The Walking Dead - How would YOU handle Lori?


Well Known GateFan
fair point and i agree with you but i just cant be bothered to waste my energy hating on something much easier and energy conserving to just ignore.

Bah! You're young so what are you saving your energy for? It's not like there are any good riots going on in Sweden right now so God knows your Molotov cocktail throwin' arm is well rested. And chances are you haven't had to run from any police lately. Shit, this modern life is making you soft. Remember, you aren't Dutch so you don't have an excuse to be a lazy, good for nuthin', Government teat suckin' wastrel with questionable aesthetic tastes. :icon_e_wink:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Bah! You're young so what are you saving your energy for? It's not like there are any good riots going on in Sweden right now so God knows your Molotov cocktail throwin' arm is well rested. And chances are you haven't had to run from any police lately. Shit, this modern life is making you soft. Remember, you aren't Dutch so you don't have an excuse to be a lazy, good for nuthin', Government teat suckin' wastrel with questionable aesthetic tastes. :icon_e_wink:

well i have a pretty stressfull job nowdays deadlines and overbearing asshole clients so i need what energy i have for that.

and lol too true i aint dutch and thats something, and no no riots for a while no but its coming as the cutural clash and rising tensions mount in my country trust me its coming and its NOT going to be fun.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Don't forget we flayed SGU into little bits. Surely this dopey display merits similar treatment.
that was diffrent as SG was a frnachise i was heavily invested in back then for some retarded reason i cant grasp today as in retrospect OMFG it was som shitty f'cking entertainment not far removed from the likes of the SYFY movie of the week quality, TWD i am not nor will i ever be invested or intrested in.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Maybe just have Rick carrying Lori's still animated head around with him in a birdcage or some such construct. They can then have witty dialogue and occasionally feed her stuff...


My avatar speaks for itself.
also the SGU bashing had another thing going for it which i greatly enjoyed ie trolling the imature retarded nasty feebleminded f'ckwits of fans of that drivel cant say i get the same warm fuzzy feeling inside going on and on about how bad TWD is when it doesnt seem to piss people off the same way.:topsy_turvy:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
well i have a pretty stressfull job nowdays deadlines and overbearing asshole clients so i need what energy i have for that.

and lol too true i aint dutch and thats something, and no no riots for a while no but its coming as the cutural clash and rising tensions mount in my country trust me its coming and its NOT going to be fun.

The key phrase in shavedape's comment was "molotov cocktail". :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Maybe just have Rick carrying Lori's still animated head around with him in a birdcage or some such construct. They can then have witty dialogue and occasionally feed her stuff...

Decisions, decisions. Should I? Nah, too easy. :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
yeah sure if you are into the downs syndrome look.... seriously the above statement of yours actually made me sick

Dude, if you have never seen uglier chicks than Elyse Levesque, then you are very lucky. Some of the females in California are ugly enough to wilt flowers. :wink-new:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Maybe just have Rick carrying Lori's still animated head around with him in a birdcage or some such construct. They can then have witty dialogue and occasionally feed her stuff...

HAHAHAHAHA! :smiley-laughing021::shep_lol::smiley-laughing024:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Dude, if you have never seen uglier chicks than Elyse Levesque, then you are very lucky. Some of the females in California are ugly enough to wilt flowers. :wink-new:
i have seen way uglier ones. but i would never stick my dick in that nasty ass downs bitch

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i have seen way uglier ones. but i would never stick my dick in that nasty ass downs bitch

LOL, I wouldn't either, unless my only other choice was Sarah Callies. :rapture: I cant stand even looking at her bony body. Some of the zombies in the show look better than she does.


Well Known GateFan
LOL, I wouldn't either, unless my only other choice was Sarah Callies. :rapture: I cant stand even looking at her bony body. Some of the zombies in the show look better than she does.

Callies looks like a pasty leather bag full of long sticks. The fact that they're pretending that she could carry a baby to full term is a joke. The only thing she could carry to full term with a skeletal body like hers is a kidney stone.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Callies looks like a pasty leather bag full of long sticks. The fact that they're pretending that she could carry a baby to full term is a joke. The only thing she could carry to full term with a skeletal body like hers is a kidney stone.

BAHAHAHAHA! :smiley-laughing024::icon_rotflmao::thoranime12::happy0007:

Will the producers force her to eat or just kill her off? She is NOT central to the show, and neither is Rick IMO. The son can stay. :)


Well Known GateFan
BAHAHAHAHA! :smiley-laughing024::icon_rotflmao::thoranime12::happy0007:

Will the producers force her to eat or just kill her off? She is NOT central to the show, and neither is Rick IMO. The son can stay. :)

They've made quite a few changes to the show verses what happens in the comic book so you never know what will happen with the characters to be honest. Can't say that we're alone in wanting them to get rid of Lori though. She's a horrible character and isn't even likable as a villain. She's just nasty and a dimwit to boot.


My avatar speaks for itself.
Callies looks like a pasty leather bag full of long sticks. The fact that they're pretending that she could carry a baby to full term is a joke. The only thing she could carry to full term with a skeletal body like hers is a kidney stone.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
They've made quite a few changes to the show verses what happens in the comic book so you never know what will happen with the characters to be honest. Can't say that we're alone in wanting them to get rid of Lori though. She's a horrible character and isn't even likable as a villain. She's just nasty and a dimwit to boot.

I want to see Andrea and her fight with fists. :) A mudfight would be cool too. But still with fists and not by arguing.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I want to see Andrea and her fight with fists. :) A mudfight would be cool too. But still with fists and not by arguing.

Or she can fight Michonne who with her katana can create the birdcage scenario posted about earlier...


Well Known GateFan
Maybe they'll turn TWD into a Greek tragedy and have Carl kill off his mother. One can always hope. :anim_59:


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well it seems they decided to give Lori an easy sendoff. Based on some other stuff offline I'm thinking the Zed Lori is a dream scene.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well it seems they decided to give Lori an easy sendoff. Based on some other stuff offline I'm thinking the Zed Lori is a dream scene.

Linkies? I really hated her character a lot. Drove me off the show, along with the arguing and drama and so few zombies.