Prometheus (in 3D): Just saw it. Review coming at length...


My avatar speaks for itself.
Are you guys talking about Predators with Adrian Brody? It was both good and bad in spots. I won't spoil it but have to say that it annoys me when they try to cram as much "psychological" crap as possible into what should be a simple action movie. It does look like they left it open for sequels but I don't know if they are producing any yet.
Id watch em.and they made 120mil on this one so sequel is possible?


My avatar speaks for itself.
I have not seen it yet. :( The Predators are an interesting race of aliens, and I would love to see them fleshed out in a series of movies. :) What is the name of the movie?
me too they have been in a series of books and stuff but yes in movies def id watch that!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
me too they have been in a series of books and stuff but yes in movies def id watch that!

The Predators seem like a badass interstellar gang, sorta like the Sons of Anarchy in Space. :) They all have style and they have dreads! Cool weapons too. :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
The Predators seem like a badass interstellar gang, sorta like the Sons of Anarchy in Space. :) They all have style and they have dreads! Cool weapons too. :)
personally i like the Tribal Hunter thing ie an Alien Species that has relly embraced their nature and place in the universe ie they hunt other species to hone their skills and perhaps steal tech et like a true and dangerous parasite something to really fear out their in space...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Meh, gotta disagree here. Alien and Aliens were fantastic movies. The first one is a classic and was both a simple scary movie and an intriguing drama. The second one, while not as great as the first (due to Cameron's goofy changes), was still quite good. I don't see Aliens as being pure canon though as the alien queen was sort of just thrown in there as a plot device to have a single antagonist for Ripley to fight against. In Alien it's established that these creatures don't need a queen to reproduce (directors cut).

At any rate, they don't really suck even though they are "old". (Okay, I admit Aliens sucks a little in spots, but that's because it was written and directed by James Cameron who wasn't a complete douche at that point but enough of one to let it affect the story he told.)

I loved Alien, and I liked Aliens a lot, and the third and fourth ones :facepalm:.


Well Known GateFan
Id watch em.and they made 120mil on this one so sequel is possible?

If that movie made that much chances are they will make a sequel. It will probably be lower-end with B list actors though.


Sinister Swede
Id watch em.and they made 120mil on this one so sequel is possible?

No, the budget for the movie was $120 million. The total box office for the movie is $266 million so far, however only $112 million of that is US domestic box office.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Ah, sorry. A little misunderstanding, what with the thread being about Prometheus and me forgetting to read all the latest posts in the thread.
no worries guess we went alittle OT but also MUCHO IMPORTANTE to read all posts to understand context you know ;)


Well Known GateFan
I loved Alien, and I liked Aliens a lot, and the third and fourth ones :facepalm:.

That's my fear with Prometheus, that it will mess too much with the Alien story. The way I see it is that Alien 3 and Alien:Resurrection only hurt the franchise, not helped it. Alien 3 completely negated the first two movies by basically killing everyone off. That was a horrible decision as story telling goes. And with Alien:Resurrection do I really need to spell out how horrific that one was? Ugh! All I need are five words to prove my point: Giant alien vagina giving birth. :rolleye0014:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
That's my fear with Prometheus, that it will mess too much with the Alien story. The way I see it is that Alien 3 and Alien:Resurrection only hurt the franchise, not helped it. Alien 3 completely negated the first two movies by basically killing everyone off. That was a horrible decision as story telling goes. And with Alien:Resurrection do I really need to spell out how horrific that one was? Ugh! All I need are five words to prove my point: Giant alien vagina giving birth. :rolleye0014:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That's my fear with Prometheus, that it will mess too much with the Alien story. The way I see it is that Alien 3 and Alien:Resurrection only hurt the franchise, not helped it. Alien 3 completely negated the first two movies by basically killing everyone off. That was a horrible decision as story telling goes. And with Alien:Resurrection do I really need to spell out how horrific that one was? Ugh! All I need are five words to prove my point: Giant alien vagina giving birth. :rolleye0014:

Too late. :( Prometheus "messed with" the Alien storyline by showing the origin of the creatures and how they came to be. Even if they stopped with Prometheus, they have already given too much Alien backstory. And both of you need to completely disregard any notion that this movie is only "loosely" connected to Alien. Sorry to tell you guys, but it is DIRECTLY connected in a very clear way. Im still writing my review, but I am editing it to remove all the major spoilers.

Having said what I have said about the movie, it is NOT a stinker. It is an entertaining movie worth your time. But it will piss you off if you are thinking it is separate from the Alien story. Think of this movie as a prequel.


Well Known GateFan
Too late. :( Prometheus "messed with" the Alien storyline by showing the origin of the creatures and how they came to be. Even if they stopped with Prometheus, they have already given too much Alien backstory. And both of you need to completely disregard any notion that this movie is only "loosely" connected to Alien. Sorry to tell you guys, but it is DIRECTLY connected in a very clear way. Im still writing my review, but I am editing it to remove all the major spoilers.

Having said what I have said about the movie, it is NOT a stinker. It is an entertaining movie worth your time. But it will piss you off if you are thinking it is separate from the Alien story. Think of this movie as a prequel.

I'm looking forward to your review. From what you mentioned I now fear that this movie has that whole "Who is God?--Are we God???" sort of theme. Synthetic beings who are sentient (robots) questioning their existence and humans questioning their origins and blah blah blah. I hope it's not too much like that. :eusa_snooty:

I was going to go see Prometheus this afternoon but couldn't swing it. I wanted to catch it in a matinee but got caught up with other stuff plus my friend who wants to see it also didn't get the afternoon off like he thought he could. I'll probably avoid going on the weekend but if I can I'll try to catch it on Monday or Tuesday next week.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm looking forward to your review. From what you mentioned I now fear that this movie has that whole "Who is God?--Are we God???" sort of theme. Synthetic beings who are sentient (robots) questioning their existence and humans questioning their origins and blah blah blah. I hope it's not too much like that. :eusa_snooty:

Nah, nothing so plebean. But we still have the "Are we God?" thing going. Only in this movie God wants us dead. :( The Engineers (formerly known as "Space Jockeys") are real beings, but they are violent and seem hellbent on killing Humanity that they supposedly created. They dont go into it that much in this movie, but it is obvious that they want to expand on that premise.

My biggest problem with this movie is the Engineers. I just do not find them appealing or interesting because they seem too..."familiar" somehow. I also do not like the Hitler-esque undertones to it. If they try to concentrate on this race of beings like they have implied in the movie, then the next one will be less watchable than this movie in my opinion. I was wanting the Space Jockeys to be the alien we saw sitting in the chair in Alien. But it turns out that it is a suit we were looking at, with one of the Engineers inside. :(

See this in 3D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That's my fear with Prometheus, that it will mess too much with the Alien story. The way I see it is that Alien 3 and Alien:Resurrection only hurt the franchise, not helped it. Alien 3 completely negated the first two movies by basically killing everyone off. That was a horrible decision as story telling goes. And with Alien:Resurrection do I really need to spell out how horrific that one was? Ugh! All I need are five words to prove my point: Giant alien vagina giving birth. :rolleye0014:

The last one was the most horrible of all, because we had Sigourney Weaver in it, but she wasnt Ripley. :culpability:. And the giant alien vagina giving birth, and the "baby" was just cringe-worthy. :facepalm:


Objects may be closer than they appear
You should send your review to

I'd be curious to know if they'd update their front page for it. :lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You should send your review to

I'd be curious to know if they'd update their front page for it. :lol:

Ya know, I really did not want them to fall so far behind. I was kinda hoping for a friendly rivalry. FRIENDLY being the keyword here. But their tech admin bailed and nobody seems to have replaced HIM. I am over any issues I had with them, but they obviously don't feel the same way. They could always use our RSS feed. :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
I saw Prometheus tonight (2D version). I mostly enjoyed it but I thought it dragged in a few spots. It sort of felt like they were spoon feeding the story to the audience, and that always slows things down.

I thought there would be more grab your armrests horror in it than there actually was. It certainly did not have the same tension as the original Alien.

Regarding the odd crew selection...

They weren't picked by some worldwide consortium. The mission was a corporate project and Vickers hand-picked many of the crew herself. It was apparent that she thought the mission was a complete waste of time. I liked that she had her own personal escape vessel – the rich and powerful will still have all the perks in 2093.

The special effects were great. The med lab scene rocked.

This film didn't ruin Alien for me at all. It wasn't as good as Alien was, but it wasn't that bad either.