OMG, I am so leaving Facebook!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
56 significant reasons to leave Facebook (and counting)

I found this interesting list on the web :) :

  1. Communication zilch. Causes lack of communication and interaction between house hold members. Everybody is too busy checking out the latest post of meaningless dribble.
  2. Facebook eats your brain. Recent research indicates that social networking sites may inhibit concentration span and have a negative influence on our ability to feel empathy.
  3. Addiction and timewasting
  4. Anyone can start a group mocking or belittling you or a member of your family. As long as the posts aren't blatantly obscene or threatening, no number of "report this group" attempts will make a difference. Ever been a teacher? How many of your ex students are on Facebook? Ever had to sack someone? Ever had an ex? Would you like embarrassing and/or false anecdotes passed around the web on a Facebook group that carried your name for anyone searching for you on Google? Ever pissed anyone off, ever? Facebook take no responsibility for groups that in the real world would be defamatory. It could easily happen to you.
  5. Drama. Your friend who said they were sick was really out partying last night. You saw the Facebook photos! Some serious drama is about to go down!
  6. Unless you manually change your privacy settings anyone searching for you on Google sees your photo and a sample of your friends, as well as groups you belong to. Easy to reconstruct your networks and habits from even this basic info.
  7. Facebook is uber consumerist. Why would I want to be a Fan of Starbucks? Isnt it enough I spend my money there?
  8. Open network. You can see anyone’s (well, non-private) Facebook. If you can look at someone’s Facebook and judge how lame they are, people can do the same to you.
  9. It's made people lazy. If you're not on Facebook they don't email you so often. They post photos you can't see on their profiles. Most FB users only communicate with friends through Facebook. Why let a third party filter or change the way you interact with your friends?
  10. Etiquette. There are some intense rules of Facebook. It is offensive if you un-friend someone or delete photos of you two. Considering that everyone else is on Facebook a million times a day, if you don’t respond to someone’s post right away, you may come off badly without even meaning to.
  11. False friendships. “Hey man, let’s hang out later” – B. “Yeah, I’ll call you!”-A. These meaningless wall posts will never come to fruition; it’s just a way of sadly attempting to keep in touch with former acquaintances.
  12. It seems that everyone in your former High School has joined and became friends, Only to relive High School all over again. Twenty years later. The snubbing still continues.....
  13. The end of privacy. What type of world do we live in where every action we do is documented for everyone to see? I don’t want people to see whom I have friended, who has posted on my wall, or the worst of the worst: whom I have ended a relationship with.
  14. Trouble with authorities. Take those same pictures of you in the toga. Now not only have your friends seen them, so has your fraternity/sorority, future employer, and maybe, somehow, your parents. That’s just a nightmare waiting to happen.
  15. Embarrassing moments. OK. It’s Friday night, you’ve had a few drinks, and the next thing you know, you are waking up Saturday morning to photos of yourself in a toga, passed out on your friend’s couch with drool dripping from the corner of your mouth. You can un-tag those puppies, but everyone has already seen them.
  16. The fact it has become suddenly compulsory for the entire world. Peer pressure from cyber sheep.
  17. Facebook is uber conformist
  18. Facebook is narcissistic. So you ate a ham sandwich? Do I need to know this?
  19. Data ownership issues.
  20. The presence of British, Israeli, USA and other intelligence groups monitoring FB activity. And datamining.
  21. It makes users sound stupid. "Edith is eating the wonderful pot roast her gorgeous husband made for her". "Jon just finished pumping iron."
  22. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and whole generations spend their time sending each other virtual cocktails.
  23. Getting SPAM FRIEND requests from people trying to sell books or seminars like this one I got today: "Debt-Consolidation By-Michael Clifford added you as a friend on Facebook. We need to confirm that you know Debt-Consolidation in order for you to be friends on Facebook."
  24. No way to contact Facebook about SPAM FRIEND requests - in fact no easy way to contact Facebook at all.
  25. Farmville and other online games played by your friends. Bad enough these are a waste of time (aren't these people supposed to be working?) but they ask you to join in so they can accumulate "coins" or whatever. Plus, your feed gets clogged up with these simpering messages such as "Joe just found a lost cow on his farm! Help Joe find a new home for his lost cow!"
  26. Odd "Applications" that disguise themselves as Facebook features: I received an invite to join "Friend for life" (Friend being singular, "Friends for Life" is a legitimate Facebook group) and clicked on "see image uploaded by your friend". Not only did I not see an image, a pop-up appears telling me that I just gave all my personal information to the "Friend for life" application. The "Friend for Life" Facebook page has no information as to what the application is about, or why, or what it does. I can find nothing on Google about it. It seems to be nothing more than an information harvesting worm.
  27. Lack of Compelling Reason to Visit Site: Once the novelty has worn off, you start to lose interest in what your friends are eating or doing on a daily basis. Other than a nice place to upload photos for free (and store them in albums), unless you are one of those young people who needs to be "connected" electronically all the time, there is little compelling content.
  28. Embarrassing Comments left by "friends": I have a friend who thinks sarcasm is the highest form of humor. They think they are the next Don Rickles. I can tolerate that, but when they make these comments on my wall, or worse yet, on my photos, my other friends don't get the joke. I delete the sarcastic comments, and my friend "unfriends" me. It is too easy for people to misunderstand each other when communicating in brief text sentences - even with emoticons. ;)
  29. Difficult Navigation and Help Screens: The navigation is often difficult. Want to see if you have any "friend requests"? Well don't click on the "Friend" icon, as pending Friend requests is not one of the subcategories. Want "help"? Type in a question and pick one of the 20 irrelevant answers given.
  30. Misleading Advertisement for Applications masquerading as Facebook Features: The right hand column of my screen shows Applications that appear to be Facebook features. Only in tiny print does it say "advertisement". Deceptive.
  31. Just Another Method of Selling Eyeballs to Advertisers.
  32. Profile Pictures that show half a face: For some reason, people put up profile pictures that cut off their mouths or one eye. Quite odd, and disturbing. Everyone wants to be a rock star.
  33. Cause for divorce and quarrels in couples. Many times I had quarrel with my boyfriend because he added girls having fake names and those girls sent him awful messages.
  34. False Profiles and Fake names. I found more than 10 profiles for the same celebrity.
  35. Most of the groups created are crap! Example "I hate men".
  36. Don't you just hate it when someone who barely knows you wants to "friend" you (like its a verb!) and you find they have 2,500 friends and you are really just a sort of trophy.
  37. Actually come to think of it, with the one above, they are probably the safe ones because they will forget you soon
  38. Often offensive "targeted advertising" I'm female and in a steady relationship so I must be "planning a wedding?" or "Trying for a baby?" No! Piss off!
  39. its COMPLETELY pointless. what is the point? find lost friends,,, erm, why did you lose them??? , kill time? get a life, a real one, throw in a boy/girlfriend as well.
  40. Non-Target Audiences See the Same Content: With more 'friends' comes more responsibility in what you post. Just as mom will read that you "got super hammered last night," your bowling buddies will see your auntie telling you to "be safe sweetie" in a status comment.
  41. Lazy Birthday Wishes. Do you really want a machine to remind your friends that it's your birthday? Wouldn't you rather know who finds you significant enough that they would remember your brithday on your own? And what is the point of a bunch of public birthday greetings (or any greetings, for that matter) on your "wall"?
  42. Loss of Creativity. Random phrases (e.g. "Finding out there's no toilet paper after it's too late") are "liked" by people on FB. What the? Can't we as a society think of our own creative statements and jokes? And WHO needs to know that you like the statement anyway? Why can't you just tell people in REAL life about it, and that way you can actually see the person's reaction?
  43. Makes your life seem crap. Judging my their photos everyone else seems to be having a lot more fun.
  44. Everyone is watching everyone.
  45. Facebook newsfeed is like a noisy hangout. 300 odd people randomly expressing their thoughts, opinions and activities. HELLO! Can I hear myself think?
  46. The useful info gained from other peoples' statuses comes at a high cost: sifting through the junk posted by others. Just reading your newsfeed can change your mood drastically because anyone posts anything anytime.
  47. Attention seeking. "I need a hug"- Umm ok, I'll pretend I didn't see that. I need one too. "27 days left..." Umm till what? You're dying to tell us but you wannabe asked first. "Hung out with my girls, watched new movie. Got surprise call from mum. What an amazing weekend. I love my life" cool stuff but can you like keep it to yourself.
  48. The WALL. Why should my conversations be public. So others can read and enjoy? know what I did and where I'm going? Ii wouldn't want Joe Smith from third grade to know where I'm going next weekend.
  49. Text Notifications. For Anyone who was stupid enough to opt into this service the excitment of getting a text just to find out that someone has pokd you or messaged you...oh great i thought someone real actually wanted to talk t ome its almost as annoying as woo i got a text...ah damn it low battery... grrr
  50. Email Spam. I get emails from people I don't know who probably don't know me wanting to be my friend.
  51. Why reward a company run by a guy who has little regard for ethics or what users really want?
  52. FB seems to revolve more around competition, numbers, indirect communication, and less on comraderie and any substance. (How many friend you can acquire, real or not, wittiest posts and status update, most pics, etc.) I don't know about you, but real friendship=lack of competition + sincerity+substance+ sometimes inconvenience and sacrifice.
  53. Greed. Facebook is now valued at 50 billion thanks to Goldman Sachs, despite the fact that their revenue is only 2 billion per year and their profits are negligible on top of that. Goldman wants to tell everyone how valuable Facebook is so they can sell shares at that ridiculous price. Leave Facebook and show these investors just how valuable it really is.
  54. Public Pain is humiliating. Life happens. And as it does, all of your ex's, their ex's and family & friends, who you have added to be nice, are watching, commenting, and asking about your personal problems. It's like that bad dream where you forgot and wore your jammies to work or school, only it isn't a dream, it's FACEBOOK !
  55. Scroll to the bottom of this page, click on 'reasons to use facebook' and try to find 1 good reason. There are none
  56. Removing a deceased user’s account is hard work – request it be deleted completely and they’ll ‘memorialise’ it for you…very unhappy family members now even less happy.