But then why are other shows doing better? and if as you say its because sgu was on syfy channel then where did all the people come from who watched the first few episodes? id buy your theory if the show had never had good ratings but it did and they declined before the move from friday to tuesday.
I had to except the same for sga. i love that show like woah, but ratings went down from the premiere just as they did for sgu. and the only accounting for that is that people didnt want to watch it, just like sgu. the only difference is the amount of people who switched off. Downloading was just as prevlant in 2008/09 as it is now. atlantis was one of the most downloaded shows around, so no difference there either.
The point I was trying to make is that there may have been a fair amount of people that used to have a SciFi subscription that cancelled it of late because the channel isn't what it used to be. There used to be great shows like SG1 and SGA. Then all of a sudden they needed to change their image and become SyFy. After SGA was discontinued there were probably people hanging around waiting for the new SG show to arrive. But we all know the first 10 episodes of SGU were a major disappointment which probably led people to cancel their subscription. It's not like they have any other good scifi shows anymore. Sanctuary is fun to watch but it isn't exactly awesome. Caprica crashed and burned. SyFy just isn't SciFi anymore so why keep paying for it. Less subscribers, less potential viewers. There obviously is more interest for SGU than the ratings suggest but people don't want to subscribe to the channel for it. Don't tell me Sanctuary is doing so well ratings wise coz it really isn't either. In fact I don't think any of the shows on SyFy are pulling in big ratings. But correct me there if I'm wrong.