Predictions for 2012


The Belle of the Ball
OOOH I like this!!!

My predictions for 2012:
1. The winter will be COLD with snow in the northern regions of the USA.;)
2. The summer will be HOT with a drought in Texas. (sad but true) :(
3. There will be hurricaines, tornadoes, earthquakes, and flooding somewhere at sometime!

4. There WILL be a USA election in November with a winner (the winner will be Romney ;) )
5. North Korea will threaten and whine until the West sends them food (for their troops :P ). :rolleyes:
6. The world WILL still be turning after the 21st of December.

7. The president of Iran (I can't spell the terrorist's name) will threaten Israel and Obama will say/do nothing per usual!

8. There will be a huge scandal with the Obama adminstration (fast and furious anyone?) resulting in a couple of resignations of insignificant underlings. :facepalm:
9. The Supreme Court will covene the first monday of October.

10. Aliens will NOT invade because we are not environmentally responsible!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Predicting "status quo" is always a safe bet. :icon_lol:
Yeah, but 2012 gives us a new President (or the current one for another 4 years), we have an unstable EU, possibly a nuclear capable Iran, and an ambitious China investing in Africa and the EU. I think that thinking that none of that will change anything is sorta funny.


Sinister Swede
Yeah, but 2012 gives us a new President (or the current one for another 4 years), we have an unstable EU, possibly a nuclear capable Iran, and an ambitious China investing in Africa and the EU. I think that thinking that none of that will change anything is sorta funny.

Precisely. Besides, I think that if we have learned anything from this year, it's that some things just can't be predicted. I mean honestly, who would've predicted something like massive revolts in several north african and arabic countries back in 2010? If 2012 continues to be as surprising as 2011 has been, I think we're in for a hell of a ride.


Someday we'll all have to learn to speak Chinese. But not in 2012. :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yeah, but 2012 gives us a new President (or the current one for another 4 years), we have an unstable EU, possibly a nuclear capable Iran, and an ambitious China investing in Africa and the EU. I think that thinking that none of that will change anything is sorta funny.

I have the impression we've been living those changes already.



It's either Mandarin or Cantonese. But "chinese" is not a language. Nobody speaks "chinese".

Go to a Chinese restaurant, stuff your mouth full of noodles, chew a bit but don't swallow, say "Peter Piper picked a peck of peppers" and then come back and tell me it is not a language.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Go to a Chinese restaurant, stuff your mouth full of noodles, chew a bit but don't swallow, say "Peter Piper picked a peck of peppers" and then come back and tell me it is not a language.

That's just nasty. :icon_lol:


Oh, not to me. I really really suck at French. I am pretty decent with Spanish, and get try to get by in Italian. But French I really stink at.:facepalm:

How can you be of Italian descent and speak better Spanish than you do Italian?


How can you be of Italian descent and speak better Spanish than you do Italian?

I am a American Italian, not off the boat. And not brought up by the Italian side. Plus they did not offer Italian in my school, only Spanish and French. I picked Spanish. I took four years of that. So, that is all I can really remember much of, but with a good book I can get by in Italian because of the similarities of the two. Book, or not I crashed in burned in French.

I am speaking of the times I spent in Mexico, Italy or France. When the locals get fed up and tell you..."Just speak English", you really suck. They did that a few times in Rome and Venice and lots in Paris but never in Cancun, Riviera Maya or Acapulco. I am also talking about the bartenders and waiters that I was tipping which just makes it all the more embarrassing.