The Atlantis movie was NEVER going to be made, so how could a "hold" have been put on it?



(sound of needle suddenly going across record) :facepalm:

Just NO. There is no way to "redo" Universe to make it neat. There is no way to make it Stargate. Stargate is about...well...the fucking STARGATE. Not about "the wrong people stuck on the other side of the Universe". There is no team, the ship is ugly and weak and its ass has been kicked too many times. The cast is wrong, the characters are wrong, the stories are sloppy and go unresolved. Its a soap opera and it cant be anything else. Just NO. The thought of that makes me physically ill. I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. OMG...NO.

No no no. :facepalm: Let them experiment with another, less loved franchise. With SGU breathing, nothing else Stargate can happen. I thought you were kidding at first, but you are serious? :icon_e_surprised:

I'm always serious, haven't you noticed?
Think about it.
What if it had been SG-1 that would have stranded on Destiny?
And instead of the episodes being produced by Wright, Cooper and Mallozzi it would have been J.J. Abrams and a talented crew.
It could have been soooo different.
And sooo much better.

By the way, I have to thank you for posting that video.
Now I know the Universe gate is two feet smaller than the SG-1 gate. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If that happened, it would cease being Stargate.

I'm always serious, haven't you noticed?
Think about it.
What if it had been SG-1 that would have stranded on Destiny?

Then it would cease being Stargate and would suddenly be morphed into a soap opera. You cant have SGU without love triangles. Why do you think that the most comfortable (and evidently the most used) rooms in Destiny are those bedrooms with their fancy silk sheets and matching pillows? Even if you have all the SG-1 actors along with all the Atlantis actors replacing the current cast completely, you still couldnt make SGU into Stargate. The core of the show is not Stargate.
And instead of the episodes being produced by Wright, Cooper and Mallozzi it would have been J.J. Abrams and a talented crew.

Then, it would be Star Trek...I thought I already went through that in SG-1 season 6! :icon_lol:

It could have been soooo different.
And sooo much better.

It WAS sooooo different. Thats what killed it, actually. It needed to be at least "similar". This show basically took gold and turned it into lead. The term "better" is subjective. How to measure? Well ratings seem like a good place to me. I would think that the other Stargate shows which kicked SGU's ratings to the curb (SG-1 and Atlantis) are seen as "better", and thats why more people watched those shows. I bet your thoughts were similar to Brad Wright's when he and Rob Cooper had their Stargate Universe turd in their bowels. They thought..."Ooooh, lets have a hot girl who gets banged by an Air Force LT in space motel rooms with silk sheets and pillows". And Lt James standing in the middle of a corridor in black lace panties and a titty shirt bustin at the seams (well, that was nice to look at, but still. :mrgreen: Just sayin). What the hell were they thinking?

By the way, I have to thank you for posting that video.
Now I know the Universe gate is two feet smaller than the SG-1 gate. :)

Yes, I noticed that. :) That would make it a 20' diameter for the SGU gate.


Then it would cease being Stargate and would suddenly be morphed into a soap opera. You cant have SGU without love triangles. Why do you think that the most comfortable (and evidently the most used) rooms in Destiny are those bedrooms with their fancy silk sheets and matching pillows? Even if you have all the SG-1 actors along with all the Atlantis actors replacing the current cast completely, you still couldnt make SGU into Stargate. The core of the show is not Stargate.

Then, it would be Star Trek...I thought I already went through that in SG-1 season 6! :icon_lol:

It WAS sooooo different. Thats what killed it, actually. It needed to be at least "similar". This show basically took gold and turned it into lead. The term "better" is subjective. How to measure? Well ratings seem like a good place to me. I would think that the other Stargate shows which kicked SGU's ratings to the curb (SG-1 and Atlantis) are seen as "better", and thats why more people watched those shows. I bet your thoughts were similar to Brad Wright's when he and Rob Cooper had their Stargate Universe turd in their bowels. They thought..."Ooooh, lets have a hot girl who gets banged by an Air Force LT in space motel rooms with silk sheets and pillows". And Lt James standing in the middle of a corridor in black lace panties and a titty shirt bustin at the seams (well, that was nice to look at, but still. :mrgreen: Just sayin). What the hell were they thinking?

Yes, I noticed that. :) That would make it a 20' diameter for the SGU gate.

I wasn't thinking the same things Brad and Robert were! :mad:


Well Known GateFan
I think SGU could have worked with the slightly darker premise and still been a "stargate" show IF (there's that big if again) they kept the elements of SG1/SGA that made them good. I'm with stoneless in that the actual premise was pretty good, but the execution has all the flair of a botched colonoscopy. I think that is one of the greatest tragedies of SGU, it had (to me) so much damned potential, but it just failed so epicly that now it's mere existence has put the entire "franchise" in dire straights (and that is the greatest tragedy of them all :( )


I think SGU could have worked with the slightly darker premise and still been a "stargate" show IF (there's that big if again) they kept the elements of SG1/SGA that made them good. I'm with stoneless in that the actual premise was pretty good, but the execution has all the flair of a botched colonoscopy. I think that is one of the greatest tragedies of SGU, it had (to me) so much damned potential, but it just failed so epicly that now it's mere existence has put the entire "franchise" in dire straights (and that is the greatest tragedy of them all :( )

I'm so glad I'm not the only one.
Great we're seeing eye to eye here.
There were truthfully a lot of good things about SGU.
It's just that the execution wasn't one of them. :) (or rather :()


Well Known GateFan
Here's a link to a vid on youtube with Jason Momoa back in 2009 from a convention in New Zeland (I think). At about the 2:30 mark he gets a question about an Atlantis movie.

He makes it clear that no Atlantis movie was ever going to made back then.

WOW thanks fort that.


GateFans Noob
Holy Sh!# your right they were just stroking us along

I went through almost all the link here on this thread and you guys are right. They were just strokeing us along. Destrution of the set and selling off the props meaNS NO MORE sg1 AND/or SGA.

A$$ wipes. They totally lied to the lolay fans and went and ruind the show with a shitty spin off.

Good job calling them out on this topic.

I brought all 10 seaons of SG1 and all 5 seasons of SGA. I giuess I will have to be satisfied with them only.

P.S. Sorry for the poor typing skills here. I am using one of those net books and the keys are so damn small!

New member former lurker.


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
I went through almost all the link here on this thread and you guys are right. They were just strokeing us along. Destrution of the set and selling off the props meaNS NO MORE sg1 AND/or SGA.

A$$ wipes. They totally lied to the lolay fans and went and ruind the show with a shitty spin off.

Good job calling them out on this topic.

I brought all 10 seaons of SG1 and all 5 seasons of SGA. I giuess I will have to be satisfied with them only.

P.S. Sorry for the poor typing skills here. I am using one of those net books and the keys are so damn small!

New member former lurker.

I think even IF some of the PTB had intended to do a movie for SGA, they have known for some time that it was no longer an option.

I wish they would just be more up front about it. Fans are not stupid, if you say one thing in one interview, then change your tune in the next people will see and call you on it.

Screencaps are our biggest asset, as is the ability of some of our members to keep blog posts etc should we have to prove we have seen something we later have quoted.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, the premise is interesting.

I think SGU could have worked with the slightly darker premise and still been a "stargate" show IF (there's that big if again) they kept the elements of SG1/SGA that made them good. I'm with stoneless in that the actual premise was pretty good, but the execution has all the flair of a botched colonoscopy. I think that is one of the greatest tragedies of SGU, it had (to me) so much damned potential, but it just failed so epicly that now it's mere existence has put the entire "franchise" in dire straights (and that is the greatest tragedy of them all :( )

The premise IS interesting, but not in relation to it being in the Stargate franchise. I think that the idea of "the wrong people" suddenly being stranded on a spaceship far across the universe is a great premise. But its not Stargate, and has no similarity to anything related to the Stargate premise.

If they made a completely separate show unrelated to Stargate using this premise, that might work. But not as it came out in 2009. A space-based soap opera is still a lame idea. But the style of season 2 using this premise and it not being in any way related to anything Stargate could have worked...maybe.


Council Member & Author
Seeing Jason Momoa's response in 2009 to the question of an SGA movie is yet another hammer in the coffin of those who have so recently been dangling the movie carrot in our faces.

I'm looking forward to seeing him as Conan.


Gotta love those similar names.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
They dont want to accept the fact that they have been lied to. Joe is STILL lying.

Seeing Jason Momoa's response in 2009 to the question of an SGA movie is yet another hammer in the coffin of those who have so recently been dangling the movie carrot in our faces.

I'm looking forward to seeing him as Conan.


Gotta love those similar names.

At least he isnt claiming that the movie was actually in progress. He is simply not stating that it was never started in the first place. He wrote a script for the Atlantis movie he was hoping would be made. And he and Paul Mullie worked on it a little bit in 2008 (according to Mallozzi). But THATS IT. There was never an Atlantis movie greenlighted by MGM. No formal draft of any movie for Atlantis has been complete, the sets have been struck, props have been auctioned off. All of this happened mostly during 2009, but it was obvious even in 2008 that no Atlantis movie was going to be made.

None of the actors were contacted for an Atlantis movie either...including Jason and Joe and even David Hewlett who will appear in SGU episode 15. So, David and Picardo WERE asked to make cameos in Stargate Universe, but nothing was said about a "planned Atlantis movie"? The squeedrones cannot accept the overt betrayal of their trust. They go to Joe's Blog and think he is being honest and witty, and they are just sheeple. Whatever. I wonder if a "tell all" will ever surface? Joe's assistant Ashleigh perhaps?


Council Member & Author
At least he isnt claiming that the movie was actually in progress. He is simply not stating that it was never started in the first place. He wrote a script for the Atlantis movie he was hoping would be made. And he and Paul Mullie worked on it a little bit in 2008 (according to Mallozzi). But THATS IT. There was never an Atlantis movie greenlighted by MGM. No formal draft of any movie for Atlantis has been complete, the sets have been struck, props have been auctioned off. All of this happened mostly during 2009, but it was obvious even in 2008 that no Atlantis movie was going to be made.

None of the actors were contacted for an Atlantis movie either...including Jason and Joe and even David Hewlett who will appear in SGU episode 15. So, David and Picardo WERE asked to make cameos in Stargate Universe, but nothing was said about a "planned Atlantis movie"? The squeedrones cannot accept the overt betrayal of their trust. They go to Joe's Blog and think he is being honest and witty, and they are just sheeple. Whatever. I wonder if a "tell all" will ever surface? Joe's assistant Ashleigh perhaps?
Keep in mind that the idiotchildren at GW (and related sites) will claim that the actors wouldn't know what was going on.

Actors, however, being dependent upon the handwriting in the wind. are very much aware of what's going on in the background. They rely on actually having work to keep the bills paid. Sad to think that most actors are unemployed in their chosen profession and instead wait tables, drive taxis, etc. That's if they have a job at all, in this awful financial climate.


Well Known GateFan
The premise IS interesting, but not in relation to it being in the Stargate franchise. I think that the idea of "the wrong people" suddenly being stranded on a spaceship far across the universe is a great premise. But its not Stargate, and has no similarity to anything related to the Stargate premise.

If they made a completely separate show unrelated to Stargate using this premise, that might work. But not as it came out in 2009. A space-based soap opera is still a lame idea. But the style of season 2 using this premise and it not being in any way related to anything Stargate could have worked...maybe.

Actually, I wasn't even thinking about the "wrong people for the job" premise (which I think did suck), more the concept of the Destiny itself. If they did have "the right people" and had all the great elements of stargate (teams, humor, action/adventure and so on), I think I would have a much different view of SGU (and I think quite a few of us would, but thats just my feeling). To me it would be more like a "re-imagined" SGA-esque concept, yet have the capability to really go for that darker tone they were after with a more balanced result. I loved alot of the darker elements that sat in the background of SGA and I was always dissapointed when they were glossed over for the sake of "ease".

As to the "wrong people", yeah, it possibly could have worked as a scifi show, just not a stargate show. Stargate has many associations in my mind and SGU just didn't really hit any of them well. Is that me being close-minded as the squee's would have us believe? In a way I guess it is, but the minute you sell it as a "franchise", you have to accept the baggage that goes along with that franchise to a certain extent.


GateFans Noob
The problem never was money, it was the producers. If every SG fan would have donated 2 dollars, that money would have gone to SGU. Maybe a guaranteed 3rd season or some other "big name actor". That's the whole point of this thread.

I'm also vaguely recalling some talk, probably from Mr. Asshat Mallozzi, when there was first talk about doing another show. Something about considering continuing SGA while also doing SGU, but with the demand on the staff running two shows previously as they did for a few years of SG1 and SGA, it sounded like they didn't want to do it. Anyone remember this?

Of course this is partly a cost issue, because having one set of TPTB means the bean counters pay them once, more than likely more than for one show, but not as much as you would to pay two different people to run two separate shows. Also, ain't no way TPTB were going to let anybody into their sandbox. Too much risk of new folks showing them up as well as taking a cut of their pay. Now the bean counters will be taking the sandbox away because they couldn't play nicely with others.


GateFans Noob
Here's a new tidbit, tweets from David Hewlett:

They're selling my chairback from Stargate Atlantis...I wanted that!? Caesar: Rise of the Apes gave me mine after only a week! Just saying.

Okay, okay...good point! Buy my Stargate Atlantis cast chair back. Maybe MGM will put profits towards an SGA movie

Wonder if they're having a garage sale from what they've got left trying to fund SGU, because you know it's not going to an SGA movie.


Council Member & Author
Here's a new tidbit, tweets from David Hewlett:



Wonder if they're having a garage sale from what they've got left trying to fund SGU, because you know it's not going to an SGA movie.
Yep, and Propworx have been selling SGA and SG1 props and set pieces for at least a year now.

Yeah, ********. You were going to be making an SGA movie if we watched your shit emo show. With WHAT?


The premise IS interesting, but not in relation to it being in the Stargate franchise. I think that the idea of "the wrong people" suddenly being stranded on a spaceship far across the universe is a great premise. But its not Stargate, and has no similarity to anything related to the Stargate premise.

If they made a completely separate show unrelated to Stargate using this premise, that might work. But not as it came out in 2009. A space-based soap opera is still a lame idea. But the style of season 2 using this premise and it not being in any way related to anything Stargate could have worked...maybe.

I think they already did make that show; it was called Red Dwarf! LOL

And it was wonderful! ;)


GateFans Noob
Yep, and Propworx have been selling SGA and SG1 props and set pieces for at least a year now.

Yeah, ********. You were going to be making an SGA movie if we watched your shit emo show. With WHAT?

I think they started selling off SG1 stuff shortly after it ended. Started with smaller and older stuff and worked their way up, IIRC.

I was sort of disappointed in Hewlett for taking part in SGU, but I guess a paycheck is a paycheck, and he's made several comments to the effect of there's not going to be an SGA movie, so he probably wanted to play the role one more time.


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
As i was posting links to articles in the new resource centre, i remembered this interview done 05/04/08 before SGA was cancelled. I think it's blatantly obvious that he would not do a movie whilst filming a series and neither would he have run two shows side by side. SGA was just a road block in his way, imo of course.

The series was pitched to SCI FI Channel last fall, just before the writer's strike -- which put a hold on the project. "The pitch was received very well," Wright said. "[But] we pitched an expensive series -- the idea we have is not cheap. I think we've proven ourselves, so ... 'Can we please have enough money to do it right this time?' And, if not, then honestly I don't want to do it. Why do it wrong?"

"Internally, Robert and I are a little bit torn, because we had such a great time making The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum. Making one or two of those a year would be a damn fine thing to do! Honestly, it takes up a big chunk of time writing it, a big chunk of time making it, and then the post on a movie is more than twice as complicated as post on the biggest episodes. So it's not like you can just knock one off while you're making a television show. It's just too much."

Wright said that he is not anxious to return to a schedule that requires the Vancouver team to produce 40 hours of television each year, indicating that Stargate Universe may wait until Atlantis has concluded its run.

Mr. A

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