OMG, I am so leaving Facebook!


GateFans Noob
You silly people, you can never leave Facecrook, don't you watch South Park?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You silly people, you can never leave Facecrook, don't you watch South Park?
:icon_eek: No, but I will be checking out that episode. Facecrook! :biggrin:


My avatar speaks for itself.
the ep aint that funny but still intresting like most of the latest south park episodes.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
the ep aint that funny but still intresting like most of the latest south park episodes.

BA HAHAHAHAHAHA! The part with the dad was TOO funny! I already feel the freedom. I never realized that the Facebook app was adding some of the pictures to my contacts on my phone. How did it do that if there is only a name in the contacts? How did it know that the name in my contact was also the same person on Facebook??? I dont even want to know. I feel comfort in the generic head that is now in their place. I removed all Facebook apps, deleted all the cookies, and I am SERIOUSLY thinking of wiping my entire computer and re-installing everything.

One of the reasons I run all my own stuff is because I want control over it. I own the same email server that is delivering my mail. The cloud apps I use are on my own servers, and my VPN connections are direct and never through the third party. Facebook obviously compromised all of that SECRETLY. :mad:


Well Known GateFan
..........And people have always asked why I have never, and never will, join Facebook.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
..........And people have always asked why I have never, and never will, join Facebook.

Im trying to Spock it out.....HOW did it connect my phone contacts with my Facebook friends? It would have to know their number wouldnt it? Did it download their picture onto my phone from Facebook? YES! It did. It also must know when I call them too...and how long and how often. :mad: If it knows that, then it also knows any other numbers I have attached to it or addresses and emails too. :icon_eek:

Facebook SUCKS. I will never join anything like it again, and that includes Google+

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
:eek: too????!!!!

I found a very easy app called, "PWNED" that facilitates uploading of your browsing history, medical records, car registration, insurance policies, school transcripts, scans of my passport and birth certificate and a convenient map to my home with a blueprint of the property. It was so smooth and painless I didn't even need lube.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I found a very easy app called, "PWNED" that facilitates uploading of your browsing history, medical records, car registration, insurance policies, school transcripts, scans of my passport and birth certificate and a convenient map to my home with a blueprint of the property. It was so smooth and painless I didn't even need lube.

My own creations...


Future Facebook profile "enhancements"?





What ship is this?
Staff member
Perhaps we need to design our own social networking platform.....:icon_e_surprised:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
We did.

It's called GateFans, and I was pleased to discover that it recognizes an individual's right to privacy.

Why did I not hear of this before? FOUR YEARS AGO? Facebook's Beacon ad system (of course, advertisers are always behind this clandestine stuff) is the early element of the intrusive nature of Facebook. This is a must read:


A Computer Associates security researcher is sounding the alarm that Facebook's controversial Beacon online ad system goes much further than anyone has imagined in tracking people's Web activities outside the popular social networking site.

Beacon will report back to Facebook on members' activities on third-party sites that participate in Beacon even if the users are logged off from Facebook and have declined having their activities broadcast to their Facebook friends.

That's the finding published on Friday by Stefan Berteau, senior research engineer at CA's Threat Research Group in a note summarizing tests he conducted.

Of particular concern is that users aren't informed that data on their activities at these sites is flowing back to Facebook, nor given the option to block that information from being transmitted, Berteau said in an interview.

"It can happen completely without their knowledge, unless they are examining their network traffic at a very low level," Berteau said.

So this is old news...but wait, now we have "ticker" which is even MORE intrusive and more widespread. Here is some more of that article:

In his note, titled "Facebook's Misrepresentation of Beacon's Threat to Privacy: Tracking users who opt out or are not logged in," he explains that he created an account on Conde Nast's food site, a site participating in Beacon, and saved three recipes as favorites.

He saved the first recipe while logged in to Facebook, and he opted out of having it broadcast to his friends on Facebook. He saved the second recipe after closing the Facebook window, but without logging off from Epicurious or ending the browser session, and again declined broadcasting it to his friends. Then he logged out of Facebook and saved the third recipe. This time, no Facebook alert appeared asking if he wanted the information displayed to his friends.

After checking his network traffic logs, Berteau saw that in all three cases, information about his activities was reported back to Facebook, although not to his friends. That information included where he was on Epicurious, the action he had just taken and his Facebook account name.

"The first two cases involve the transmission of user data despite 'No thanks' having been selected on the opt-out dialog, and are causes for deep concern. They pale, however, in comparison to the third case, where Facebook was receiving data about my online habits while I was not logged in, and was doing so silently, without even alerting me to the cross-site communication," he wrote in the research note.

If a user has ever checked the option for Facebook to "remember me" -- which saves the user from having to log on to the site upon every return to it -- Facebook can tie his activities on third-party Beacon sites directly to him, even if he's logged off and has opted out of the broadcast. If he has never chosen this option, the information still flows back to Facebook, although without it being tied to his Facebook ID, according to Berteau.

Berteau wasn't able to determine where this data flows to in Facebook. "That's part of the concern here," he said in the interview. He repeated the Epicurious experiment with, another Beacon-affiliated site, and got similar results.

Oh, and did I mention Facebook censorship? I just did. :biggrin:



My avatar speaks for itself.
BA HAHAHAHAHAHA! The part with the dad was TOO funny! I already feel the freedom. I never realized that the Facebook app was adding some of the pictures to my contacts on my phone. How did it do that if there is only a name in the contacts? How did it know that the name in my contact was also the same person on Facebook??? I dont even want to know. I feel comfort in the generic head that is now in their place. I removed all Facebook apps, deleted all the cookies, and I am SERIOUSLY thinking of wiping my entire computer and re-installing everything.

One of the reasons I run all my own stuff is because I want control over it. I own the same email server that is delivering my mail. The cloud apps I use are on my own servers, and my VPN connections are direct and never through the third party. Facebook obviously compromised all of that SECRETLY. :mad:
dude did you ever read the FB "terms and conditions for use"? there is a good South park episode about that aswell called humancentipad be sure to check it out ;)

anyway personally i ALLWAYS read those before agreeing to em as you never know WTH might be in there...


The Belle of the Ball
yeah, sure, and there's a bridge for sale....

And they admit it!

Facebook has admitted that it has been watching the web pages its members visit – even when they have logged out.
In its latest privacy blunder, the social networking site was forced to confirm that it has been constantly tracking its 750million users, even when they are using other sites.
The social networking giant says the huge privacy breach was simply a mistake - that software automatically downloaded to users' computers when they logged in to Facebook 'inadvertently' sent information to the company, whether or not they were logged in at the time.

Read more:

everyone who beleives it was a "mistake" raise your hands....:facepalm:


The Belle of the Ball