Let's give "job creators" more tax breaks, not less

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If the religious right controls the party and they believe everything is God's will, does that mean God didn't want Romney as President and that he prefers Obama?

This causes their heads to explode and to start seeking explanations. They usually resort to Satan as the cause. :facepalm: It wasnt "God's will" that got Obama elected, it was the act Satan. Or a test.


The Belle of the Ball
That rack of ribs next to the bucket of chicken looks mighty good.
--- merged: Feb 20, 2013 at 2:16 PM ---

Yeah, actually, a pic showing a whole whack of minorities rallying with tea party signs would change everyone's minds.

bullshit I get accused of photoshopping it or fidning it online! :facepalm: i know the way your minds work...have seen it in here a million times!


as to obama's re-election--I beleive a people get the leadership they deserve-- they were stupid enough to re-elect the arsehole so they get him! ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This causes their heads to explode and to start seeking explanations. They usually resort to Satan as the cause. :facepalm: It wasnt "God's will" that got Obama elected, it was the act Satan. Or a test.

Gee, Mr. Overmind. That's really confusing. The religious right thinks Satan is more powerful than God? Doesn't that go against their entire belief structure, which states God wills everything and that suggesting otherwise is a violation of the first three commandment?
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 11:11 AM ---
bullshit I get accused of photoshopping it or fidning it online! :facepalm: i know the way your minds work...have seen it in here a million times!

I doubt you're that good with Photoshop.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Gee, Mr. Overmind. That's really confusing. The religious right thinks Satan is more powerful than God? Doesn't that go against their entire belief structure, which states God wills everything and that suggesting otherwise is a violation of the first three commandment?
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 11:11 AM ---

I doubt you're that good with Photoshop.

Hey, the same folks who brought you the Army of God also brought you the Minions of Satan. Go figure. :anim_59:
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 11:12 AM ---
bullshit I get accused of photoshopping it or fidning it online! :facepalm: i know the way your minds work...have seen it in here a million times!


as to obama's re-election--I beleive a people get the leadership they deserve-- they were stupid enough to re-elect the arsehole so they get him! ;)

What about the people who did NOT vote for him...perhaps they are the stupid ones?


The Belle of the Ball
the rest of us are tunneling and prepping! :tealc_newanime002::ronan_wraith:


The Belle of the Ball


Well Known GateFan
bullshit I get accused of photoshopping it or fidning it online! :facepalm: i know the way your minds work...have seen it in here a million times!

Yes, you know that I'm an intellectually honest person yet, once again, you choose to belittle and insult me (and others) in a defensively childish way by impugning my integrity. Yeah, I'm going to accuse you of photo-shopping a pic to make your point. :rolleyes:
