Fallout the series - some thoughts


Well Known GateFan
FO4 is a better game in terms of re-playability, don't get me wrong. I have had WAY more playthroughs than 2!!
I am strictly speaking of the storyline of the courier, it has more "meat" on it than FO4.
Story, story story.
I might like mechanics, but story ALWAYS wins out.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
FO4 is a better game in terms of re-playability, don't get me wrong. I have had WAY more playthroughs than 2!!
I am strictly speaking of the storyline of the courier, it has more "meat" on it than FO4.
Story, story story.
I might like mechanics, but story ALWAYS wins out.
Agreed, the story IS better. It has one (besides the main Fallout foundation story). Fallout 4's stories are dynamic, and the NPC change their dialogs and later actions if you do things differently. Even the ending changes!


Well Known GateFan
As long as you never go to the first town and meet up with the minutemen at the beginning :(
I could KILL Preston "there's a settlement that needs help, I'll mark it on your map..............."

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
As long as you never go to the first town and meet up with the minutemen at the beginning :(
I could KILL Preston "there's a settlement that needs help, I'll mark it on your map..............."
Everybody hates Preston! :icon_lol: I actually respect him and the Minutemen more than any of the other factions or leaders of those factions, but those damned settlements! Each play session seems to either be roaming and blasting while on quests, or basically building settlements for the entire session.


Well Known GateFan
Ok, now just about to start episode 4, and I very much agree with Joe and Shadow mann, the writing is.............. "janky". Sometimes it is on point, but a lot of the time, it's really meh. I mean, we could ALL point to eps of our fave shows in our fave genre's and say that, but in Fallout, it can be really jarring. Visuals are good, The over-arching story line is good, (so far), but the overall writing (on an episodic level) can leave much to be desired. If the show was a dart board, it keeps hitting somewhere between 15-20, but never quite the bullseye. 15-20 is still good, don't get me wrong, Fallout has been something I have known for some 30 years since it's inception, and this show MOSTLY faithfully executes (sorry) that world. The writing just does not hit the mark consistently.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Glad you seem to be enjoying the show. I do think one choice they made which was a very good one was to make sure the setting is accurate and then tell an original (not in the games) story with original (not in the games) characters within that setting. By doing this they avoid the traps you can get into by using game lore characters, namely that if you make them different game fans react negatively. In essence you give yourself more creative freedom.


Well Known GateFan
Glad you seem to be enjoying the show. I do think one choice they made which was a very good one was to make sure the setting is accurate and then tell an original (not in the games) story with original (not in the games) characters within that setting. By doing this they avoid the traps you can get into by using game lore characters, namely that if you make them different game fans react negatively. In essence you give yourself more creative freedom.
Well, they do lean heavily into FO-4, they just change it up a bit. My only criticism is the inconsistency of writing, and that makes the story "janky" If it gets another season, I hope they find more consistent writers.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well, they do lean heavily into FO-4, they just change it up a bit. My only criticism is the inconsistency of writing, and that makes the story "janky" If it gets another season, I hope they find more consistent writers.
They execute the world well but avoid using game lore characters. These characters do not appear in any of the games, these stories also do not and even the particular Vaults (31,32,33) are not in any of the games. Also it is set after Fallout 4 by 9 years and 15 years after Fallout New Vegas. I also liked how you can by watching carefully tell which characters are using V.A.T.S. (Cooper I'm looking at you).

Also this line about side quests cracked me up:

View: https://youtu.be/zEqkkOmJG8s?si=4nl70K2NpxzMvz4S

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well, they do lean heavily into FO-4, they just change it up a bit. My only criticism is the inconsistency of writing, and that makes the story "janky" If it gets another season, I hope they find more consistent writers.
FO4 is my favorite Fallout game for many reasons, and yes the series does lean into that very heavily. But like you said, the writing is somewhat janky as compared to the way they unfold in the games. It's close enough though, which is why I think it has such wide appeal among Fallout fans and also new fans who are unfamiliar with the lore and world of Fallout. I bought Fallout 4 and also Fallout 4 VR as soon as they came out and played all of only 10 hours on it before the series. Since the series, I have added 80 more hours! It's such a fun series of games. Im still partial to Fallout 4, but I like Fallout 3 and Fallout 76. Many players LUUUUURRRVE Fallout New Vegas, but to me it's overrated!


Well Known GateFan
Well dude, you might be disappointed in S2 as it set in New Vegas.
I've watched all of it now, and some, or indeed a lot of that "jankyness" ended in the last 3 eps. It found it's groove, and that's excellent!! I don't see it as a series that can go beyond 2-4 seasons, simply because there will not be enough sustained interest in this day in age however. All I can say is by the end of the series, it got to where it could be. In 8 eps, that's a hard ask, but they managed it, So I will forgive the initial screw-ups. Oh, and they do steal one character from FO4, Dogmeat!!

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well dude, you might be disappointed in S2 as it set in New Vegas.
I've watched all of it now, and some, or indeed a lot of that "jankyness" ended in the last 3 eps. It found it's groove, and that's excellent!! I don't see it as a series that can go beyond 2-4 seasons, simply because there will not be enough sustained interest in this day in age however. All I can say is by the end of the series, it got to where it could be. In 8 eps, that's a hard ask, but they managed it, So I will forgive the initial screw-ups. Oh, and they do steal one character from FO4, Dogmeat!!
Yeah, I saw that. I don't hate New Vegas, it's just not my favorite Fallout game. It feels detached from the others in many ways, but it's still a cool game. As far as the series, they HAD to put Dogmeat in it!
:dog:. I wish they had put Mama Murphy in it too. I think the Fallout stories still play out to rebuilding civilization in the end. The fun and intrigue in the Fallout universe is in the chained quests, the reveals and the characters we meet along the way. They are doing lots of that for the series which is great. I am getting ready to fire up Fallout 4 right now!

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
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THIS VIDEO! This video describes exactly how I feel when trying to describe the Fallout world in terms of experiencing it in VR. You are fully immersed in that world, and the sounds of that world surround you in a way that a flat game can't really do. Even without VR, video games immerse you. I think game adaptations to live-action should be even easier than doing comics to live-action. The NPCs have personalities, likes and dislikes, and backstories. You get to know them. The newer games go too far with it IMO. Many games do not benefit from a bunch of narrative exposition.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well dude, you might be disappointed in S2 as it set in New Vegas.
I've watched all of it now, and some, or indeed a lot of that "jankyness" ended in the last 3 eps. It found it's groove, and that's excellent!! I don't see it as a series that can go beyond 2-4 seasons, simply because there will not be enough sustained interest in this day in age however. All I can say is by the end of the series, it got to where it could be. In 8 eps, that's a hard ask, but they managed it, So I will forgive the initial screw-ups. Oh, and they do steal one character from FO4, Dogmeat!!

Now that you know what the experiment in Vaults 31,32 and 33 was, does it put Lucy's behavior in a different light? Plus I got a laugh out of it when Bud Brain disclosed the three vaults were breeding a class of Super Managers all based on his Junior Executive program. It was classic Fallout style humor.


Well Known GateFan

Now that you know what the experiment in Vaults 31,32 and 33 was, does it put Lucy's behavior in a different light? Plus I got a laugh out of it when Bud Brain disclosed the three vaults were breeding a class of Super Managers all based on his Junior Executive program. It was classic Fallout style humor.
It was indeed classic FO humor.
If I dredge my memory banks, was not lucy the the name of an experimental monkey (or dog)?
Her behavior, not so much, but her attitude, definitely.
It's a classic "nature VS nurture" position. When she goes out into the wasteland, nature takes over, but some of the elements of nurture (okey dokie), remain.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
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Now that you know what the experiment in Vaults 31,32 and 33 was, does it put Lucy's behavior in a different light? Plus I got a laugh out of it when Bud Brain disclosed the three vaults were breeding a class of Super Managers all based on his Junior Executive program. It was classic Fallout style humor.
Lucy is intentionally naive and strongly attached to the morality and culture of Vault 33. What we are seeing is her loss of innocence as she wanders the Wasteland. In a way, she was a "virgin" and now she is in the real world and it's changing her. I love it! It's also somewhat the same as the player experience when playing the game. Suddenly being dropped into random conflicts which then become quests. I think them bringing in Cold Fusion at the end of the season might have been a mistake. The Brotherhood of Steel is not 100% benevolent. It should be interesting to see how they do New Vegas next season!


Well Known GateFan
Lucy is intentionally naive and strongly attached to the morality and culture of Vault 33. What we are seeing is her loss of innocence as she wanders the Wasteland. In a way, she was a "virgin" and now she is in the real world and it's changing her. I love it! It's also somewhat the same as the player experience when playing the game. Suddenly being dropped into random conflicts which then become quests. I think them bringing in Cold Fusion at the end of the season might have been a mistake. The Brotherhood of Steel is not 100% benevolent. It should be interesting to see how they do New Vegas next season!
Again, it's nature VS nurture, THAT is Lucy's entire arc.
As for next season, they have already introduced "Mr House", I'm more curious with with how and what they will do with him.

Shadow Mann

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Glad you seem to be enjoying the show. I do think one choice they made which was a very good one was to make sure the setting is accurate and then tell an original (not in the games) story with original (not in the games) characters within that setting. By doing this they avoid the traps you can get into by using game lore characters, namely that if you make them different game fans react negatively. In essence you give yourself more creative freedom.
This is an important observation! It shows that the producers know the games and the lore, otherwise they would not have been able t deliver the story we got and we would not see such attention to detail and authenticity. New characters, new story, but familiar world and settings. I consider it the best game adaptation to live-action ever created (so far).