Predictions for 2012


Sinister Swede
So as the year has almost drawn to a close, what do you all think will happen during those twelve months of 2012? Will we finally achieve world peace? Or maybe world war? (seems more likely at the moment, doesn't it?). Will aliens invade in order to steal all our beer? Will all the world's water supplies mysteriously turn into fudge? Whatever you think will happen, post your thoughts here.

Anyways, here are some of my predictions.

-North Korea will promise to crush all the capitalist swine swiftly and decisively.

-Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee and live to see the end of the year.

-Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden will give birth to a cute and adorable little heir to the throne.

-Nicholas Sarkozy will get his arse kicked in the French presidential election.

-A politician with fiery anti-gay rhetoric will be caught in bed with a male prostitute. Sure, it happens almost every year, but the question is just who it'll be this time.

-As usual, everyone will be very disappointed by the Oscars and the Emmys.

-Cryogenically frozen dinosaurs will awaken and go on a rampage across the earth.

-Apple will once again release an extremely underwhelming new product.

-'The Dark Knight Rises' will become the highest grossing film of the year, with 'The Avengers' in at a close second'

-Most surprisingly, the world does not come to an end on 21/12/12.

-North Korea will fail to deliver on their previous promise.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
So as the year has almost drawn to a close, what do you all think will happen during those twelve months of 2012? Will we finally achieve world peace? Or maybe world war? (seems more likely at the moment, doesn't it?). Will aliens invade in order to steal all our beer? Will all the world's water supplies mysteriously turn into fudge? Whatever you think will happen, post your thoughts here.

Anyways, here are some of my predictions.

-North Korea will promise to crush all the capitalist swine swiftly and decisively.

-Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee and live to see the end of the year.

-Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden will give birth to a cute and adorable little heir to the throne.

-Nicholas Sarkozy will get his arse kicked in the French presidential election.

-A politician with fiery anti-gay rhetoric will be caught in bed with a male prostitute. Sure, it happens almost every year, but the question is just who it'll be this time.

-As usual, everyone will be very disappointed by the Oscars and the Emmys.

-Cryogenically frozen dinosaurs will awaken and go on a rampage across the earth.

-Apple will once again release an extremely underwhelming new product.

-'The Dark Knight Rises' will become the highest grossing film of the year, with 'The Avengers' in at a close second'

-Most surprisingly, the world does not come to an end at 12/12/12.

-North Korea will fail to deliver on their previous promise.

:rotflmao: Double LOL on the last NK prediction.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Pretty funny predictions! I like them all.

How about adding:

SyFy will make at least one completely boneheaded programming decision.

The conspiracy crowd will find something new to glom onto after the the whole "Mayan calendar" thing doesn't happen

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Is it time for a new Award? 10 of my dire predictions.

I like this! We should all make predictions, then revisit this thread in 2012 to see how we did. :) We3 predicted the demise of an infamous soap-fi show last year didnt we? LOL. Mine are a bit more dire:

  1. Figures will show the Christmas revenues for 2011 were the worst in years.
  2. There will be a biological accident resulting in the deaths of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people (not sure where, but in the US).
  3. Wall Street will crash, the dollar will lose more than half its value.
  4. Emigration to other countries from the US will reach record levels.
  5. Deadly force will be used at one of the Occupy protests, firing riots across the nation.
  6. A new war will be declared, and it will not involve the US but another nuclear armed country.
  7. The ban on gay marriage in California voted in by voters will be upheld, amidst protests from gay activist groups.
  8. Obama will win the election of 2012, an assasination attempt will be made on him shortly after the election.
  9. December 21 will pass and many Christians will be embarrassed yet again when the world does not end.
I know, doesn't sound rosy, but its realistic!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Pretty funny predictions! I like them all.

How about adding:

SyFy will make at least one completely boneheaded programming decision.

The conspiracy crowd will find something new to glom onto after the the whole "Mayan calendar" thing doesn't happen

Isnt that just a statement of standard operating procedure for that channel? :) How many Ghost Hunter variants can we have, anyway? Im half expecting Ghost Hunters underwater, or Ghost Hunters in space. How about new "amalgam" shows like Ghost Wrestlers?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Sorry Overmind, but in all respect Christians have nothing to do with the 2012 nonsense. And Harold Campings craziness this year was a cult not Christianity. Camping is no more Christian than Nyarlahotep was.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sorry Overmind, but in all respect Christians have nothing to do with the 2012 nonsense. And Harold Campings craziness this year was a cult not Christianity. Camping is no more Christian than Nyarlahotep was.

EXACTLY! But its the Christians who seem to be talking the most about it, and they are the ones who seem to be the most disturbed by it, in my observations. Who is Harold Campings?


EXACTLY! But its the Christians who seem to be talking the most about it, and they are the ones who seem to be the most disturbed by it, in my observations. Who is Harold Campings?

He is the wack job that twisted the words of the bible to make it sound as he wanted. He took several phrases out of context. That is while the "Christians" are the ones mostly upset by it. He claimed to be a true christian, but is a false prophet.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Harold Camping is the kook who was claiming the Rapture was going to happen May 21,2011 and on October 21,2011 the world would end. I among others was engaged in refuting Camping's stuff to people who did not look too closely at his teaching and assumed he was Christian.

As to some (not all) Christians getting excited over end of the world rumors, that is true. It also however happens in other religions as well. It is just more visible in the US because of false teachings about the return of Christ being featured in films and books (like the Left Behind series). And the false teaching gets people more excited because the correct teaching is a bit more somber and level headed.


What ship is this?
Staff member
He is the wack job that twisted the words of the bible to make it sound as he wanted. He took several phrases out of context. That is while the "Christians" are the ones mostly upset by it. He claimed to be a true christian, but is a false prophet.

Yep. I was trying to be a bit more delicate but this is correct.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Still, its the Christians who react to the end of the world predictions, no matter who creates them. Just an observation.


What ship is this?
Staff member
It isn't just Christians who react to them. Other religions and indeed non-religious people do too. It is more a personality trait than necessarily a feature of a particular religion. Plus in the US the media focuses more on "christians" making endtimes statements. I put Christians in quotes because a lot of the time the speaker is a false teacher but the media chooses not to publicize those pointing that out - it's more sensational to feature the endtime excitement than the ones trying to keep things more level.


He is the wack job that twisted the words of the bible to make it sound as he wanted. He took several phrases out of context. That is while the "Christians" are the ones mostly upset by it. He claimed to be a true christian, but is a false prophet.

:icon_e_surprised: What a shocker. Nobody ever did that before. ;)


My prediction for 2012 is that The Netherlands will win the European soccer championship!


Objects may be closer than they appear
Great topic ESA! Here are mine. :D

1. "Stargate Universe the Musical" will open on Broadway to rave reviews
2. GateFans will surpass 300,000 posts
3. Tim Tebow will lead the Denver Broncos to the Super Bowl. :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Great topic ESA! Here are mine. :D

1. "Stargate Universe the Musical" will open on Broadway to rave reviews
2. GateFans will surpass 300,000 posts
3. Tim Tebow will lead the Denver Broncos to the Super Bowl. :P

Oh NO you di'nt!!


Great topic ESA! Here are mine. :D

1. "Stargate Universe the Musical" will open on Broadway to rave reviews
2. GateFans will surpass 300,000 posts
3. Tim Tebow will lead the Denver Broncos to the Super Bowl. :P

The Denver Broncos, heh! Now I'm thinking of Carman's dad. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It isn't just Christians who react to them. Other religions and indeed non-religious people do too. It is more a personality trait than necessarily a feature of a particular religion. Plus in the US the media focuses more on "christians" making endtimes statements. I put Christians in quotes because a lot of the time the speaker is a false teacher but the media chooses not to publicize those pointing that out - it's more sensational to feature the endtime excitement than the ones trying to keep things more level.

You're right. Not going to push that one. :) But the world is not ending. The 21st through the 23rd of December is the Winter Solstice. In the Mayan Calendar, it (2012) marks when the Sun will cross the Galactic ecliptic. The cyclic nature of the Mayan Calendar mirrors the cyclic nature of the Universe. Nothing more. :). None of the European cultures have been able to observe the entire precession of the earth's axis. But the ancient cultures of South America, Africa and southeast Asia have. Their calendars and observations span more than 26,000 years. Predictions of apocalypse are preposterous.


What ship is this?
Staff member
You're right. Not going to push that one. :) But the world is not ending. The 21st through the 23rd of December is the Winter Solstice. In the Mayan Calendar, it (2012) marks when the Sun will cross the Galactic ecliptic. The cyclic nature of the Mayan Calendar mirrors the cyclic nature of the Universe. Nothing more. :). None of the European cultures have been able to observe the entire precession of the earth's axis. But the ancient cultures of South America, Africa and southeast Asia have. Their calendars and observations span more than 26,000 years. Predictions of apocalypse are preposterous.

Wait!?!?!?! You mean that the movie 2012 isn't a documentary!?! We don't get to ride in those wonderful arks with loading doors below the waterline and engines that can't start if a door isn't totally shut!?! HORRORS!