Let's give "job creators" more tax breaks, not less

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

2012 was a big year for Facebook (FB). The company’s initial public offering last May was the largest Internet IPO in history even though it was an absolute mess, and Facebook managed record profits of roughly $1 billion for the full year. Despite its huge profit in 2012, Facebook will pay no federal or state taxes on its income — in fact it will get a $429 million refund instead, thanks to a tax reduction for executive stock options. Fox News reports that Facebook will continue to get huge tax breaks totaling about $3 billion in the coming years, as well.

It gets better.

The employees cash in stock options, and at that point there is tax deduction for the company,” Robert McIntyre of watchdog group Citizens for Tax Justice told Fox News during an interview. “Because even though it doesn't cost Facebook a nickel, the government treats it as wages and they get a deduction for it. And usually it doesn’t wipe out companies whole tax bill, although many companies get big breaks from it.”

Hurrah for loopholes! :smiley_joy:

And one side is still championing the reduction of taxes for the top tier? WTF are they smoking? Maybe they should get to know their own f'king tax code a little better and how poorly written and unbalanced it truly is.


The Belle of the Ball
clsoing loopholes would take care of that! notice it's fine that a liberal organization gets loopholes and uses them--- but how dare a conservative person or organization do so? you guys are such hypocrites! :smiley-laughing021::anim_59::rotflmao::smiley-laughing024:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
clsoing loopholes would take care of that! notice it's fine that a liberal organization gets loopholes and uses them--- but how dare a conservative person or organization do so? you guys are such hypocrites! :smiley-laughing021::anim_59::rotflmao::smiley-laughing024:

OMG! Now, I need to know what you define as being "conservative". You have already pointed out that abortion is part of your politics, so are you Tea Party conservative or GOP conservative? If you do not know the difference, then you have been drinking too much of this:



The Belle of the Ball
easy- you OM1 was all over romney for taking advantage of tax loopholes yet somehow he was EEVIIIL & CRIMINAL for doing it!

edit: I am using conservative & gop interchangably -- that's the way i see them. sorry if you disagree!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
clsoing loopholes would take care of that! notice it's fine that a liberal organization gets loopholes and uses them--- but how dare a conservative person or organization do so? you guys are such hypocrites! :smiley-laughing021::anim_59::rotflmao::smiley-laughing024:

Have you been sniffing that Windex / Fantastic concoction again? I've been nothing but consistent on my views of these loopholes. Where did anyone in this thread say it was "fine" that FB got to use this loophole?

You do realize my "Hurrah for loopholes" comment was sarcasm, right?


The Belle of the Ball
for OM1:

oh bluce babe you are just too much! :shep_lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
for OM1:

oh bluce babe you are just too much! :shep_lol:


--- merged: Feb 18, 2013 at 12:19 PM ---
easy- you OM1 was all over romney for taking advantage of tax loopholes yet somehow he was EEVIIIL & CRIMINAL for doing it!

edit: I am using conservative & gop interchangably -- that's the way i see them. sorry if you disagree!

The GOP today is not the GOP. Its the Tea Party. So, do you consider the Tea Party conservative and is it interchangeable with the Republican Party in its ideology? If you think that then I understand your confusion.


The Belle of the Ball
I have zero confusion as to my beliefs. I am a conservative, very partial to the TEA (taxed enough already) Party, and a member of the GOP. I can multi-task you know. :D


The Belle of the Ball
Oh, the Tea Party should be their own political party.

They obviously aren't Republicans.

we aren't RINOS that's for sure. Our local Tea Party meetings are held at the same place/time as the county GOP meetings! :beckett_new049::joy:and the same people attend....

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
we aren't RINOS that's for sure. Our local Tea Party meetings are held at the same place/time as the county GOP meetings! :beckett_new049::joy:and the same people attend....

Oh, hell, no. TEA party isn't RINO at all. It's a congregation of the hypocritical loonies who embrace people like Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, Michele Bachmann and Sara Palin. I'm confused as to why you'd affiliate yourself to them, though, as you seem educated yet they've referred to those with education as "elitists".


The Belle of the Ball
I have common sense which is something most elites (including the big O) seems to be lacking. Our country is broke and they want to SPEND MORE???? the liberal idea of a cut is to cut the rate of growth-- never cut the actual amount! common sense conservatism knows we need to cut the base spending.
personally as I have said many times- the left can keep Pelosi, Wrangle, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, John Conyers, Schumer, any of the Cuomos or Kennedys; I'll keep Palin, Akin, Mourdock (who is a very nice man - the gop needs to stop allowing libs to moderate "debates" the libs ask dumb "gotcha questions"-- abortion isn't even an issue any more- libs can murder all the babies they want) and Bachmann...they are far above those democrat clowns!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I have common sense which is something most elites (including the big O) seems to be lacking. Our country is broke and they want to SPEND MORE???? the liberal idea of a cut is to cut the rate of growth-- never cut the actual amount! common sense conservatism knows we need to cut the base spending.
personally as I have said many times- the left can keep Pelosi, Wrangle, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, Joe Biden, Barney Frank, John Conyers, Schumer, any of the Cuomos or Kennedys; I'll keep Palin, Akin, Mourdock (who is a very nice man - the gop needs to stop allowing libs to moderate "debates" the libs ask dumb "gotcha questions"-- abortion isn't even an issue any more- libs can murder all the babies they want) and Bachmann...they are far above those democrat clowns!

Ok, then. Now it's all becoming clear. Even though your own party has virtually ostracized them, and they are clearly brain damaged by choice, you identify yourself with them. That explains everything. Carry on.


The Belle of the Ball
all four of those choose life over abortion--- yep I am in good company!


The Belle of the Ball
don't put words in my mouth- Sarah palin had a down syndrome baby- she chose life and the left sure ripped her for her CHOICE! Michelle bachman has never had an abortion...neither akin or mourdock ever wanted wives or g/fs to have an abortion. they chose life! I don't want to tell someone else what to do with their child...but I will say abortion = murder IMHO. keep it legal- i would rather someone who wants to murder their child do so before the child is bborn- less harm to society and the child.

off topic yet again...;)


Council Member & Author
Rac, Tea Party'ers aren't Republicans. Thus, they should have their own Party and leave the Republicans to theirs, whatever the hell that may mean these days.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
we aren't RINOS that's for sure. Our local Tea Party meetings are held at the same place/time as the county GOP meetings! :beckett_new049::joy:and the same people attend....

You cant be Tea Party and also be a Republican. They are diametrically opposed. Republicans know that there is a Constitutionally dictated separation of Church and State, and the Tea Party thinks that Church IS the State. If you are Tea Party, and you call yourself a Republican, then you are RINO.


The Belle of the Ball
ever been to a tea party meeting? know any tea partiers personally? your comment is BS! We are not monolithic. I know many who are both and the tea party is NOT the same as the moral majority- there is not a religious background to the group. maybe with some individuals there is and I can only speak for myself, the group I know (local and on the state level) and the people I interact with regularly on this issue...TEA stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

gonna get back on topic boys? ;) i don't want trouble because the threads are so far off! why don't we make a tea party thread if you wish?