I think they very much intended to make the movie, they had wrote the script and was w8ing for it to be green lit, and ,personally, i dont think its wasnt green lit because BW didnt want it to, it was more bacuase the poor finacial state of MGM, and in gener the fincial state of country
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis_%282007%E2%80%93present%29 remember. I dont think its appropiate to flame a one guy for the movie not beeing made, when its clearly more to it.
I agree with Overmind and suggest you read this thread in its entirety as it will clear up some of your misconceptions. I'd also suggest you read the numerous other threads which mention this subject.
Basically, what you have to understand is that the SGA movie was a lie that Brad Wright used to garner interest in SGU. As soon as it was clear to him that SGU was failing he began using the SGA movie as blackmail to get people to watch SGU.
Overmind1 and others on this site investigated and proved that no work had been done on an SGA movie, including preproduction efforts. Sure, Joe Mallozzi pounded out a tentative script (first draft no doubt) but that was all that happened -- and there was no guarantee that Joe's script was even going to be the one to be used for the SGA movie. The Atlantis sets were used for a different show (Defying Gravity) and then destroyed. None of the actors from SGA were ever contacted or
contracted about an SGA movie (confirmed by Jason Momoa). All we got was an initial promise that there would be an SGA movie, then we got hype about SGU, then we got threats that if we didn't watch SGU we wouldn't get an SGA movie and finally we got a bitchy "I'm-Taking-My-Ball-And-Going-Home" attitude because we wouldn't play BW's bullshit game of watching his shitty show.
And regardless of the fact that Joe Mallozzi is involved in much of the public statements surrounding this the truth is that Joe is BW's puppet and wasn't about to bite the hand that fed him. He said what BW wanted him to say.
The bottom line is that it's a fact that SGA fans were lied to and mislead about an SGA movie. The SGA fans did nothing wrong here and only expected to get what had been promised, yet now they get much of the blame for SGU failing.