Predictions for 2012


Well Known GateFan
Is it time for a new Award? 10 of my dire predictions.

I like this! We should all make predictions, then revisit this thread in 2012 to see how we did. :) We3 predicted the demise of an infamous soap-fi show last year didnt we? LOL. Mine are a bit more dire:

  1. Figures will show the Christmas revenues for 2011 were the worst in years.
  2. There will be a biological accident resulting in the deaths of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people (not sure where, but in the US).
  3. Wall Street will crash, the dollar will lose more than half its value.
  4. Emigration to other countries from the US will reach record levels.
  5. Deadly force will be used at one of the Occupy protests, firing riots across the nation.
  6. A new war will be declared, and it will not involve the US but another nuclear armed country.
  7. The ban on gay marriage in California voted in by voters will be upheld, amidst protests from gay activist groups.
  8. Obama will win the election of 2012, an assasination attempt will be made on him shortly after the election.
  9. December 21 will pass and many Christians will be embarrassed yet again when the world does not end.
I know, doesn't sound rosy, but its realistic!

Well you got #6 correct as well; Israel vs Gaza
--- merged: Dec 4, 2012 at 7:44 PM ---
You're right. Not going to push that one. :) But the world is not ending. The 21st through the 23rd of December is the Winter Solstice. In the Mayan Calendar, it (2012) marks when the Sun will cross the Galactic ecliptic. The cyclic nature of the Mayan Calendar mirrors the cyclic nature of the Universe. Nothing more. :). None of the European cultures have been able to observe the entire precession of the earth's axis. But the ancient cultures of South America, Africa and southeast Asia have. Their calendars and observations span more than 26,000 years. Predictions of apocalypse are preposterous.

yes but the crazies are still hoarding water, rice, can food and MRE's

that is the real potential "apocalypse"- the prepper hoards

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
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Well Known GateFan