Let's give "job creators" more tax breaks, not less


Well Known GateFan
geeze ape- we have a wide variety op people here in indy don't you?

Hey, you're the one who maintains that there are "quite a few african americans, hispanics, and asians at the meetings" you "attend". I tend to doubt the veracity of that claim.

#1. Please numerically define "quite a few".

#2. Do you have tangible proof of the racial diversity of your meetings, photos, etc? I'm not talking generic pics cribbed from a Google Image search but rather actual pics of your local meetings. And please don't claim privacy concerns as that would clearly imply that you're ashamed of your beliefs and don't have the courage of your convictions.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
FINALLY someone who actually reads the links instead of just arguing! :psychosga: thank you gatefans-- you proved my point - being OM1 and & bluce don't bother to read links they think they will disagree with! THANK YOU!!!!:beckett_thanks::beckett_thanks:

geeze ape- we have a wide variety op people here in indy don't you?

Oh, I read the links, hun, and my reaction to the 2nd one was laughter. Were you expecting me to go off on a Rac80-esque tirade? :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
Rac80 said:

geeze ape- we have a wide variety op people here in indy don't you?​
shavedape said:

Hey, you're the one who maintains that there are "quite a few african americans, hispanics, and asians at the meetings" you "attend". I tend to doubt the veracity of that claim.

#1. Please numerically define "quite a few".

#2. Do you have tangible proof of the racial diversity of your meetings, photos, etc? I'm not talking generic pics cribbed from a Google Image search but rather actual pics of your local meetings. And please don't claim privacy concerns as that would clearly imply that you're ashamed of your beliefs and don't have the courage of your convictions.



The Belle of the Ball
whatever I say you will pooh-pooh it so why bother?


Well Known GateFan
whatever I say you will pooh-pooh it so why bother?

I didn't ask you to "say" anything, I asked you to provide proof (pics) of your assertion that your local Tea Party meetings are racially diverse. You said it honey, not me. Your credibility is at stake here, not mine. If you don't care about your own credibility then why should any of us? Why should we give your statements any credence when you won't do so yourself to begin with?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I didn't ask you to "say" anything, I asked you to provide proof (pics) of your assertion that your local Tea Party meetings are racially diverse. You said it honey, not me. Your credibility is at stake here, not mine. If you don't care about your own credibility then why should any of us? Why should we give your statements any credence when you won't do so yourself to begin with?

Its the Science, dammit! President Romney won by 300+ votes, and even the Tea Party is behind him! So glad that the Kenyan born Muslim socialist emperor did not get in there. :anim_19:

I would like to see proof as well. The only blacks I have seen at anything associated with the Tea Party is on signs depicting savages surrounded by cutouts of KFC and watermelons with misspelled captions on them. Tea Party art:



The Belle of the Ball
sorry guys you expect everyone to take your word at things you experience at face value, but because my experiences don't live up to your world views I have to "prove" it-- not going to happen! Whatever I do or say will NOT change your opinions so why waste my time. yes I am insulted!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
sorry guys you expect everyone to take your word at things you experience at face value, but because my experiences don't live up to your world views I have to "prove" it-- not going to happen! Whatever I do or say will NOT change your opinions so why waste my time. yes I am insulted!

Come on Rac, it is too much to ask that you provide backup for what you say? When we were nearing the end of the election, you insisted that I was crazy for thinking that not only Obama would win, but win by a landslide (I used that word). I stated flatly that Romney "Would not be President" and that it "would not even be close". I made my statements based on the available information I felt was credible. But you used sources YOU thought were credible, and your predictions fell apart even before the votes were counted. What went wrong then is what is going wrong with much of this political commentary you are making lately. How hard is it to snap a picture of one of your Tea Party rallies showing that they are diverse?


Council Member & Author
Rac, as I recalled, you used words such as "deluded" and/or "deranged" to describe our statements as to Romney's chances at election. You behaved as though we were insane to think so, in fact.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Its the Science, dammit! President Romney won by 300+ votes, and even the Tea Party is behind him! So glad that the Kenyan born Muslim socialist emperor did not get in there. :anim_19:

I would like to see proof as well. The only blacks I have seen at anything associated with the Tea Party is on signs depicting savages surrounded by cutouts of KFC and watermelons with misspelled captions on them. Tea Party art:

View attachment 27842

That rack of ribs next to the bucket of chicken looks mighty good.
--- merged: Feb 20, 2013 10:16 PM ---
sorry guys you expect everyone to take your word at things you experience at face value, but because my experiences don't live up to your world views I have to "prove" it-- not going to happen! Whatever I do or say will NOT change your opinions so why waste my time. yes I am insulted!

Yeah, actually, a pic showing a whole whack of minorities rallying with tea party signs would change everyone's minds.


Well Known GateFan
sorry guys you expect everyone to take your word at things you experience at face value, but because my experiences don't live up to your world views I have to "prove" it-- not going to happen! Whatever I do or say will NOT change your opinions so why waste my time. yes I am insulted!

Sweetheart, I'm the one insulted here so don't even try to play me (and us) with that nonsense. :rolleyes: You made an outlandish statement and then when called on it you pull the victim card instead of just admitting that you may have exaggerated a little. So, instead of looking a bit hyperbolic you now look completely ridiculous and an utter intellectual fraud. You're not a highschool kid anymore Rac so please stop acting like one. It's insulting to us adults and it makes you look bad.


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
sorry guys you expect everyone to take your word at things you experience at face value, but because my experiences don't live up to your world views I have to "prove" it-- not going to happen! Whatever I do or say will NOT change your opinions so why waste my time. yes I am insulted!

All you have to do is qualify your statements. Too hard to do? You sure posted the science of your Romney win, complete with links and charts and video. Not one teeny widdle picture? Why not just admit that there are no non-whites at the TP rallies you go to, then present other evidence? I can prove there are other true black Republicans easily. Even today. Condi is one of them. I am one of them. But the Tea Party? I dont think so.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
All you have to do is qualify your statements. Too hard to do? You sure posted the science of your Romney win, complete with links and charts and video. Not one teeny widdle picture? Why not just admit that there are no non-whites at the TP rallies you go to, then present other evidence? I can prove there are othere true black Republicans easily. Even today. Condi is one of them. I am one of them. But the Tea Party? I dont think so.

I beg to differ. Who do you think is serving the drinks and hors d'oeuvres and parking the cars?

Case -> closed.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Which brings me back to my question as someone who has lived outside this country most of his life. Why does it seem that all of society's gutter trash predominantly floats to the right? Why do they get the majority of the stupid and the bigots and racists? And why do the party faithfuls who claim a sincere, benevolent message allow that shit to infiltrate?

I feel Rac80 is a sincere believer in what she thinks her party represents. However, not once have I heard her vocally and loudly object to the fact that this bullshit exists in her party. There's a point where mindlessly towing the party line without opening your goddamn eyes begins to make one look like an idiot.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Which brings me back to my question as someone who has lived outside this country most of his life. Why does it seem that all of society's gutter trash predominantly floats to the right? Why do they get the majority of the stupid and the bigots and racists? And why do the party faithfuls who claim a sincere, benevolent message allow that shit to infiltrate?

I feel Rac80 is a sincere believer in what she thinks her party represents. However, not once have I heard her vocally and loudly object to the fact that this bullshit exists in her party. There's a point where mindlessly towing the party line without opening your goddamn eyes begins to make one look like an idiot.

What I hate is the fact that the RELIGIOUS right has co-opted the "conservative" label in America. Before, conservatism with regard to politics meant FISCAL conservativism, not social conservatism based in religion. I still believe that most real Republicans are true to this. The religious right has sullied the name of the GOP and conservatives in general. When you mention the word "conservative" to people, they conjure up nuts barring entry into abortion clinics, people holding misspelled signs and racism. Right wing now means "the nuthouse" when it used to mean something entirely different.

As far as Rac, perhaps she is desensitized to the bullshit in her party because it also exists in her Mormon religion. Racism was institutionalized in Mormonism and is still part of Mormon scripture. I noticed that she "liked" several posts which were supporting the contention that "race" exists. This does not surprise me, as the Mormon religion is basically a homogeneous group with a few non-whites sprinkled in for flavor. But nobody will ever convince me that the Tea Party does not have racism as one of its main party planks. It borders on a hate group.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
What I hate is the fact that the RELIGIOUS right has co-opted the "conservative" label in America. Before, conservatism with regard to politics meant FISCAL conservativism, not social conservatism based in religion. I still believe that most real Republicans are true to this. The religious right has sullied the name of the GOP and conservatives in general. When you mention the word "conservative" to people, they conjure up nuts barring entry into abortion clinics, people holding misspelled signs and racism. Right wing now means "the nuthouse" when it used to mean something entirely different.

As far as Rac, perhaps she is desensitized to the bullshit in her party because it also exists in her Mormon religion. Racism was institutionalized in Mormonism and is still part of Mormon scripture. I noticed that she "liked" several posts which were supporting the contention that "race" exists. This does not surprise me, as the Mormon religion is basically a homogeneous group with a few non-whites sprinkled in for flavor. But nobody will ever convince me that the Tea Party does not have racism as one of its main party planks. It borders on a hate group.

If the religious right controls the party and they believe everything is God's will, does that mean God didn't want Romney as President and that he prefers Obama?