Star Trek VOY: General Discussion Thread

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Season 3 seems to be better so far. The technobabble's still annoying, sometimes less is more. Doctor's still the only character that's sorta non-bland to me. Glad baby mama drama Cardassian crap is gone.

Once they do away with the Kazon it becomes decent. The Kazon fly interstellar blimps that can be taken out with a hand phaser. Why Voyager never bothered shooting them out of the sky instead of constantly running from them had me utterly confused.


Well Known GateFan
there was some "scandal" involving Jeri Ryan and Brannon Bragga; some sort of freaky sex thing. saw a "news article" on it once and then saw no more.

anyhow, something tells me that if voyager were made today we would have kept Kes; her and 7 of 9 would have become lesbian lovers to fit "fan demand" (or the perceived one-ala SGU)


What ship is this?
Staff member
Ryan briefly dated Braga after her divorce from Jack Ryan - the "scandal" was a stalker that threatened them both and was subsequently caught and jailed.


Well Known GateFan
Thought it was getting better, but then "False Profits", "Remember", "Sacred Ground", "Future's End", "Warlord", and "Q and the Grey" happened. They're overly fond of last minute technobabble save and resetting everything that has happened, more extreme than the other Treks. Sorry, the techobabble really annoys me. This is a minor example:
They just keep going and going.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Ehhh....I'd be a bit careful about insinuating an actress prostituted herself to get a role. It's very insulting.

Jeri Ryan already had her acting bona fides before being cast on Voyager. She had done a number of supporting roles and was one of the regulars of the short lived "Dark Skies" series - one reason she was able to come to Voyager was the cancellation of Dark Skies.

As to the role itself, one interesting thing is that in spite of the catsuit the writers never really put Seven into "sexy" situations. Up until the finale she never had a romance and while she did develop friendships earlier (Tuvok and Janeway) it was very platonic in nature. And it worked - that way of playing the character gave her a "different-ness" that made her stand out.

It did not hurt that she was having sex with the fugly Braga.
--- merged: Mar 12, 2013 at 6:42 PM ---
Ryan briefly dated Braga after her divorce from Jack Ryan - the "scandal" was a stalker that threatened them both and was subsequently caught and jailed.

The scandal was that Jeri claimed that Jack forced her to have sex with him at a public sex club.
--- merged: Mar 12, 2013 at 6:44 PM ---
In Voyager there was 3 types of energy that was not interchangeable. Energy for the transporter, energy for the replicator, and energy for the engines.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Seeing as her brief dating of Braga occurred right at the very end of the show I doubt what you're insinuating happened. For most of her Voyager time she was still married.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Thought it was getting better, but then "False Profits", "Remember", "Sacred Ground", "Future's End", "Warlord", and "Q and the Grey" happened. They're overly fond of last minute technobabble save and resetting everything that has happened, more extreme than the other Treks. Sorry, the techobabble really annoys me. This is a minor example:
They just keep going and going.

Hang in there till Season 4. Everything changes in the show after that. :)
--- merged: Mar 13, 2013 at 12:36 PM ---
It did not hurt that she was having sex with the fugly Braga.

Agreed. I heard this when she was cast for the role.

The scandal was that Jeri claimed that Jack forced her to have sex with him at a public sex club.

The fact that she was there herself did not make her side of the story look good...

In Voyager there was 3 types of energy that was not interchangeable. Energy for the transporter, energy for the replicator, and energy for the engines.

Not quite...its the holodeck only. The replicators and transporters use the regular EPS conduits. They were taken offline to conserve energy in The Year of Hell. The holodeck power matrix is not compatible with the rest of the ships power. Anybody got a reference to check?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually the Jack Ryan scandal was that he tried to get her to go to sex clubs and have public sex with him there. Different thing. It's just like the Braga thing in that one thing was rumored but the rumor lacks supporting evidence. I always figured that her looks caused the rumors in part.

I'll stick to what I know - she did a great job as Seven of Nine. Very good acting and a well written character to boot.

As to Season 3, some of the episodes mzzz listed as not good I would call good (Future Tense, Warlord). The show changed dramatically in Season 3 and Season 4 marks further change. As to technobabble, every Trek series has it (TNG was notorious for it). Even TOS has loads of technobabble. It's an inevitable byproduct of the nature of the shows.


Well Known GateFan
It's different in this series. They overuse Murphy's Law, anytime they need something to work, it's not working. And you'd think by now they would have shielded all the different systems in the ship after all the time they seem to malfunction or go offline. As for the technobabble, sometimes when all they need are like one or two lines of technobabble, they extend it to a 5 minute scene or something. It's excessive and very annoying. In fact, I actually liked that one episode uh Macrocosm for one reason. That reason was the minimal use of technobabble while they had Janeway Terminator2-Linda-Hamiltoning around the ship. Of course, they still Murphy's Law'ed that episode too.

Anyways, "Fair Trade" was pretty good, Neelix wasn't as annoying. He had some good character development, but all of it was shafted the next episode and all but forgotten like most of the character development on the show. The station there reminded me of Babylon 5, not out of resemblance just triggered memories of Babylon 5. "Alter Ego" was very meh. Their holodeck adventures seem to be either that bar or this new resort place. TNG had way more adventurous and diverse holodeck stuff. I ended up watching "Blood Fever" in between facepalms. Saw the Borg coming. Gonna have to take you guys' word for it.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's different in this series. They overuse Murphy's Law, anytime they need something to work, it's not working. And you'd think by now they would have shielded all the different systems in the ship after all the time they seem to malfunction or go offline. As for the technobabble, sometimes when all they need are like one or two lines of technobabble, they extend it to a 5 minute scene or something. It's excessive and very annoying. In fact, I actually liked that one episode uh Macrocosm for one reason. That reason was the minimal use of technobabble while they had Janeway Terminator2-Linda-Hamiltoning around the ship. Of course, they still Murphy's Law'ed that episode too.

Anyways, "Fair Trade" was pretty good, Neelix wasn't as annoying. He had some good character development, but all of it was shafted the next episode and all but forgotten like most of the character development on the show. The station there reminded me of Babylon 5, not out of resemblance just triggered memories of Babylon 5. "Alter Ego" was very meh. Their holodeck adventures seem to be either that bar or this new resort place. TNG had way more adventurous and diverse holodeck stuff. I ended up watching "Blood Fever" in between facepalms. Saw the Borg coming. Gonna have to take you guys' word for it.

BINGO! Oh, hell, yeah! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was severely annoyed by that overused device.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
...Not quite...its the holodeck only. The replicators and transporters use the regular EPS conduits. They were taken offline to conserve energy in The Year of Hell. The holodeck power matrix is not compatible with the rest of the ships power. Anybody got a reference to check?

Well then, why were away teams beamed down to various planets to gather food?


Well Known GateFan
BINGO! Oh, hell, yeah! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was severely annoyed by that overused device.

Voyager, more than any other Trek series presses the button I'll admit that, and yes it became quite annoying at times. The reason I like Voyager so much however is the crew, so I was willing to forgive a bit (ok, ALOT sometimes) of the old reset mashing. If I were to be critical of Voyager however It would probably top the list of "mistakes they made"


Well Known GateFan
^ Yeah, I think I'm overcritical of things in this show cause I don't really care for any of the characters on the show, with the possible exception of the Doctor.


Well Known GateFan
Well then, why were away teams beamed down to various planets to gather food?

The food issue was to conserve overall power. Even if systems convert power into different forms to become usable for a specific system, they still all come from the warp core (AFAIK). WHY they did not create 2 way converters is a fair issue though.
--- merged: Mar 13, 2013 at 5:03 PM ---
^ Yeah, I think I'm overcritical of things in this show cause I don't really care for any of the characters on the show, with the possible exception of the Doctor.

Thats natural dude, if you don't care about the main bits of a story (IE, the characters involved), then you are just gonna look for things not to like. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The food issue was to conserve overall power. Even if systems convert power into different forms to become usable for a specific system, they still all come from the warp core (AFAIK). WHY they did not create 2 way converters is a fair issue though.
--- merged: Mar 13, 2013 at 5:03 PM ---

Thats natural dude, if you don't care about the main bits of a story (IE, the characters involved), then you are just gonna look for things not to like. :)

BOLDED. This was even true when Neelix first came to the ship. His galley was going to help conserve replicator use. You heard of "replicator rations" used in several episodes. But in every Trek show that has had them, the holodeck power grid was not compatible or transferable to the main EPS conduits.


Well Known GateFan
BOLDED. This was even true when Neelix first came to the ship. His galley was going to help conserve replicator use. You heard of "replicator rations" used in several episodes. But in every Trek show that has had them, the holodeck power grid was not compatible or transferable to the main EPS conduits.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
They cancelled Voyager just before they introduced Seven's nemesis, Eight of Nine.



Well Known GateFan
I'm sorry, but even the skin hugging catsuit designed to show of her rack had more class :lol: