The Walking Dead - How would YOU handle Lori?


Well Known GateFan
Killed off two characters, the token black guy and the bitc...surprisingly spry pregnant lady. And I was just meh, don't really care about any of the characters except Darryl. I'm glad they don't focus on him character-wise, they'd just ruin him if they tried.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Linkies? I really hated her character a lot. Drove me off the show, along with the arguing and drama and so few zombies.

If AMC had their way in season 2, we'd have gotten 3/4 of the episodes without showing a single zombie, just hearing them rattle doors and moaning behind walls.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I would have expected to see Zeds but instead of them eating people and being shot in turn the humans and zeds would just stand around arguing.....and shipping.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If AMC had their way in season 2, we'd have gotten 3/4 of the episodes without showing a single zombie, just hearing them rattle doors and moaning behind walls.

Its like, they crammed the zombies into one episode, and over fed us with them hoping that a drought of say...4 episodes could go by without ever showing a zombie. But like you said, rattling doors and moaning behind walls :chargrined:. And to fill it in with incessant, over-acted dramatic argument scenes? Lori, you will not be missed.
