Let's give "job creators" more tax breaks, not less

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I have common sense which is something most elites (including the big O) seems to be lacking. Our country is broke and they want to SPEND MORE???? the liberal idea of a cut is to cut the rate of growth-- never cut the actual amount! common sense conservatism knows we need to cut the base spending.
personally as I have said many times- the left can keep Pelosi, Wrangle, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, John Conyers, Schumer, any of the Cuomos or Kennedys; I'll keep Palin, Akin, Mourdock (who is a very nice man - the gop needs to stop allowing libs to moderate "debates" the libs ask dumb "gotcha questions"-- abortion isn't even an issue any more- libs can murder all the babies they want) and Bachmann...they are far above those democrat clowns!

The reason we are broke is because of TAX CUTS. You cant spend money to fund wars and then cut taxes. How do the coffers get refilled if you dont raise taxes? WTF? Have you been picking your own mushrooms? You obviously have NO IDEA how the economy works, because if you did you would realize that it was Bush and his IDIOTIC tax cuts right at the start of two wars which blew away the Clinton surplus and dumped the country into economic disaster. And you blame Obama?

At least TRY to make a logical argument


--- merged: Feb 18, 2013 at 1:59 PM ---
ever been to a tea party meeting? know any tea partiers personally? your comment is BS! We are not monolithic. I know many who are both and the tea party is NOT the same as the moral majority- there is not a religious background to the group. maybe with some individuals there is and I can only speak for myself, the group I know (local and on the state level) and the people I interact with regularly on this issue...TEA stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

gonna get back on topic boys? ;) i don't want trouble because the threads are so far off! why don't we make a tea party thread if you wish?

(bolded) HELL NO! Why would I want to do that?

15-09-2009 19-39-03.jpg

Tell me Rac, just how many of us "colored folks" did you see at those rallies? PUHLEEEASE!


The Belle of the Ball
Om1-- watch this if you dare!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
don't put words in my mouth- Sarah palin had a down syndrome baby- she chose life and the left sure ripped her for her CHOICE! Michelle bachman has never had an abortion...neither akin or mourdock ever wanted wives or g/fs to have an abortion. they chose life! I don't want to tell someone else what to do with their child...but I will say abortion = murder IMHO. keep it legal- i would rather someone who wants to murder their child do so before the child is bborn- less harm to society and the child.

off topic yet again...;)

Nobody has ever been ripped up for choosing to have her own child. This is some bullshit made up in your own mind fabricated for the purpose of the statement you just posted. If there's any criticism towards these people regarding abortion it's because they want to legislate it. And, if Mourdock or Akin had abortions, their dwindling political careers would be the least of their problems.


The Belle of the Ball
Nobody has ever been ripped up for choosing to have her own child. This is some bullshit made up in your own mind fabricated for the purpose of the statement you just posted. If there's any criticism towards these people regarding abortion it's because they want to legislate it. And, if Mourdock or Akin had abortions, their dwindling political careers would be the least of their problems.
CAN you READ????- i said encouraged their wives or g/f s to have abortions! :facepalm:
bullshit- Mika Brezinski of morning joe questioned her "responsibility" for choosing to have a down syndrome child. heard it myself and it was disgusting! with the abortionists, it seems (see i'm being nice and putting in a qualifier I don't really beleive!;)) the only thing that matters is choosing abortion!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Om1-- watch this if you dare!

ONE TOKEN. There is always one.

Rac, I have NEVER been a Democrat. I was a Republican for 20 years. I know why I voted Republican and supported that party. The same reasons that those black people stated. But what they do not know is that the Tea Party is NOT the Republican Party. The Tea Party made these:


GTFOH with "the Tea Party is not racist".


The Belle of the Ball
did you listen to the whole thing- there was more than one- there are plenty tea party leaders at the grass roots level who are of all races- even yours! ;)



but it matters not because you will beleive what you want to beleive. you are a good little sheeple I know...;) Yes there are quite a few african americans, hispanics, and asians at the meetings I attend.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
did you listen to the whole thing- there was more than one- there are plenty tea party leaders at the grass roots level who are of all races- even yours! ;)



but it matters not because you will beleive what you want to beleive. you are a good little sheeple I know...;) Yes there are quite a few african americans, hispanics, and asians at the meetings I attend.

The Tea Party is dead. That is all you need to know. Its movement is dead, and it cannot get anything done. It has shot its wad. THIS, I am very thankful for. Perhaps my Republican party can rid itself of the Tea Party fleas and dump the religion and social morality from the platform. Were you a member of the Moral Majority too?


Council Member & Author
The Tea Party is dead. That is all you need to know. Its movement is dead, and it cannot get anything done. It has shot its wad. THIS, I am very thankful for. Perhaps my Republican party can rid itself of the Tea Party fleas and dump the religion and social morality from the platform. Were you a member of the Moral Majority too?
The best parts of the Tea Party dribbled down it's mother's leg.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
CAN you READ????- i said encouraged their wives or g/f s to have abortions! :facepalm:

Yeah, can you? Are you suffering some mild form of immediate amnesia, perhaps? Here's a screen cap of your post just so there's no confusion with your own words in red and my reply below to which you're responding:


How about you give your horseshit a rest? You're starting to leave pasture patties all over the place.

bullshit- Mika Brezinski of morning joe questioned her "responsibility" for choosing to have a down syndrome child. heard it myself and it was disgusting! with the abortionists, it seems (see i'm being nice and putting in a qualifier I don't really beleive!;)) the only thing that matters is choosing abortion!

Who gives a rat's ass what an individual, or even a few, said about anything? You implied she was chastised by the left pro-choicers, as in people officially connected to the party and/or individuals in office, you know, people who actually matter. A few loud mouthed idiots don't represent an entire group. That's like me going off on how all Republicans support child molestation because of Jerry Sandusky or Santorum, who defended him. Oh, wait! Santorum was an elected Senator, wasn't he? :icon_lol:
--- merged: Feb 18, 2013 at 2:47 PM ---
ONE TOKEN. There is always one.

Rac, I have NEVER been a Democrat. I was a Republican for 20 years. I know why I voted Republican and supported that party. The same reasons that those black people stated. But what they do not know is that the Tea Party is NOT the Republican Party. The Tea Party made these:

View attachment 27824View attachment 27825View attachment 27826

GTFOH with "the Tea Party is not racist".

The teabaggers are legitimizing racism and it's happening right before our eyes.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan

It gets better.

Hurrah for loopholes! :smiley_joy:

And one side is still championing the reduction of taxes for the top tier? WTF are they smoking? Maybe they should get to know their own f'king tax code a little better and how poorly written and unbalanced it truly is.

Allow me to put this in laymen terms:

- FB makes record profit of $1B
- employees cash in their stock options, trading in cash for stock, costing FB NOTHING, NADA, ZIP
- FB files payout as wages paid and gets $429 million check from the government

FB has now technically made $1.429 B in profits on which they pay $0 in taxes.

Isn't our tax system just lovely?
Man, you're just a baby-killing, kool-aid drinking, deluded liberal media following, freeloading, satan worshiping, unpatriotic, unamerican, Muslim Kenyan Obummer/libertard/hellspawn/moocher/47%'er/socialist/communist pig. Did I miss anything? lol

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Man, you're just a baby-killing, kool-aid drinking, deluded liberal media following, freeloading, satan worshiping, unpatriotic, unamerican, Muslim Kenyan Obummer/libertard/hellspawn/moocher/47%'er/socialist/communist pig. Did I miss anything? lol


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Man, you're just a baby-killing, kool-aid drinking, deluded liberal media following, freeloading, satan worshiping, unpatriotic, unamerican, Muslim Kenyan Obummer/libertard/hellspawn/moocher/47%'er/socialist/communist pig. Did I miss anything? lol



Well Known GateFan
did you listen to the whole thing- there was more than one- there are plenty tea party leaders at the grass roots level who are of all races- even yours! ;)

but it matters not because you will beleive what you want to beleive. you are a good little sheeple I know...;) Yes there are quite a few african americans, hispanics, and asians at the meetings I attend.

Sounds like quite the rainbow flag community you live in. :McKayrolleyes:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sounds like quite the rainbow flag community you live in. :McKayrolleyes:


There are many black conservative Republicans. but they do not belong to the Tea Party.


The Belle of the Ball
Rac sweetie, did YOU read the second link?
Cause I did, And I'm still laughing my ass off!!

FINALLY someone who actually reads the links instead of just arguing! :psychosga: thank you gatefans-- you proved my point - being OM1 and & bluce don't bother to read links they think they will disagree with! THANK YOU!!!!:beckett_thanks::beckett_thanks:

geeze ape- we have a wide variety op people here in indy don't you?


Well Known GateFan
FINALLY someone who actually reads the links instead of just arguing! :psychosga: thank you gatefans-- you proved my point - being OM1 and & bluce don't bother to read links they think they will disagree with! THANK YOU!!!!:beckett_thanks::beckett_thanks:

geeze ape- we have a wide variety op people here in indy don't you?

I don't argue "for the sake of it" dear, You should know that by now. :)