Random Banter


Well Known GateFan
The confluence of Technological and Psychological Obsolescence in a master stroke of marketing?


entirely random occurrence that happens...every day?

in my typical over the top accusatory mode of charging big corporations with mind F'g all of us in the name of greater profit- I present this--

i have like a 6 year old smart phone that i use a verizon month to month plan on..no contracts, no data, no texting.. ph never leaves the car

a few yrs ago, i got a msg from verizon telling me that although my phone could handle 4g it may be "spotty" and i should consider getting a new phone

well, its worked fine until about a year ago, I noticed in a oh so irritating way, that when I get to about 3/4 mile of walmart-- which has a verizon agent in it AS WELL as a verizon company store straight across the road from the walmart driveway (see map)--- the coverage becomes very bad

now, i have "5 (or 6 or whatever) bars" but as soon as i dial my voicemail or try to make a call.. it goes to zero bars

anywhere else, even out in the boonies, my phone works.. i find it very strange that it does this when i am right where i could purchase a new phone frustrated over how my current ph is working

now, don't ask me how they would be doing this-- all i know is that things can be downgraded -as in the ay Apple admitted to downgrading ppls phones a few yrs ago through an updt to "allow your ph to operate better" yet it actually caused ppl to go and get a new ph

what i do know, that if they are doing it--like dialing down the accessibility to the cell tower within a certain radius of 2 places where one could purchase a new verizon phone and plan--is highly, highly clever as hell

using a combo of planned,tech obsolescence together with using psychological obsolescence is possible and has happened many times over history (like how GM and dUPONT convinced car buyers in the earl y20's that their cars --painted with dupont's new line of paints, were somehow actually better than ford)

make me see my ph is somehow "old" by limiting my use of it, but then only making that limit effective within site of two places where i can get a new one

oh, and on this map, at the right side (East end) of 'linwood ave" there is a VERIZON CELL TOWER.. 3 blocks away! as well as another about 2 miles to the west

View attachment 35590


Today i finally had the time to stop in that verizon store that is on the map

and, i was kind of right in my guess

while not done directly to snafu my and other ppl's 3g devices and make us think "oh there's walmart/verizon store, i'll go buy a new phone"

i was told that the cell tower at the end of 'linwood ave' that covers this area was upgraded to be a 5G tower, the first in the area. it was done tothis tower SO THAT Walmart and the Verizon store WOULD HAVE the ability to demo the 5G devices they have on sale

so my 3g- could handle 4g- device would not work on this tower

so, i got a new cheap ph-- a verizon orbic, on the pre pay


Well Known GateFan
Remember this from last year, if you had read or heard of it all that is?

It applied only to the 'first wave' of covid19 in India and other nations where Tuberculosis vaccinations are mandatory (BCG vaccine)

The thought was that persons who had a BCG vaxx and contracted covid19, either had no symptoms or symptoms were very mild

Researchers ,so far, have backed up this theory.

AND GUESS which other nations also have a full mandatory BCG vaxx program for all citizens, or, a partial one for special populations?

South Africa, Brazil and the United Kingdom- ALL of which also have their own covid19 variants

most of the other mandatory bcg vaxx nations also had an easy time with the first wave of covid as well

I wonder if the current 'Indian variant" of covid19 was prompted to mutate by this? That is, in India and other nations with mandatory BCG vaxx, the virus could not find suitable hosts, so mutated so that it could affect them as we see this time around?

and, in those other nations with bcg vaxx that had a relatively easier time the first round-- will they be seeing mutations occur too?

<<< No smart asses-- I am not a Doctor.. but, you know what? i can read and process info as we all should be able to do. That is why I find this interesting >>

3. Evidences of protection due to BCG vaccination against SARS Cov-2 infections
Miller et al19 (Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy) compared number of countries with BCG vaccination policies with the morbidity and mortality for COVID-19. They found that countries without universal policies of BCG vaccination (like Italy, USA) have been more severely affected compared to countries with universal BCG policies. They proposed that BCG vaccination attributed for reduced morbidity and mortality in countries with universal BCG policies.19 , 20 Countries with high BCG vaccination coverage have shown lower incidence of COVID-19, suggesting some protective mechanisms in TB-endemic areas.21 Ozdemir et al have shown proportionately less cases, milder illness and a lower death rate in BCG vaccinated population as compared to BCG non-vaccinated across countries and hemispheres.22 BCG vaccination might alter a secondary innate immune response upon viral infection over month apart resulting in improved antiviral responses and lowering viremia.18 This is so far proven that the countries more prone to be severely affected SARS-CoV-2 didn't adopt universal policies of BCG vaccination like Italy and Spain. The BCG vaccine likely reduces cytokine storm after SARS-COV-2 exposure, resulting mild COVID-19 and early recovery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7413058/

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Remember this from last year, if you had read or heard of it all that is?

It applied only to the 'first wave' of covid19 in India and other nations where Tuberculosis vaccinations are mandatory (BCG vaccine)

The thought was that persons who had a BCG vaxx and contracted covid19, either had no symptoms or symptoms were very mild

Researchers ,so far, have backed up this theory.

AND GUESS which other nations also have a full mandatory BCG vaxx program for all citizens, or, a partial one for special populations?

South Africa, Brazil and the United Kingdom- ALL of which also have their own covid19 variants

most of the other mandatory bcg vaxx nations also had an easy time with the first wave of covid as well

I wonder if the current 'Indian variant" of covid19 was prompted to mutate by this? That is, in India and other nations with mandatory BCG vaxx, the virus could not find suitable hosts, so mutated so that it could affect them as we see this time around?

and, in those other nations with bcg vaxx that had a relatively easier time the first round-- will they be seeing mutations occur too?

<<< No smart asses-- I am not a Doctor.. but, you know what? i can read and process info as we all should be able to do. That is why I find this interesting >>
It's not like a virus is intelligent. It's not gonna think "oh they have this stuff so my thing won't work, I better change". Mutations happen continuously and those that lack an ability to thrive won't and those that have the ability will.


Well Known GateFan
It's not like a virus is intelligent. It's not gonna think "oh they have this stuff so my thing won't work, I better change". Mutations happen continuously and those that lack an ability to thrive won't and those that have the ability will.
mutations happen for a reason, a change to an organisms environment and how that organism adapts-- mutates-- is a part of evolution

there are some very basic viruses and bacteria out there that have not adapted because they are not threatened by change.. we are not seriously endangered by them so we make no attempt to kill them off, therefore, no need for mutation on their part

this is how we get to anti-biotic resistant bacteria as well. we use too much "anti- s" soaps, cleaners ,sprays, sanitizers ,and especially far too many anti biotics. the results is the bacteria adapts--- mutates and overcomes to continue to survive

i can only imagine just how "strong" bacteria's have become with all the use of hand sanitizers and cleaning agents over the last year. we may be in for a super bacteria pandemic as a result

and moreover,, take a break bud.. i am just "discussing" things, not making "claims".... we used to do that here a lot amongst ourselves.- have discussions that is. Everyone is now so super hyped and easily triggered because of FB and Twitter and all the shit that happens there, discussions seem to be nearly "outlawed" now everywhere as a result

its sad, people are afraid to free think or challenge assumptions and pose "what ifs?" anymore for fear of being cancelled or some bullshit


Well Known GateFan
this is just one article of MANY on the topic of viruses changing- mutating, not because of errors in copying but due to changes in environment, which can be basics- like weather and humidity, or a change to a host-- meds, vaccines ,etc

researchers would not be researching this if they did not think it possible. the main things to take away from ANY article on this our the oft used phrases of "little understood", "mechanics of change not well known yet", "field of study requires much more research" ,etc ,etc

if all of you here do not YET know that i believe it is ok for "Amateurs" to discuss issues and to not just leave it to experts, then you haven't been paying attention

If we leave the knowledge and discussion to experts then we are basically creating a whole new multi class of "priesthood" who we allow to keep knowledge for themselves and to hold that knowledge as power over us.... religion and mysticism have often been proven to just be littel or not understood elements of science. a small group of 'experts' were allowed to hold the knowledge for themselves and pervert into a power structure

like a priesthood who understood the moons movements and instead of educating the public they turned it into religion to gain power and wealth from the ignorant.. do you all want to become the next generation of 'moon worshipers' by remaining willfully ignorant?

its ok to read info- process it and ask questions and discuss

sci fi would not exist if it were not for "amateurs" of actual science doing just exactly that-- challenging the 'temple's' monopoly on information. discussing and forming what ifs that led to some great sci fi writing

another example of researchers telling us just how much we DON'T know about viruses--any virus


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
and moreover,, take a break bud.. i am just "discussing" things, not making "claims".... we used to do that here a lot amongst ourselves.- have discussions that is. Everyone is now so super hyped and easily triggered because of FB and Twitter and all the shit that happens there, discussions seem to be nearly "outlawed" now everywhere as a result

its sad, people are afraid to free think or challenge assumptions and pose "what ifs?" anymore for fear of being cancelled or some bullshit
I don't understand why you're telling me to take a break.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Not sure either Lord Ba'al.

How you been?


Well Known GateFan
I don't understand why you're telling me to take a break.
because of the strong vibe of "stfu" in this post. I will not be silent in the face of this cancelling craze. ppl afraid to voice an opinion

it seems to me as if you are saying who am I too dare discuss the nature of viruses? if not, then forget it

It's not like a virus is intelligent. It's not gonna think "oh they have this stuff so my thing won't work, I better change". Mutations happen continuously and those that lack an ability to thrive won't and those that have the ability will.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
because of the strong vibe of "stfu" in this post. I will not be silent in the face of this cancelling craze. ppl afraid to voice an opinion

it seems to me as if you are saying who am I too dare discuss the nature of viruses? if not, then forget it
Dude. Take a fucking chill pill. I'm not saying anything like that. You're reading things that aren't there.


What ship is this?
Staff member
So anyway, how have you been Lord Ba’al? How’s Quetesh? Any new Jaffa in your court?


Well Known GateFan
Dude. Take a fucking chill pill. I'm not saying anything like that. You're reading things that aren't there.
i know you are but what am I? :) relax man.. i already said disregard if this is not what you meant


Well Known GateFan


The crazy world of Russian/Soviet bio research​

70 or so yrs ago, it is thought that the Soviets may have (stress may) cross bred a human female by inseminating her with either Chimpanzee or Gorilla sperm.​

Now, they want to clone people from ancient Scythian DNA!​

the Scythians were a diverse group of Turkic, Iranian/Aryan and possibly some Mongol tribes who banned together in culture and language.. one of the first 'multi ethnic' cultures.​

they were excellent horseman and warriors who controlled the grasslands from tibet to modern day romania​

they spawned legends of Centaurs, Amazon warriors and other myths by their actions and lifestyle​

YUP!! Excellent the material Russia needs in their military today!​

would be the ultimate 'nature vs nurture' experiment​


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
So apparently MGM got bought by Amazon. This means that properties like Stargate might just .....

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So apparently MGM got bought by Amazon. This means that properties like Stargate might just .....
BINGO on that! The Stargate reboot was already in motion before the purchase, and it will move even faster now. To me, having the Stargate IP is as good as having the Star Trek license. Brad Wright is even involved! Word has it that it will be a reboot of Stargate, not a continuance of SG-1. We will likely get a different take on the show. It may kick off with a movie first.


Well Known GateFan
We put in an offer on a house in the middle of the craziest housing season on record in UK. I literally used the playbook from watching Million Dollar Listing and they accepted the offer in 1 day.
Our finances with the bank and underwriter went through like butter in a super fast 3 weeks time, when it it taking months for many to go through.

I have the lawyer, mortgage broker and house inspector are lined up and starting to do their final things....then the mother frakin weirdest thing happens.

The lawyer calls up and says the previous owner's property is both under claimed and over claimed for what the "true" property lines are on record.
Over here the property is separate from the house, and usually sits on a leasehold to some separate company that you have to pay a minimum fee a year too, around 1 pound.
But he says it is something he has never seen before, where they just did not register part of the back yard ( probably because it is a ravine) and over claimed on the right side, ( probably because it sits next to a council owned "footpath")

What this means is the seller has to get their lawyer to reclass the registered land to the correct property lines. We are not concerned about the back portion, but we do need to make certain those property lines with the council are known and marked. We will need to make sure we put up a new fence so that we don't encroach upon their land which is a bother since there is an existing fence that makes it look like our yard is bigger. To top it off the seller's lawyer is dragging it out because they don't want to be bothered, but our lawyer said this is something that has to be done, either now or someday when we want to sell an it becomes our problem.

We could just risk it and hope nobody from the council wants to take the land back, but I don't see us willing to take any chances after everything we had to do to get here.
Or they do give in and agree to get reclassed then it is a month more delay, so just hoping they do it already. I find it annoying because we paid over ask for the house, so they definitely should not take issue with spending 200 pounds to get the deal done.

If they don't do past Sept, it will bring us to owe Stamp Duty and will cost us a lot more money.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I hope that works out speedily. It sounds like a rather weird thing to have happen.


Well Known GateFan
We put in an offer on a house in the middle of the craziest housing season on record in UK. I literally used the playbook from watching Million Dollar Listing and they accepted the offer in 1 day.
Our finances with the bank and underwriter went through like butter in a super fast 3 weeks time, when it it taking months for many to go through.

I have the lawyer, mortgage broker and house inspector are lined up and starting to do their final things....then the mother frakin weirdest thing happens.

The lawyer calls up and says the previous owner's property is both under claimed and over claimed for what the "true" property lines are on record.
Over here the property is separate from the house, and usually sits on a leasehold to some separate company that you have to pay a minimum fee a year too, around 1 pound.
But he says it is something he has never seen before, where they just did not register part of the back yard ( probably because it is a ravine) and over claimed on the right side, ( probably because it sits next to a council owned "footpath")

What this means is the seller has to get their lawyer to reclass the registered land to the correct property lines. We are not concerned about the back portion, but we do need to make certain those property lines with the council are known and marked. We will need to make sure we put up a new fence so that we don't encroach upon their land which is a bother since there is an existing fence that makes it look like our yard is bigger. To top it off the seller's lawyer is dragging it out because they don't want to be bothered, but our lawyer said this is something that has to be done, either now or someday when we want to sell an it becomes our problem.

We could just risk it and hope nobody from the council wants to take the land back, but I don't see us willing to take any chances after everything we had to do to get here.
Or they do give in and agree to get reclassed then it is a month more delay, so just hoping they do it already. I find it annoying because we paid over ask for the house, so they definitely should not take issue with spending 200 pounds to get the deal done.

If they don't do past Sept, it will bring us to owe Stamp Duty and will cost us a lot more money.
i have read and watched about some real nightmares (more "nightmarish" for an american probably then a person who has lived in the UK all their lives) involving property rights and easements. How people get cited "cautioned" by the police for harassment merely for cutting their lawns or painting a house a color they didn't consult their neighbors on

how they have dueling property paperwork that have diff property boundaries-- headaches... messy

if i lived in the UK i think i would only be able to live on top of a mountain in wales, with no neighbors :)