Welcome to the Supernatural section


Well Known GateFan
So, I'll start my SPN rewatch in about 2 hours from now, that should make it roughly 7pm for you guys, is that too early, or is no one joining in?


Well Known GateFan
ok, I'll try. But should warn you, I probably will keep watching and forget to write my piece on things and will probably not sleep much cause I tend to dismiss sleep in the face of amusement :P.


Well Known GateFan
hmm, I could watch this, or read May, or read Gibson. lol. You've given me too many tasks!

none of the posts here go into the new posts column, any reason?


Well Known GateFan
ok, just gonna go on from what I remember, the first episode was pretty shocking at the beginning. At first I was kind of turned off by the father's acting, how he took it all in stride that his wife just died. But then the whole revenge thing kind of mellowed me out. Ok don't hate me for this, but I thought it was going to be really bad when I started watching cause the two main characters looked like soap stars. They were too good looking to be believable to me at first, and didn't look like they could throw down, you know what I mean? Didn't have scars, mostly emotional scars as we learn later on. But I did keep watching. Anyways, that's all I remember, but I'll watch it later.


So did anyone else watch it or not?

I've seen it several times now. I will say, that the pilot was not as good as a lot of the later shows are. It's a good things I jumped into the show originally in the 2nd season and then went back to 1 later. But it was still an enjoyable episode. Dean's character was way over the top, that is why I have always preferred Sam.


Well Known GateFan
I've seen it several times now. I will say, that the pilot was not as good as a lot of the later shows are. It's a good things I jumped into the show originally in the 2nd season and then went back to 1 later. But it was still an enjoyable episode. Dean's character was way over the top, that is why I have always preferred Sam.
That's heresy friend. lol


That's heresy friend. lol

Nay, he's always played him a little over the top. But in the pilot there was really very little self depreciating humor to go along with it. I just rewatched it again. I love the last scene, really set the stage for the entire show. "We have work to do".


Well Known GateFan
Hopefully I will feel up to doing my review today, 3 foolscap pages of notes to go through :P



Season Finale of SPN on tonigt here. Watching on now, promise to tell no spoilers. :biggrin:


Well Known GateFan
Oh, Please,that is just so bad :P, My mom already got peeved and ran out of the room when she saw I was watching it. :icon_e_wink:

Perhaps you should watch the season finale for S4 instead.......... :D :P

Sorry love, you have my sympathy, but sheesh. :(