Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype


Well Known GateFan
Nothing offends me more than being viewed as a stupid, mouth breathing drone and the sudden onslaught of Hunger Games hype I'm finding to be extremely offensive. I never heard of this crap until 3 days ago when the publicity machine fired up and suddenly this story/movie is being compared (endlessly!) to Twilight and Harry Potter. Gimme a break! If you have to tell me (endlessly!) that this story is as successful as these other franchises then it's an obvious lie. I'm not an idiot. If the story/movie is good I will discover that on my own, I don't need some Showbiz Tonight A-hole shilling (endlessly!) for it.

F--- the Hunger Games! I hope they all die in reel one!


Council Member & Author
I'm not interested in seeing this thing. I've never particularly liked post-apocalyptic crap, and this doesn't seem much different than that.

So, they're not getting any of my money. Too bad, so (not) sad.


My avatar speaks for itself.
aye its getting to me aswell... i honestly couldnt possibly care less about it either.


Sinister Swede
I'm not interested in seeing this thing. I've never particularly liked post-apocalyptic crap, and this doesn't seem much different than that.

So, they're not getting any of my money. Too bad, so (not) sad.

I'm actually a bit of a fan of post-apocalyptic fiction (when done right), however everything I've seen about this so far does absolutely nothing for me. I'll probably check it out once it's out as a DVD, but otherwise I could honestly care less.


The Belle of the Ball
never heard of the book(s?) or movie. tell me if any of you see it and like it. :D


Well Known GateFan
That's just it, no one has heard of the book or movie and suddenly it's being shoved down our throats. I have no idea if it's a good story premise or not and the real shame is that I'm so turned off by the hype that I don't care about that fact.

Like I said earlier, if you have to (endlessly!) tell me how great a story/movie is in the advertisements then chances are it's not. At that point they hype becomes insulting.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
There are billboards and teasers all over the place. The title says nothing to me at all. Hunger and Games dont go well together. And like Ape said, if they are already dropping Harry Potter and Twilight as comparisons, that is as bad as when Ford tried to claim that their Granada was frequently mistaken for a Cadillac (they meant the original Seville). Its as bad as Cadillac boasting that their v8 Escalade beat "a BMW", without saying it was a 3-series, 6cyl compact sedan. :facepalm:


Council Member & Author
It's from some children's book (Scholastic publishes it).

Not my thing. Authoritarian government forces districts to submit "tribute" to compete in a country-wide competition for which there is only one survivor.

As of yesterday, something like 2000 showings had already sold out.

I won't be buying tickets to this thing and may have to be forced to watch it when it hits cable.


Well Known GateFan
Its the running man or the long walk.
Been there, done that.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Running man meets Lord of the Flies? What the hell is Hunger Games about anyway? I can't imagine a world in which the population is made to compete in some idiotic sport for a slice of pizza or a bowl of spaghetti.


Well Known GateFan
My brain is lazy today. I've been buried under a huge development project and all I see is code everywhere I look, like the Matrix.

I read the top bit. What's the prize?

Umm, that means I have to read it :lol:

The prize is you get to live, and be afforded some standing I would assume, the idea is more akin to sending gladiators as tribute to the ruling power (Capitol in this case, the one area that seems to still be tech advanced)


Objects may be closer than they appear
Has anyone seen this one yet? Is it any good?


Well Known GateFan
Why is it incorrectly tagged as "Sci-Fi" ? God people get tagging of musical genres wrong they also getting it wrong in movies as well.

To me it looks like a cliched teen flick doesn't interest me one bit. I was going to go with my friends but after seeing the trailer and reading about it I backed out.


Council Member & Author
Why is it incorrectly tagged as "Sci-Fi" ? God people get tagging of musical genres wrong they also getting it wrong in movies as well.

To me it looks like a cliched teen flick doesn't interest me one bit. I was going to go with my friends but after seeing the trailer and reading about it I backed out.
It's distopian fantasy...


Objects may be closer than they appear
No and no. The second one is an assumption I am making based on the stupid commercials and the idiotic name.

I really think you need to answer "yes" to question one to adequately answer question 2. :P