The Atlantis movie was NEVER going to be made, so how could a "hold" have been put on it?


Well Known GateFan
Please don't make Joe cry.

Mallozzi never had his hands on the big red lever. Only Brad had that. He is still the only one who has it. :)

Shh! Don't tell Mallozzi that. No need to pop his balloon as his delusions of power are fun to laugh at.


Council Member
I checked it out and nobody can deny the facts. Many of them are claiming the sets can be rebuilt and such, but if there was a movie about to be made, why tear them down? Here is what major davis said:

View attachment 2866

Well, season 1 was a wrap (writing) in OCTOBER OF 2008, and just as I posted, the sets were demolished after that. The script for Extinction was allegedly finished in September of 2008 a month before the sets were destroyed. THINK, man!

If the bridge of Destiny was built in Stage 6 where the Atlantis gateroom was, then if they were going to rebuild the sets for a "planned Atlantis movie", WHERE would it be rebuilt? Where is the evidence that MGM was in talks for this movie? Why werent the actors contacted and secured for this movie?

It was never going to be made.
That's what I wanna know too from the squeedrones, it's one thing that the sets can be rebuilt but where are they going to rebuild it when all the stages have been used?


GateFans Noob
Nono. SyFy makes it. SyFy pays it. SyFy airs it. But MGM holds the rights.

Sorry to correct you here but MGM pays for the two seasons of SGU, MGM also greenlighted SGU and cancelled SGA. SyFy wanted a 6th season Atlantis and wanted to pay for it but MGM gave BW a carde blanche to do SGU. SyFy finally only took what was offered and paid for the two seasons.
Studios are paying for the TV-shows and selling them to the networks. Networks are ordering new seasons/episodes via the studios.

Unfortunately I cannot give you an evidence because the whole "MGM-SyFy-BW"-story was told by briangate in the deleted "Season 6"-thread at GW :(. I really have to make screencaps in the future ...


Well Known GateFan
Squee drones don't like logic

That's what I wanna know too from the squeedrones, it's one thing that the sets can be rebuilt but where are they going to rebuild it when all the stages have been used?

This is especially important when you consider that TPTB claimed a 5 season run of SGU. Think about it, that means that if they planned to make an SGA movie at any point in that 5 year production period they would have needed set space. Could they have finagled some space between seasons of SGU? Probably, but there's no way they could have used a lot of the SGU set space as that would require tearing down and moving of all those SGU sets. Sure they could have relied on using a lot of green screen footage but they would still need sets to give it that authentic Atlantis look.

Again, more proof they had no intention of filming an SGA movie. 5 season SGU story arc combined with monopolization of all of the set space at Bridge Studios = no intention to make SGA/SG1 movie(s).


This is especially important when you consider that TPTB claimed a 5 season run of SGU. Think about it, that means that if they planned to make an SGA movie at any point in that 5 year production period they would have needed set space. Could they have finagled some space between seasons of SGU? Probably, but there's no way they could have used a lot of the SGU set space as that would require tearing down and moving of all those SGU sets. Sure they could have relied on using a lot of green screen footage but they would still need sets to give it that authentic Atlantis look.

I had a job in the theatre business for a while, touring with a certain show. At first we built up the stage decorum over 2 days. Later on in about 1,5 days and still later it took us only 1 day to build. 'Tearing it down' would take 1 day. We went over the whole country with that show over the course of half a year. There was a lot of building up and tearing down to be done. Sometimes we would be in a certain theatre for a few weeks in a row, but somewhere in the middle of that there would be a day that a different show would be displayed in the theatre. We would then tear down our whole fucking decorum so that the other show would have a clean stage, only to build it all up again on the same spot a day later.
I imagine it would work the same way in a studio. The difference being that they usually leave a set standing for longer periods of time simply because they don't need the space for anything else. If however they do need to clear the studio it would be similar to the theatre production I described. Just a couple of clicks here and some unbolting there and they role the whole thing out of there in pieces.


Council Member
Wouldn't it be nice to have an IKEA store that sold SG sets? Efficiency at its best.

Theatre stages are one thing, but you got big warehouse size stages, it's gonna be some work to bolt and click here and there, screw in here, slide plank there. Do-able I'm sure, loads of young strapping men in muscle tees flexing... ...


Theatre stages are one thing, but you got big warehouse size stages, it's gonna be some work to bolt and click here and there. Do-able I'm sure, loads of young strapping men in muscle tees flexing... ...

I see you got the picture quite vividly. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Dinner theater perhaps?

I had a job in the theatre business for a while, touring with a certain show. At first we built up the stage decorum over 2 days. Later on in about 1,5 days and still later it took us only 1 day to build. 'Tearing it down' would take 1 day. We went over the whole country with that show over the course of half a year. There was a lot of building up and tearing down to be done. Sometimes we would be in a certain theatre for a few weeks in a row, but somewhere in the middle of that there would be a day that a different show would be displayed in the theatre. We would then tear down our whole fucking decorum so that the other show would have a clean stage, only to build it all up again on the same spot a day later.
I imagine it would work the same way in a studio. The difference being that they usually leave a set standing for longer periods of time simply because they don't need the space for anything else. If however they do need to clear the studio it would be similar to the theatre production I described. Just a couple of clicks here and some unbolting there and they role the whole thing out of there in pieces.

This is true. The only problem with your little scenario is that they destroyed the SGA sets, they didn't moth ball them for future use.


GateFans Noob

My belief has been that IF they ever went back to a movie they would put new sets and props into the funding request. It could be updated (for HDTV amongst other reasons) and would then form a basis for pitches for a new series or mini-series. (ST tried a similar tactic by having an expensive engine room built for a pilot because they knew the money wouldn't be there for episodic TV.)

If these ********* don't let go of the whole Universe bad joke they are never going to get another Stargate to open. Only throwing SGU and EVERYTHING associated with it on the scrapheap will ever get some movement back to the old show genre.


Well Known GateFan
My belief has been that IF they ever went back to a movie they would put new sets and props into the funding request. It could be updated (for HDTV amongst other reasons) and would then form a basis for pitches for a new series or mini-series. (ST tried a similar tactic by having an expensive engine room built for a pilot because they knew the money wouldn't be there for episodic TV.)

If these ********* don't let go of the whole Universe bad joke they are never going to get another Stargate to open. Only throwing SGU and EVERYTHING associated with it on the scrapheap will ever get some movement back to the old show genre.

Even the BSG folks were smart enough to swing a deal for a new show by going back to what works, action and adventure. "Blood and Chrome" is supposed to be less teen angst drama and more action replete with square jawed heroes. Hopefully "Caprica" hasn't turned people off to the whole franchise yet, if so, then the new show should do ok.

I think this method of reverting back to what works would really help save the Stargate franchise as a TV show for now. If they don't try this then the franchise will be dead for awhile for sure.


GateFans Noob
I didn't hate Enterprise, but even as a casual Trek fan I could see that it wasn't keeping faith as Trek shows go. I also don't think that the Trek PTB were blatantly lying to Trek fans to trick them into watching. I don't remember any dog treats being dangled nor do I remember hearing any threats about losing out on any Trek movies if I didn't watch Enterprise. I'm sure people have issues with the producers of Enterprise but no matter how you slice it Trek fans weren't treated as shitty by their PTB as Stargate fans have been with BW and crew.

As an aside, Scott Bacula (sp?) never worked for me in his role. He had no depth but worse, he had no "edge". There was nothing threatening or menacing about him, unlike say Patrick Stewart as Picard who could come off as a genuine bad ass if the need arose.

I loved him in Quantum Leap but he didn't come across as convincing in Enterprise.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You are right...I agree. But time is necessary too.

Even the BSG folks were smart enough to swing a deal for a new show by going back to what works, action and adventure. "Blood and Chrome" is supposed to be less teen angst drama and more action replete with square jawed heroes. Hopefully "Caprica" hasn't turned people off to the whole franchise yet, if so, then the new show should do ok.

I think this method of reverting back to what works would really help save the Stargate franchise as a TV show for now. If they don't try this then the franchise will be dead for awhile for sure.

I totally agree. Thing is that if such a turnaround is planned, its important to let enough time pass so that Brad and Joe and all the current crew and producers can MOVE ON and be COMPLETELY gone from Stargate. If plans to revive the franchise are made too soon, then Brad might look over his shoulder on his way out and say "Hey, I can help on this!". This guy has been entrenched for more than a decade and he isnt going quietly. He firmly thinks he is the face of Stargate, and as long as he is involved, the future of Stargate is bleak.

I understand that Blood and Chrome is just a movie, not a series. Need to confirm that, but if it flies then MGM would have proof that its the STYLE of science fiction which brings the fans, not just pretty faces and modern music and love triangles. Im just afraid that when Stargate is revived that Brad will still be hanging out trying to be involved in it.


Well Known GateFan
I totally agree. Thing is that if such a turnaround is planned, its important to let enough time pass so that Brad and Joe and all the current crew and producers can MOVE ON and be COMPLETELY gone from Stargate. If plans to revive the franchise are made too soon, then Brad might look over his shoulder on his way out and say "Hey, I can help on this!". This guy has been entrenched for more than a decade and he isnt going quietly. He firmly thinks he is the face of Stargate, and as long as he is involved, the future of Stargate is bleak.

I understand that Blood and Chrome is just a movie, not a series. Need to confirm that, but if it flies then MGM would have proof that its the STYLE of science fiction which brings the fans, not just pretty faces and modern music and love triangles. Im just afraid that when Stargate is revived that Brad will still be hanging out trying to be involved in it.

Unfortunately if there is anymore Stargate in the NEAR future chances are BW will be attached to it. I don't think there's any way of avoiding that if it happens in the next year or two. One can only hope he wakes up, gives up this SGU delusion, and goes back to what works. Otherwise we're in for more of the same misery. Ugh!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The Atlantis set cost TWO MILLION DOLLARS.

They made em before, they can do it again. ;) :P :) :D :joy:

I read somewhere that the Atlantis gateroom set cost about 2 million dollars. So, its not just a matter of "doing it again" on a whim. Also, the size of the sets requires at least 12,500 sqft of space to erect (noting the size of Stage 6 at Bridge). So, its not at all a simple matter financially or operationally.

Also...the ACTORS, the camera crew and sound mixers...take in the whole picture and you can easily see that its no easy matter. Im a bit surprised that you seem to be almost playing Devil's Advocate for TPTB. You refuse to accept the fact that they ****** the fans with a staff weapon. They do not deserve your objective fairness. Why minimize what they have done?


Well Known GateFan
They made em before, they can do it again. ;) :P :) :D :joy:

That's not the point. Financially they NEEDED those sets if they intended to make a movie within the past 2 years, or during the 5 season SGU story arc they had planned. Or did they expect us to wait 5 years to get an SGA movie? That would be beyond stupid for myriad reasons.

Even early on it would have been pointless to destroy the standing sets only to rebuild them within a year or two or tearing them down. The goal isn't to piss away money, it's to make money. It's clear they had no intention of making ANY SG1 or SGA movies since they tore down those sets, otherwise, why waste the money building new sets when you know you need sets for the movies in the near future? Kind of a dumb way of doing business. I sure wouldn't want to invest my money with people who are that stupid with budgets.