero Hour has been added to the heap. Good Grief!​


Council Member & Author
Well, though it is apparent that several of you don't care for Lost Girl, I enjoy it for the humor. It's the snarky kind of humor I tend to like best.


Sinister Swede
Well I haven't updated this list in a while, so here we go.

Once Upon a Time - Renewal all but confirmed
666 Park Avenue - Cancelled
Last Resort - Cancelled
Zero Hour - Cancelled

Meh, who cares?

Grimm - Renewal all but confirmed
Revolution - Renewal all but confirmed
Community - Tossup
Hannibal - Tossup

Fringe - Ended
Touch - Cancellation certain
The Following - Renewed for 2nd season

The Vampire Diaries - Renewed for 5th season
Arrow - Renewed for 2nd season
Supernatural - Renewed for 9th season
Beauty and the Beast - Renewal likely
Cult - Cancellation certain
Nikita - Renewal all but confirmed

The Walking Dead - Renewed for 4th season
American Horror Story - Renewed for 3rd season
Game of Thrones - Renewed for 4th season
True Blood - Renewed for 6th season
Teen Wolf - Renewed for 3rd season
Alphas - Cancelled
Haven - Renewed for 4th season
Lost Girl - Renewed for 4th season
Warehouse 13 - Tossup
Falling Skies - Renewed for 3rd season
Continuum - Renewal likely
Being Human (US) - Renewed for 3rd season
Primeval: New World - Cancelled
Defiance - Renewal likely


Well Known GateFan
Well I haven't updated this list in a while, so here we go.

Gracias! :daniel_new_anime021:

BTW ESA, you do know that you're now our official "Renewal and Cancellation" guy, right? (Provided you're okay with it that is) The "job" comes with a trinket/award to put on your avatar/info. We were thinking a hammer would be cool but if you have any ideas of what you'd like (providing you accept the title as Renewal/Cancellation guru) then just let a mod know.

So, basically, what I'm saying is is that we appreciate you updating this thread on a regular basis. (Now that's enough complimenting and sincerity from me for one day. Wouldn't want you to get a cavity from all this sugar I'm dispensing. ;) )


Sinister Swede
Gracias! :daniel_new_anime021:

BTW ESA, you do know that you're now our official "Renewal and Cancellation" guy, right? (Provided you're okay with it that is) The "job" comes with a trinket/award to put on your avatar/info. We were thinking a hammer would be cool but if you have any ideas of what you'd like (providing you accept the title as Renewal/Cancellation guru) then just let a mod know.

So, basically, what I'm saying is is that we appreciate you updating this thread on a regular basis. (Now that's enough complimenting and sincerity from me for one day. Wouldn't want you to get a cavity from all this sugar I'm dispensing. ;) )

Sure, I'm game for that! ;)

Grimm just got it's order for Season 3!

Having a happy :)

Cool, I'll update the list.


Sinister Swede
With Revolution, Beauty and the Beast and Grimm all renewed, here's an updated list. The CW has also picked up The Originals, a spin off of The Vampire Diaries.

Once Upon a Time - Renewal all but confirmed
666 Park Avenue - Cancelled
Last Resort - Cancelled
Zero Hour - Cancelled

Meh, who cares?

Grimm - Renewed for 3rd season
Revolution - Renewed for 2nd season
Community - Tossup
Hannibal - Tossup

Fringe - Ended
Touch - Cancellation certain
The Following - Renewed for 2nd season

The Vampire Diaries - Renewed for 5th season
Arrow - Renewed for 2nd season
Supernatural - Renewed for 9th season
Beauty and the Beast - Renewed for 2nd season
Cult - Cancellation certain
Nikita - Renewal all but confirmed
The Originals - New show

The Walking Dead - Renewed for 4th season
American Horror Story - Renewed for 3rd season
Game of Thrones - Renewed for 4th season
True Blood - Renewed for 6th season
Teen Wolf - Renewed for 3rd season
Alphas - Cancelled
Haven - Renewed for 4th season
Lost Girl - Renewed for 4th season
Warehouse 13 - Tossup
Falling Skies - Renewed for 3rd season
Continuum - Renewal likely
Being Human (US) - Renewed for 3rd season
Primeval: New World - Cancelled
Defiance - Renewal likely

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
With Revolution, Beauty and the Beast and Grimm all renewed, here's an updated list. The CW has also picked up The Originals, a spin off of The Vampire Diaries.

Once Upon a Time - Renewal all but confirmed
666 Park Avenue - Cancelled
Last Resort - Cancelled
Zero Hour - Cancelled

Meh, who cares?

Grimm - Renewed for 3rd season
Revolution - Renewed for 2nd season
Community - Tossup
Hannibal - Tossup

Fringe - Ended
Touch - Cancellation certain
The Following - Renewed for 2nd season

The Vampire Diaries - Renewed for 5th season
Arrow - Renewed for 2nd season
Supernatural - Renewed for 9th season
Beauty and the Beast - Renewed for 2nd season
Cult - Cancellation certain
Nikita - Renewal all but confirmed
The Originals - New show

The Walking Dead - Renewed for 4th season
American Horror Story - Renewed for 3rd season
Game of Thrones - Renewed for 4th season
True Blood - Renewed for 6th season
Teen Wolf - Renewed for 3rd season
Alphas - Cancelled
Haven - Renewed for 4th season
Lost Girl - Renewed for 4th season
Warehouse 13 - Tossup
Falling Skies - Renewed for 3rd season
Continuum - Renewal likely
Being Human (US) - Renewed for 3rd season
Primeval: New World - Cancelled
Defiance - Renewal likely

Just an FYI...Defiance WILL have a second season, but not because of "renewal". It had those two seasons from the get go. :)


Sinister Swede
Just an FYI...Defiance WILL have a second season, but not because of "renewal". It had those two seasons from the get go. :)

Yeah probably, but since there's no solid official word on that other than pure speculation I'm keeping it in the "renewal likely" pile for the foreseeable future. But if the ratings hold steady at around or over 2 mil for the next episode I might upgrade it to renewal certain.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah probably, but since there's no solid official word on that other than pure speculation I'm keeping it in the "renewal likely" pile for the foreseeable future. But if the ratings hold steady at around or over 2 mil for the next episode I might upgrade it to renewal certain.

Wasn't that a gas to find out after the fact that Brad Wright and Joe Mallozzi made a huge deal about SGU being "renewed" for a second season, but Craig Engler outed them by telling everyone that SGU has those two seasons in its contract from day one? :anim_59: The SGU fanbois were all crowing about how it got "renewed" and all.

This show evidently has its entire first season already filmed, and the second season is "not guaranteed" (this is the cover story). IGN says the crossover show has been disappointing.

But some sources at Syfy has said that the show was guaranteed two seasons from the start. We could perhaps tweet Craig Engler and confirm?


Well Known GateFan
Dude, SGU was NOT "garenteed" a S2, stop saying it was.
Craig tweeted that, Mozzie had a spit, and Craig went on to tweet that Mozzie was probably right. What *probably* happened and will *probably* happen here is that the rating's required to actually get the second season will be so stupidly low that even re-runs of TNG could get them............

Here, this is from the Forbes article you linked a little ago:
Forbes said:
While the network will generate revenues of $734 million in 2012, according to SNL Kagan, contributing to the $8 billion in annual revenues for NBC Universal’s cable networks group, it virtually never makes money on its shows directly. High ratings allow Syfy to charge advertisers and distributors more, but the programs themselves “are loss leaders, for the most part, or a break-even proposition,” says Howe. Even “Warehouse 13,” its highest-rated series, doesn’t make money per se.

The question will be, at what point does it loose it's "leader" status and just become a loss?