Fallout the series - some thoughts


Well Known GateFan
This is an important observation! It shows that the producers know the games and the lore, otherwise they would not have been able t deliver the story we got and we would not see such attention to detail and authenticity. New characters, new story, but familiar world and settings. I consider it the best game adaptation to live-action ever created (so far).
This is the thing, gaming encourages the creation of your "own PC" whereas things like the MCU tell established characters stories. Neither are "better" they are just different. By not using "canon PC's" such as the Courier, Lone Survivor etc, it allowed more investment into Lucy.
It was HER turn to be the PC.


What ship is this?
Staff member
This is the thing, gaming encourages the creation of your "own PC" whereas things like the MCU tell established characters stories. Neither are "better" they are just different. By not using "canon PC's" such as the Courier, Lone Survivor etc, it allowed more investment into Lucy.
It was HER turn to be the PC.

I think that when you are making a show or movie from a game the Fallout approach (accurate setting with original story and characters) is the best. Using canon characters and then changing them has tripped up every other game adaptation. For example the mischaracterization of Master Chief sank the Halo series.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member

I think that when you are making a show or movie from a game the Fallout approach (accurate setting with original story and characters) is the best. Using canon characters and then changing them has tripped up every other game adaptation. For example the mischaracterization of Master Chief sank the Halo series.
I agree with this. Creating a new PC for the Fallout series as well as other the other characters and the Vault they chose to start the story in made it much easier to do the story IMO. Familiar elements, the look and the Vault uniforms and ghouls and the universe being the priority over what was placed in it is what will make it continue to work. We have over 120 vaults to explore, and several regions.


Well Known GateFan
I agree with this. Creating a new PC for the Fallout series as well as other the other characters and the Vault they chose to start the story in made it much easier to do the story IMO. Familiar elements, the look and the Vault uniforms and ghouls and the universe being the priority over what was placed in it is what will make it continue to work. We have over 120 vaults to explore, and several regions.
I agree. Having a new "PC" was a very good call, you get to explore the universe without the baggage. It can work well for movies when done right, but for TV?? Nope, nope and nope. It CAN work sometimes but then it has to tell it's own unique story. Take for example Smallville, which is the story of Clark Kent growing up, NOT being Superman, or Agents of SHIELD which is not about the superhero's, but about Coleson and his team. Sometimes it can work because the casting is spot on (John Bernthal as the punisher) but 9 times out of 10 you need that new character. The universe can be familiar, but we (or at least I) want to feel those new stories, not just a re-telling of old ones.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
I agree. Having a new "PC" was a very good call, you get to explore the universe without the baggage. It can work well for movies when done right, but for TV?? Nope, nope and nope. It CAN work sometimes but then it has to tell it's own unique story. Take for example Smallville, which is the story of Clark Kent growing up, NOT being Superman, or Agents of SHIELD which is not about the superhero's, but about Coleson and his team. Sometimes it can work because the casting is spot on (John Bernthal as the punisher) but 9 times out of 10 you need that new character. The universe can be familiar, but we (or at least I) want to feel those new stories, not just a re-telling of old ones.
This was true for almost every "franchise" before somebody in the Industry decided that not only will canon characters be in the adaptations, they were going to be changed arbitrarily either visually, or their personality and values changed and expected behaviors were also changed. It's why Luke in Disney Star Wars is ruined, why Obi-Wan is ruined, and why having a Spock and Sarek and Pike and the NuTrek Enterprise in ruins the canon Spock and Sarek and the original Enterprise 1701 by their presence.

My burning question is why nobody at these billion-dollar studios seems to have foresight or the ability to see the disasters coming beforehand like the fans ALWAYS can, sometimes just based on the concepts.