Star Trek VOY: General Discussion Thread

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


What ship is this?
Staff member
Plus the errors on Voyager were minor compared to the issues on SGU. It really took only a couple of tweaks in S3 to get it going right while SGU would have needed complete cast replacement and a new basic plot.


Well Known GateFan
Plus the errors on Voyager were minor compared to the issues on SGU. It really took only a couple of tweaks in S3 to get it going right while SGU would have needed complete cast replacement and a new basic plot.

like i said, part of that would be to leave everyone in stasis except for about 6 characters--and Chloe and Scott are not any of them

i get updts on the sgu cancelled thread from syfy forums--the last post someone put up was to the effect of "well they are in stasis for 3 yrs, so, what if syfy is tricking us and have secretely produced season three to come out in 2014"

yes, someone really said that.

the biggest problem i had with voyager was a couple of character-mainly Neelix and Chakotay. And the fact of "the borg are so bad ass" but then it didn't take much for one little ship to take them on. i know they wrote in a reason but i thought that the borg issue was just better left behind them.


Well Known GateFan
The pee and poo thing wouldn't really work that way, and there would be lots of loss. Using energy to do all the conversions, as well as energy consumed doing those day-to-day things on the ship. I think what you probably meant, in a more general sense, was to create some sort of 'self-sustaining' environment. Crap's a good fertilizer. That can go into the hydroponics lab, which'll create food. But they'll eventually have to get some materials cause all those things require energy that cannot be 'recycled' in a sense, like the 'sun' energy required to get those plants growing. They can't really recycle power generating things, those dilithium things? or whatever.

The show's gotten better, but they still overdo the technobabble and reset button. Kes evolved and 'left' the crew but next episode, everyone's all 'stepford-wives' dandy. You'd think the rest of the crew and especially Neelix would be more broken up about it. I can see what Bluce is saying about 7 of 9. They really do like to display her sexuality as much as possible. I think that gratuity kinda takes away from caring about the character more than anything even though she has a pretty good character arc, the struggle back to humanity. Janeway's pretty damn inconsistent with her 'principles.'


Well Known GateFan
The pee and poo thing wouldn't really work that way, and there would be lots of loss. Using energy to do all the conversions, as well as energy consumed doing those day-to-day things on the ship. I think what you probably meant, in a more general sense, was to create some sort of 'self-sustaining' environment. Crap's a good fertilizer. That can go into the hydroponics lab, which'll create food. But they'll eventually have to get some materials cause all those things require energy that cannot be 'recycled' in a sense, like the 'sun' energy required to get those plants growing. They can't really recycle power generating things, those dilithium things? or whatever.

The show's gotten better, but they still overdo the technobabble and reset button. Kes evolved and 'left' the crew but next episode, everyone's all 'stepford-wives' dandy. You'd think the rest of the crew and especially Neelix would be more broken up about it. I can see what Bluce is saying about 7 of 9. They really do like to display her sexuality as much as possible. I think that gratuity kinda takes away from caring about the character more than anything even though she has a pretty good character arc, the struggle back to humanity. Janeway's pretty damn inconsistent with her 'principles.'

i vaguely remember Janeway questioning the dr as to his choice of outfit for her. he gave some "techie" talk about how it was necessary due to her borg implants, bs, blah,blah, etc, bs....

i cant really see how such a strong "gender equality" cpt like janeway would have approved of such a uniform for her without their being a sci reason. however-she could have always had a tunic or regular uni put on over her catsuit. but that would have destroyed the real reason for it now though wouldn't it?

using human feces for fertilizer can be done but it must be aged-as most manures- but this is especially imp for human waste to reduce the chance of reuptaking human pathogens, parasites, and other 'creepies'. so, if a ship were to reuse it it would of had to of started with an "aged pile" first to get the process moving, i would guess

here is a short brief from the japanese space agency:

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
The pee and poo thing wouldn't really work that way, and there would be lots of loss. Using energy to do all the conversions, as well as energy consumed doing those day-to-day things on the ship. I think what you probably meant, in a more general sense, was to create some sort of 'self-sustaining' environment. Crap's a good fertilizer. That can go into the hydroponics lab, which'll create food. But they'll eventually have to get some materials cause all those things require energy that cannot be 'recycled' in a sense, like the 'sun' energy required to get those plants growing. They can't really recycle power generating things, those dilithium things? or whatever...

You are thinking of the low tech method of turning poop and pee into food. The VOY spacecraft is 300 years into our future and should be able to take material with a low energy content (poop, pee) and turn it into a material with a high energy content (food, drink) by adding energy and performing chemical manipulations.

The Japanese system cannot generate food, but it is a start.


Well Known GateFan
You are thinking of the low tech method of turning poop and pee into food. The VOY spacecraft is 300 years into our future and should be able to take material with a low energy content (poop, pee) and turn it into a material with a high energy content (food, drink) by adding energy and performing chemical manipulations.

The Japanese system cannot generate food, but it is a start.

There is no evidence in ANY trek that they would be able to do such a thing. In fact, entropic decay would forbid such a thing.
As you say they add energy, so we are back to it being easier just to gather fresh supplies.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
There is no evidence in ANY trek that they would be able to do such a thing. In fact, entropic decay would forbid such a thing.
As you say they add energy, so we are back to it being easier just to gather fresh supplies.

Not if you waste more energy gathering fresh supplies (beaming) than you would use with the P2F conversion. Beaming must take up a ton of energy.

Accept the facts, Dingleberry and his minions (Berman, Braga, Moore) would not know science, if science bit them in the butt while screwing an intern or an actress.


Well Known GateFan
Not if you waste more energy gathering fresh supplies (beaming) than you would use with the P2F conversion.
Let me put it in bold for you dude

Beaming must take up a ton of energy.
How do you know?? You are pulling this notion out of your ass just as much as the writers did. I say that with confidence because the *writers* never explained it either.

Accept the facts, Dingleberry and his minions (Berman, Braga, Moore) would not know science, if science bit them in the butt while screwing an intern or an actress.
Build me a frakking spaceship Mr Engineer, or don't you know the science of how to build one?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
i vaguely remember Janeway questioning the dr as to his choice of outfit for her. he gave some "techie" talk about how it was necessary due to her borg implants, bs, blah,blah, etc, bs....

"Implants" being the double entendre.


Well Known GateFan
Third law of Thermodynamics: Entropy is nondecreasing.

Mannnnn, Year of Hell could have been reallllly good, if they had some balls. I saw the ending coming as soon as they introduced the ship wiping out a species, just already knew what was gonna happen at the end. It was gonna be an extended reset button. Damnit, it could have been really good.


Well Known GateFan
Third law of Thermodynamics: Entropy is nondecreasing.

Mannnnn, Year of Hell could have been reallllly good, if they had some balls. I saw the ending coming as soon as they introduced the ship wiping out a species, just already knew what was gonna happen at the end. It was gonna be an extended reset button. Damnit, it could have been really good.

Mzzz, if you want to enjoy VOY, you HAVE to ignore the big ass reset button in the corner of the room, if you don't want to, then go for it, slam them for it, it certainly pissed me off as well at the time.


Well Known GateFan
It would have been fine if it was sporadic but kinda hard to ignore when it's become the standard. But they have started diversifying the stories they tell so that's good.


Well Known GateFan
It would have been fine if it was sporadic but kinda hard to ignore when it's become the standard. But they have started diversifying the stories they tell so that's good.

It's still there dude, trust me, they just get better at "hiding" it :P


Well Known GateFan
Killing Game - actually liked the commander of the bad guys in this, wanted to be more than himself. Wanted his people to be more than what they were. That ending though, how ffin convenient. Neat little bow. Cherry on top. The episode after was worse though, Tom having "issues". Do they actually think these kind of episodes make us like the characters more? Has the opposite effect. To me anyways. And nothing developed with this coaxial drive. Always hinting at them getting home, but forgotten and undeveloped later on to continue this premise of far away from home making all the stories become so convoluted.

They're out in space, where solar systems are sporadic. Hard to find a solar system with planets. Even harder to find planets that have life. Just saying how rare such encounters are. Yet they manage to find so many things in the delta quadrant from the alpha quadrant. I think they've found more things from the alpha quadrant than Harry has chest hairs. I think they also attempt inside jokes about 7's blatant so called 'sex appeal' every now and then. Like when the doctor was running a scan and said, you have to get these implants checked out everyday :rolleye0014:. I'll stop commenting on voyager from now on, hard to find good things to say about it.


Well Known GateFan
Finally, a good episode, "Someone to Watch Over Me". Surprised at 7's tone/voice change between her character and singing. That was very good, minus the silly B plot aliens and reset button at the end.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Finally, a good episode, "Someone to Watch Over Me". Surprised at 7's tone/voice change between her character and singing. That was very good, minus the silly B plot aliens and reset button at the end.

So you are now past Season 4 and into Season 5...lots of goodies to come. :). See how the entire show changed after they dumped Kreepy Kes and took on Seven's huge Nines? And her twins really do not play into it much, nothing like the obvious tit-bait used in SGU with Lt James (kinos showing her stripping down, her standing in the corridor in nothing but a camisole which was two sizes too small, etc). Jeri Ryan is actually a decent actress...she did an awesome job with Seven of Nine. Janeway changed too, as did the dynamic between Neelix and the rest of the crew. Strangely enough, I found the Doctor a but much. His arrogant, narcissistic demeanor grated on me at times, especially when he was defending his status as a sentient lifeform. But no spoilers...the rest of the episodes are better than those of the first three seasons.
--- merged: Apr 3, 2013 10:41 PM ---
Killing Game - actually liked the commander of the bad guys in this, wanted to be more than himself. Wanted his people to be more than what they were. That ending though, how ffin convenient. Neat little bow. Cherry on top. The episode after was worse though, Tom having "issues". Do they actually think these kind of episodes make us like the characters more? Has the opposite effect. To me anyways. And nothing developed with this coaxial drive. Always hinting at them getting home, but forgotten and undeveloped later on to continue this premise of far away from home making all the stories become so convoluted.

They're out in space, where solar systems are sporadic. Hard to find a solar system with planets. Even harder to find planets that have life. Just saying how rare such encounters are. Yet they manage to find so many things in the delta quadrant from the alpha quadrant. I think they've found more things from the alpha quadrant than Harry has chest hairs. I think they also attempt inside jokes about 7's blatant so called 'sex appeal' every now and then. Like when the doctor was running a scan and said, you have to get these implants checked out everyday :rolleye0014:. I'll stop commenting on voyager from now on, hard to find good things to say about it.


Please watch the "Earth" episode of SGU before watching any more Voyager, and everything will seem brilliant. :anim_59: